Chapter 826 Are You Late 2
Since it was released at the beginning, it knew that sooner or later its opponent would come over, it was only a matter of time.

Now, it seems that it is time to let Muhuang and the others know everything.

Because it seems that its opponent is no longer just targeting it.

"I want to know who is behind you manipulating that dark force? I want to know who wants to catch you all?
Wondering who wants to control this side?Wondering what you're up against? "

Four consecutive words of thought were heard in the ears of Yafei Xiangjiang and others.

Suddenly, besides being creepy, it was more of a kind of shock.

Manipulating their backs, framing their survivors, and inciting them to kill each other.

These things they had discussed in the fantasy sea.

It must be that there is a force behind it, who wants to seize this world, and wants to be the king here.

That's why they were designed so carefully.

It started thousands of years ago.

However, no matter how they negotiated, they could not get specific design objects and materials.

Because, this continent is definitely their world.

They are sure that there is no force that exists where they do not know.

Unless, they come from another space, another universe.

And at this time, I heard the golden lion ask.

Modi and the others immediately knew that something was about to come out.

"you say……"


The anxious Lijiang spoke, and several auras rushed out from the sky far away.

Hovering in the sky for a while, disappearing into the sky.

Ordinary people couldn't notice it at all, even Feng Yunao and Qianyeli didn't feel any abnormalities.

However, Muhuang, Yafei, Lijiang, Modi, and the leader of the Bimon tribe felt it.

Immediately, the complexions of several people became more and more gloomy.

"Not good, the whole plane has fluctuated." Seeing this, the golden lion's brows became serious.

"How?" Mu Huang responded the fastest.

"Say it quickly." Ya Fei, Li Jiang and others were not slow to respond.

The golden lion knew the priority of the matter, and immediately shouted: "The place where the breath bursts out is the weakest part of the plane.

(End of this chapter)

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