First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 776 Encirclement and suppression on four sides 4

Chapter 776 Encirclement on all sides 7
The voice was extremely flat, but full of sarcasm.

Since they dared to come, they still don't know what barriers there are in the black hell.

As soon as Yafei said this, the cracking sound of the clenched fist of the king of hell was already clearly audible.

The northwest corner is the entrance to their black hell.

It is also the exit of the black hell.

Helian Fengyun's eradication did not just eradicate their Bianhua.

And more importantly, cut off their retreat.

She, Helian Fengyun, blocked the door of his black hell.

Cracking his fists, the face of the King of Hell could no longer maintain that rampant calm.

The four corners of the black hell, east, west, south, and three directions have already been bombarded by Fengyun.

There is only one Bei left in his hands.

If he was attacked by Helian Fengyun, then his black hell would be like being surrounded and beaten by Helian Fengyun.

Damn, who is this woman helping her?
Those people's skills, those people are amazing.

It's as if it just popped out of nowhere.

Never seen it, never heard of it.

Who is this group of people?

"Helian Fengyun, I really underestimated you." The King of Hell stared at Fengyun.

Fengyun kept his head down and only looked at the chess pieces in his hand.

Hearing the words, he slowly raised his head, facing the gloomy expression of the King of Hell who turned from shame to anger, he said coldly: "Let it go, or not?"

The voice was cold, filled with a kind of determination.

"Let go? Don't even think about it." The king of hell shouted coldly.

"Okay." The King of Hell said, and Feng Yun answered a word coldly.

Then, without waiting for the King of Hell to answer, the black pawn in his hand fell all at once.

On the north corner of Black Hell.

There is the seventh floor of hell.

Although the seventh floor of the Black Hell is guarded in the north and belongs to the periphery, it is the central floor.

It serves as a link to other layers of hell.

If this layer is out of control, then the connection with other layers will be broken,

Therefore, this side has the most protection.

The array used is also the most powerful, and the guards are the most.

But at this time, Fengyun fell, and the whole chessboard shuddered, as if a layer of cold wind had blown, and the whole situation moved.

At the same moment, Yafei slowly raised his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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