First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 806 Dance of the Holy Light 3

Chapter 806 Dance of the Holy Light 3
"Stop him quickly, hurry up..." The crazy roar resounded through the sky, filled with panic.

"Jointly suppress, fast."

Ya Fei rushed forward, but couldn't get into the center of the vortex of increasingly crazy choices, and shouted with a serious face when he saw this.

The source of darkness is out of control, and the world is bound to be in chaos.

This is why he is pressing hard on the king of hell.

But always leave the last room for behavior.

"Quick, quick..." Hearing that Lijiang Modi Bimeng and other leaders shouted immediately, all kinds of spiritual power rushed out quickly.

Immediately, with Emperor Sha and Fengyun Muhuang as the center.

A formation of pentagrams quickly condensed in midair.

It was the spiritual power of several survivors who used their own mutual generation and restraint to suppress the crazy fluctuations of the source of darkness.

"No, it's still not good, I can't get close..."

"Yunyun, Yunyun..."

The voices of the golden lion and Xiao Shi kept ringing.

Can't get close to Fengyun, they can't get close.

With the source of darkness, Disha completely locked Fengyun and him.

Isolate all living breath, isolate all external fluctuations.

This emperor is going crazy.

Holding Fengyun tightly, Di Sha looked down at Fengyun whose life force was rapidly disappearing in his arms, his eyes were full of madness.

If you can't sleep together in life, you can share the same acupuncture point in death.

On his handsome face full of dark and mysterious atmosphere, Di Sha slowly smiled.

There was bitterness in that smile, but also sweetness.

The soft voice passed with the wind: "Fengyun, you can't avoid me this time, I will definitely be with you, but I know you like that guy.

I'll bring him with you too, so I can't let you blame me for this. "

In the soft voice, Di Sha slowly turned his head and looked at Mu Huang.

Just bring Muhuang with you, so that Fengyun won't be unhappy in the future.

In an instant, the crazily spinning source of darkness, in the sight of Di Sha, immediately opened up, revealing Mu Huang who was completely wrapped inside.

Her hair was flying and her expression was like ice.

A ball of white light tightly wrapped Muhuang, like a chrysalis in the dark.

This is?Emperor Mu, this is...

Yafei and the others in horror glanced at it and were stunned again.

(End of this chapter)

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