First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 807 Dance of the Holy Light 4

Chapter 807 Dance of the Holy Light 4
What did Emperor Mu do?Breaking out of a cocoon and becoming a butterfly, has it mutated?
And just as everyone was stunned for a moment, the white chrysalis suddenly burst out with a loud bang.

Immediately afterwards, white radiance flooded out.

Just like the rising sun breaking through the horizon, supreme light emerges from the darkness.

Dazzling everyone's eyes, covering all the dark limelight.

"Hmm..." Immediately, all the people who got close turned their heads involuntarily.

The dazzling white light was too dazzling, even they couldn't bear it.

The ground is covered with white light, and the red lotus is in full bloom.

In the white light that covered the sky and the sun, a red and white lotus flower slowly bloomed in the light curtain.

Petal by petal, a white halo dances around it.

It seems that there are countless rays of light dancing lightly.

sacred and inviolable.

The red lotus is in full bloom, and the holy light is dancing.

On the lotus platform in the center, a person stands proudly alone, with long black hair flying in the air, hunting and hunting.

The black and white robes are dancing with halos on them, and the insolence of gilt seals is engraved, and the king is everywhere in the white light.

The handsome appearance is still the same, but the brilliance is even worse.

If the former Muhuang was a sword drawn out of its sheath, then now, he is a spear sharpened again.

King of soldiers.

In the center of the tightly closed brows, a mark of holy light shone brightly.

Wherever it passes, the dark source of darkness has to avoid its edge.

"Huh..." Just as the holy light was dancing and the king came to the world, Mu Huang, who had his eyes closed, suddenly raised his head and let out a long cry, and opened his eyes abruptly.

As deep as the sky, as vast as the universe.

Sharp as a sword, sharp as a knife, and chilling as ice.

The black and white gilded robe was violently swayed by the wind, and a white light that was stronger than before roared out, covering the world in an instant.

The rays of light flowed, and the traces of light danced in the sky, turning in circles, covering the vastness.

Wherever it passed, the source of darkness that was out of control was firmly pulled back.

White and black, light and darkness, complement each other, but also complement each other.

For a moment, I saw the dark breath and white daylight all over the sky, colliding with each other in the sky, restraining each other, and destroying each other.

(End of this chapter)

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