First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 803 How Much Love Hurts 9

Chapter 803 How Much Love Hurts 9
The people, who were extremely fast but out of reach, could only watch helplessly as the power of the source of darkness was heading towards Muhuang, but they were unable to help.

Can't help one by one almost urgent blood rush.

However, at this moment of lightning and flint, a figure quickly stopped in front of Mu Huang.

The tips of her hair fluttered, her face was wild, but she was full of resentment.

It's not who Di Sha is.

At this time, he was the closest one to Mu Huang.

"Disha..." Ben's smug smile instantly froze on his face, and the king of hell roared at Disha almost like crazy.

how come?how come……

Li Jiang and the others who came rushing here were all startled when they saw this.

Disha, who is this Disha?

Disha looked at the source of darkness roaring towards him, lowered his head and his eyes were still locked on Fengyun.

He didn't want to save him, he really didn't want to.

However, without Muhuang Fengyun, he would be gone, and he couldn't bear it.

Really... I can't bear to...

"Back away quickly..." The hair tip of the king of hell exploded at this moment, trying desperately to reverse the source of darkness.

But that was his total attack, where can...

Di Sha turned a deaf ear to the roar of the King of Hell, and just stared at Feng Yun steadfastly.

It seems to engrave Fengyun deeply in my heart and soul at a glance.

Take her with you forever.

"Crazy." Seeing such a scene, Mu Huang, who had been standing beside Feng Yun, let out a rare sigh, and then disappeared in an instant.

And Fengyun obviously never expected Di Sha to be like this.

After being taken aback for a moment, he raised his head and met Disha's eyes tightly.

The madness in those eyes, that crazy love, that desperate sadness...

Such strong emotions make people...

Fengyun took a deep breath and sighed softly.

Immediately afterwards, the green light on Feng Yun's body suddenly moved, which was the price of burning with the power of the soul.

"Fengyun, what are you doing?" Ya Fei, who was closest to Fengyun, immediately noticed it, couldn't help but roared, and stretched out his hand to grab Fengyun.

But before his hand touched Fengyun, Fengyun's figure suddenly disappeared there.

The shadows flew, and the source of darkness flew towards Disha.

"Boom." There was only a loud, earth-shattering sound, and the source of darkness slammed onto the sky.

Brilliant black splashes, like streamers flying.

"Fengyun... ah..."

And after the flowing light flew, Di Sha's eyes were so red that he hugged Feng Yun who was slowly falling.

"I can't owe you anymore..."

Flying smoke, how hurt the word love is.

(End of this chapter)

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