Chapter 790 The Killing Move 5
Such a trick, I advise you to put it away as soon as possible, it is useless. "

Two categorical words are useless.

All room for maneuver was blocked.

Everyone is not a good person.

Today, if Helian Fengyun softened her hand, she would not be so cruel.

What Muhuang faced would only be worse than now.

She also has no chance, no ability to rescue him.

Hostage, she has seen too many in her previous life.

Too much care about the outcome of the hostages, only the existence of tearing up the ticket.

She doesn't bet that her opponent is kind, and she will let go when she gets what she wants.

She only knows how to give back to him in the body of the other.

Find out the enemy's weakness and give a deadly attack.

In that way, there is the best possibility of negotiation and the hope of survival.

The King of Hell listened to Fengyun's extremely cold words, and looked at Fengyun's insightful expression.

Understood, now I completely understand.

What he underestimated was not Fengyun's powerful backup, he underestimated Helian Fengyun.

He forced her with Muhuang, and she forced him with life and death in the black hell.

It is true that when you meet your opponent, you will meet a good talent.

"Haha." After taking a deep look at Fengyun, the King of Hell suddenly burst out laughing: "Okay, today we will see who can hold his breath more.

Whoever wins this game will have the last laugh. "

After finishing speaking, with a violent wave of his hand, the silver beam of light that bound Muhuang moved more and more towards the source of darkness.

The black silk thread began to wrap Muhuang from all directions.

Seen from a distance, Muhuang's body is black and red, extremely ferocious.

Feng Yun didn't deliberately lower his head, but followed Mu Huang's figure closely.

That clear love was expressed without any concealment.

At the same time, the piercing hatred and resolute ruthlessness are also revealed in the slightest.

If the king of hell dares to destroy Emperor Mu, she will destroy everything in the black hell, leaving no one in the whole region.

Black floats, light and shadows sparkle.

It is obviously the ultimate darkness, and it is obviously a pure color.

But it just gives people a feeling of flying light.

The power of darkness at the beginning of the creation of the world was extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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