Chapter 813
"I love you."

"I love you too."

The strong power of the holy light, although suppressed by Yafei, is still not something that Fengyun can bear.

The colorful traces passed through Fengyun's arm and began to spread towards her whole body.

However, Fengyun and Muhuang didn't seem to see it, they just held each other's hands tightly, and the eyes were full of love, and they held their hands to look.

Snowflakes drifted across the sky outside and fell slowly.

The originally holy white color is extremely eye-catching and ugly at this time.

"Bang." Hai Long in the palace couldn't help it, kicked open the palace door with a bang and rushed out.

The atmosphere was too overwhelming, too overwhelming.

Even if he had a heart as hard as stone, he couldn't bear it.

"Damn it, damn it..." Immediately afterwards, the white shark also stomped its feet fiercely and rushed out.

He couldn't take it anymore.

He ignored Hai Long, Bai Sha and the others, or in other words, Feng Yun and Mu Huang only had each other in their eyes at this time, only each other.

Feng Yun held Mu Huang's hand, pulled it over, and gently rubbed against her face.

Then softly said: "Pull the snack out."

As soon as these words fell, Xiao Shi, who had been crying beside her all the time, was out of breath, but was firmly covered by the golden lion, preventing her from giving birth to Xiao Shi, who exploded in an instant.

"No, who is allowed to pull me out, who is allowed to pull me out, who is allowed, I am not allowed, don't even think about it, don't think about it."

After the manic words fell, Xiao Shi broke free from the golden lion's paw and was about to pounce on Feng Yun.

It and Fengyun are one, she lives it lives, she dies it dies.

And now Fengyun wants Muhuang to pull it out of her body.

Doesn't that mean breaking the contract between them and asking it to be the only child.

No, you can't, you can't.

"Okay." Muhuang looked at Fengyun and nodded with a smile.

As soon as he answered, Yafei who was beside him immediately waved his hand, grabbed the snack that flung back on Chao Fengyun's body, and stuffed it to Xiaojiang.

"Yunyun, no..."

"Don't make trouble."

Before he finished struggling, Xiaojiang covered its mouth.

"I'm helping you terminate the contract with Xiao Jinjin, okay?" Seeing the gratified smile on Feng Yun's face, Mu Huang said slowly.

"Okay." Feng Yun blinked his eyes to agree.

(End of this chapter)

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