Chapter 814
Hearing this, the golden lion's body shook slightly, and its paws clenched tightly.

This is to set them all free.

This situation... this Emperor Mu...

The snow wind was blowing, and the air pressure in the dormitory instantly became frighteningly low.

Feng Yunao and Qianyeli couldn't bear to see them turn their heads and clenched their teeth.

Qianyelan had tears streaming down her face a long time ago, but she clung to it tightly and did not make a sound.

As for Helian Fenglei outside the hall, Helian Fenglei, Fengyun's parents and others, they had already cried into a ball, but they could only be deeply depressed, not daring to disturb Fengyun.

Looking up with a smile, Mu Huang stretched out his hand to Fengyun on the bed, and hugged Fengyun fiercely: "I will take you to a place, we have never been there."

"Okay." Feng Yun nodded with a smile on hearing the words, and leaned comfortably in Mu Huang's arms.

The premise is not to look at Muhuang's body that withers quickly when he gets close to it.

Seeing that Fengyun agreed, Mu Huang immediately picked up Fengyun and left.

Ya Fei who was on the side immediately followed up, trying his best to suppress the aura of light on Mu Huang's body.

The snow is flying, holy and unparalleled.

Flying down from the sky, the whole world is pure white.

Qianyeli and Feng Yunao followed behind Muhuang and his party, stretching out their hands slightly to block the falling snowflakes for Fengyun.

The light curtain flowed, crystal clear.

"It's very beautiful." Fengyun looked at the snowflakes flying around her, but couldn't get close to her body.

"There are better looking ones." Emperor Mu kissed Fengyun.

Then he turned his head and blew towards the sky.

Immediately, countless lights and shadows danced in the sky.

The colorful light turned into strands, wisps, changing countless patterns in the sky.

Dancing butterflies, elegant birds, and flowers in various poses.

Lingering with the snow-colored snowflakes, an alternative brilliance blooms in the sky.

Eye-catching and beautiful.

"So it can be used like this." Seeing this, Fengyun narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly.

"The dance of the holy light is to benefit all the light between the heaven and the earth for his own use." Seeing Feng Yun laughing, Mu Huang also twitched the corner of his mouth and explained.

But they didn't stop for a moment, heading towards the depths of the imperial palace, a place they had never been to before.

(End of this chapter)

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