Chapter 791 The Killing Move 6
And in this extraordinary, Mu Huang bit his lower lip firmly.

The pain on his body has already begun to mutate, not only for the skin, but also for the bone marrow and soul.

The feeling of life is weakening bit by bit.

The powerful oppression is constantly approaching.

Sweat, blood, can no longer describe his pain and injury at the moment.

This has surpassed everything that words can describe.

However, Muhuang didn't roar, moan, or go crazy.

There was no more resentment or dissatisfaction in the eyes that had been staring at Fengyun.

Although he didn't hear anything, he didn't see the surrounding situation either.

However, he knew, he understood that everything Fengyun did must be for him.

Even if, she is sitting there playing chess as steadily as Mount Tai, while he is here facing death.

Looking at each other's eyes, even though the sky is full of black air.

However, it couldn't hide the deep affection and trust without regret.

Enduring the huge pain, Mu Huang slowly drew the corners of his mouth and smiled at Fengyun.

Obviously so embarrassed, obviously so predicament.

But this smile was so warm that it moved people, and it was so bright that it made people want to cry.

"I love you." Silently opening the lips, just a single mouth shape, but it has surpassed thousands of mountains and rivers, and eternal reincarnation.

Fengyun took a deep breath for an instant, and the fingers gathered in the sleeve robe almost pinched into the palm of his hand.

But towards Muhuang's face, a smile was slowly outlined.

sweet and beautiful.

"I love you too."

The silence speaks.

The cold wind is wrinkling, and the world is dark.

Disha, who was standing far away on the roof of the bedroom, saw this scene, his heart was almost cut like a knife.

Under the tightly biting lips, drops of blood slowly seeped out.

Slipping down, dripping into the dust.

It was full of wounds, full of hatred.

But more is also full of love and pain.

The shuddering wind blew through his hair and clothes, only lifting up endless wounds.

Entering the door of my lovesickness, you will know that lovesickness is painful, long lovesickness is long lovesickness, short lovesickness is infinite.

I knew it was so confusing, why didn't I know each other at the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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