First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 802 How Much Love Hurts 8

Chapter 802 How Much Love Hurts 8
That kind of determination and stillness, what kind of strong love is needed behind it, to be like this.

Di Sha didn't want to believe this, but...

"Let it go, let it go..."

On the Qiong Tower, Disha slowly closed his eyes, his tone full of sadness after unwillingness.

No tears, tears have been shed.

But why is that heart so painful, so painful.

"Disha." The king of hell didn't expect that Disha would come out to intercede, and let him let Muhuang go, which is unbelievable.

Is that his indomitable son?

Is that his son who overlooks all beings?
Without looking at the King of Hell, Disha flew down Qionglou, heading towards the source of darkness.

If Emperor Mu is sucked in a little bit and enters the center of the source of darkness, even the gods will not be able to save him.

The King of Hell watched Di Sha's back as he was heading towards Mu Huang.

Looking at the person who is so deeply in love and so proud, but at this moment, his whole body is full of sadness and depression.

But he still wants to rescue and release his enemies.

The King of Hell instantly felt his heart tighten.

No, it can't be like this, absolutely don't let it go.

Jun Muxi, whom he met by chance when he left the pass, fell in love with Emperor Nanyuan.

Would rather die than be with him.

Could it be that his son was also defeated by Emperor Nanyuan today?
No, never, never.

"Roar..." The excited emotions scattered wildly in an instant, and the king of hell suddenly raised his head and let out a long roar, and swung his hand down violently.

"Emperor Nanyuan, you will die for this deity."

Amidst the violent roar, the huge pillar of dark energy suddenly branched out, and with the power of nine lightning strikes, it slashed down through the air and hit Muhuang directly.

That powerful aura brought up a monstrous black air, full of murderous aura.

All the faces of the people in the four directions changed drastically in an instant.

"No..." Xiao Shi, Golden Lion, Xiao Jiang... and other masters rushed straight away in horror.

The power of the source of darkness requires the joint efforts of several survivors to suppress its power.

If so, give Mu Huang a blow.

Even if Muhuang's body is made of steel and iron, he will definitely...

When the beacon smoke rises, the slightest shudder is astonishing.

However, Xiangjiang and the others are fast, and the power of the dark source mobilized according to the will of the king of hell is even faster.

In an instant, he arrived in front of Emperor Mu, and hit him hard.

"Emperor Mu..."

"don't want……"

"Do not……"

(End of this chapter)

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