Chapter 789 The Killing Move 4
The light and shadow flow, and the darkness is full.

The aura here has dropped to an unprecedented low.

Fengyun listened to the words, no one knew how much strength she had expended to turn her eyes away from Mu Huang and look at the King of Hell.

There was no sign of weakness on Su Sha's face, only determination: "Whether I'm really hard-hearted, you can see clearly."

The cold voice fell, and the chess piece that Feng Yun had been holding in his hand fell heavily on the chessboard.

"Boom." In an instant, there was a muffled loud noise erupting from all around the Black Hell.

Then, spiritual sparks of four colors whizzed up to the sky from all directions.

That is the power of Fengyun surrounded from four directions.

Accompanied by the flickering of fireworks.

One after another, dull explosions began to sound.

The edge of the chessboard in front of the King of Hell was spinning rapidly.

That is, some external forces have begun to invade the central position of the Black Hell.

Mermaid tribe, Bimon tribe, elf tribe, Qianyeli.

The four major besieging forces began to approach the center from all sides.

Fierce fighting resounded from any direction in the Black Hell.

Dark or light, you die or I live.

Here, the interpretation is vivid.

The King of Hell watched the movement on the chessboard and listened to the attack from a distance.

The book, which was still a little bit relaxed, was completely thrown away.

"Helian Fengyun, this deity really underestimated you, so heartless and heartless."

The king of hell looked at Fengyun, the light in his eyes made people shudder.

That voice was chillier than the ten thousand year ice in the third domain.

Didn't Helian Fengyun only love Nanyuan Muhuang in this life?
For him, can you even give up your life?
But today, now, what does this mean?
He didn't see Helian Fengyun's intention to soften his heart for Emperor Mu.

This Helian Fengyun really doesn't want that Nanyuan Muhuang's life?Is it really that decisive?

How could this woman be so heartless?Can you do it like this?

It is said that he is ruthless and ungrateful in the black hell, it seems that this is Helian Fengyun.

Hearing the chilling words of the King of Hell, Feng Yun sneered sarcastically: "King of Hell, everyone is not a child.

(End of this chapter)

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