Chapter 815
"Where is the emperor taking the empress?"

"do not know……"

"Here, what's the situation, is the Empress okay?"

"This, this direction..."

Along the way, countless high-ranking officials of Nanyuan saw this, but while avoiding it as a courtesy, they said in surprise.

All kinds of speculation danced in the air.

But it didn't affect Muhuang's steps, and continued to move forward firmly.

"Emperor." Moheli, who heard the movement and ran over, saw the direction Muhuang was walking and the position he was advancing, and his expression changed instantly.

That direction, that position, is...

No, no, how could their emperor go there?

This... what's going on here?Could it be that the Empress...

Moheli became anxious after a moment, and rushed towards Emperor Mu without even thinking about it: "Dijun, you can't..."

The anxious words were only halfway out of his mouth, and Mahali swallowed the rest of the words fiercely.

Because, Muhuang glanced at him.

Fluttering. , looked at him as if there was nothing to focus on.

However, that one glance is enough, too many emotions have surrounded it.

People were startled, panicked, and stopped.

No more, no more, no more, no words to stop.

"En? I have a question... a question..." Feng Yun blinked and looked at Mu Huang.

Emperor Mu lowered his head to look at Fengyun, and pressed a kiss on Fengyun's forehead: "You're a servant."

Fengyun's hearing is not very good at this time, and he really thinks that he is a poor listener when he hears the words hazily.

At the moment, he nodded and stopped talking.

Holding Fengyun in his arms, Emperor Mu walked unswervingly towards the depths of the imperial palace.

But Feng Yunao and Qianyeli who were following behind him could hear the clue.

Nanyuan, Tianqiong, Starfield, and the three imperial kingdoms all have an existence that only emperors can enter.

What's there, they know.

Emperor Mu, the place to go...

Looking at each other, Feng Yunao and Qianyeli only saw sadness and a kind of shock in each other's eyes.

Going up to the poor and down to the underworld, never let go, never walk alone.

"Why did this happen? Why did this happen?" Qian Yelan, who stumbled behind them, was choked up and could barely speak.

(End of this chapter)

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