Chapter 825 Are You Late
"Could you be more specific?" Modi was confused, but felt that what the golden lion said had a lot to do with them.

"Yes." Shao Jiang also turned to look at the golden lion.

It was a feeling, an indescribable feeling.

He obviously didn't feel anything, but in his heart he felt that he had something to do with them.

Too contradictory and too creepy.

The golden lion looked down at Modi Xiangjiang and the others, and frowned.

While it was wrinkling its face, Ya Fei suddenly opened his mouth and said to Mu Huang: "Is it to plant that mysterious power in Feng Yun's body?"

Mu Huang's brows were also darker at this time, and he didn't speak when he heard the words, but just nodded.

Yafei suddenly became serious.

How Fengyun was invaded by that weird spiritual power, he knew quite clearly.

Just that puff of smoke.

It took them so much effort.

The wood heart of their elves, the grass soul of the mermaids, and the flower spirit that is currently unknown.

It takes so many things to unravel the mysterious power.

Now, is the base camp coming?
"Drink..." At the moment when Ya Fei sternly lowered his face, the leader of the Bimon tribe who had never spoken on the periphery suddenly roared in a low voice.

The tall body shook violently.

"What's wrong?" Qianyelan said immediately, being the most sensitive.

"There is a force breaking through from us." The leader of the Bimon tribe's face sank.

Just now, she felt an indescribable force breaking through from her sphere of influence.

"Breakthrough?" Ya Fei's face became more serious in an instant.

And Modi, Xiang Jiang, and others who heard the words of the leader of the Bimon tribe immediately sank.

Looking at each other, the expressions of several people are more cautious than before.

"What do you mean by plane?" Just as he was being cautious, Mu Huang, who had been pondering all this time, suddenly looked at the golden lion.

Plane, what is that?
Breaking through the plane, what does this mean?
To understand the enemy you are facing, you must first understand everything about the opponent.

You cannot fight a completely confused battle.

The golden lion frowned and glanced at Mu Huang.

(End of this chapter)

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