First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 796 How Much Love Hurts 2

Chapter 796 How Much Love Hurts 2

Yafei didn't want to persuade, but...

"Suddenly, my Fengyun is not so indecisive." And just before Yafei's voice fell, a voice suddenly appeared in Fengyun's ear.

That was Mu Huang's voice.

Fengyun was shocked when he heard the words, and raised his head.

Right in front of her, right within her reach.

The transparent Muhuang just stood in front of her, his arrogance remained the same, and his arrogance remained undiminished.

The determination on the face, the smile and love in the eyes, bloomed clearly in front of her eyes.

Muhuang?how so?She is dazzled?

Feng Yun looked at Mu Huang who was close at hand, his face was full of shock.

After a while, Fang came back to his senses, and quickly raised his head to glance at Mu Huang who was at the source of darkness in the distance.

The embarrassed Mu Huang was still there.

With his eyes closed tightly, his whole body was covered by the black smoke.

Now, almost, almost can't feel his breath.

At the same time, neither the king of hell facing her nor Ya Fei behind her responded. What does this mean?
Is it, is it...

Fengyun was shocked instantly, his whole body almost trembled.

Instead of allowing her to turn pale with shock, Mu Huang, who was completely transparent and didn't know what state he was in, smiled slowly at Fengyun: "I'm fine, I'm not afraid."

While speaking, he stretched out his hand to cover the back of her hand.

Obviously there is no temperature, no weight, but it is hot and heart-warming, thick and calming.

A person who feels that Muhuang is not like a real body, but seems like a real one.

Only then did Fengyun heave a sigh of relief from his horror, and he heard clearly that this was telepathy, this...

"Why is that so?" Feng Yun raised his head and stared at Mu Huang closely.

Mu Huang looked at Feng Yun with a smile: "As long as you think about it, there is nothing you can't do."

After saying a word, Muhuang slowly took Fengyun's hand, and also held the chess piece, and dropped it on the chessboard.

"My Fengyun is not that weak guy. I will never show mercy to this old man."

Mu Huang's voice was full of determination.

"But you..."

"Then you're afraid?" Before Feng Yun could finish speaking, Mu Huang interrupted directly.

(End of this chapter)

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