First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 797 How Much Love Hurts 3

Chapter 797 How Much Love Hurts 3
Feng Yun looked at Mu Huang who was looking sideways at her.

Looking at the fortitude and stubbornness in Mu Huang's eyes, he also saw the ruthlessness and determination inside, and...

She got it, she got it.

"Not afraid." Feng Yun cracked a smile and replied to Mu Huang.

"That's right." Mu Huang lowered his head and kissed Feng Yun's face lightly.

It's as soft as the wind, and you can't feel any existence.

However, he is so real.

I'm afraid, he doesn't have this word in Muhuang's dictionary.

Just like what Fengyun dropped.

Even if the king of hell jumps over the wall in a hurry and destroys him, and he is buried with everyone in the black hell, he will still make money.

The king of hell is willing to give up even Di Sha and himself, so why is he not willing.

Having said that, Fengyun will come to accompany him, right?

He got a good deal.

What's more, what can't be broken can't be built, who knows what kind of new state the rainbow will be after the storm.

The heaviness that had been lingering between the eyebrows slowly disappeared, and Feng Yun's face showed a sense of relief.

Light as wind, soft as water, but it is truly invincible.

Love is stronger than gold, and behind her is the absolute support of Emperor Mu.

The King of Hell, who had been looking at Fengyun, frowned when he saw this.

Obviously just now he was so hesitant and hesitant.

Why in such an instant, he smiled foolishly towards the place where there was no one else.

The breath around him completely settled down.

Has it become a calm, sudden, truly powerful aura from the bottom of my heart?

Just as the King of Hell was astonished, Fengyun smiled, and the chess piece in his hand slowly but firmly fell towards the chessboard.

"Bang." There was a slight touch, and there was no turning back.

"Papapa..." As Fengyun settled down, there was a sudden papa sound in the square space, it was a commanding voice.

And with the sound of this voice, the already strong murderous aura in the distance became more and more murderous.

The spiritual power of all colors, which was no longer covered, surged out.

Blooming toward the entire black hell.

The light flowed, and the air waves were monstrous.

"Boom, boom, boom..." In this stormy sky, looking for the breath of Ya Fei, the major forces besieged from all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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