Chapter 314 Auction 4
Su Yuci, who has never been really angry, is angry. Yes, you can confront her openly, even if you invite a master to challenge her, she will agree, but she hates, hates those who have used dirty tricks Shameless people who hurt people!Because this will put her and those who follow her in danger!
She was disgusted, took the medicine, and hated people who used scheming, and with a slight force, the aorta on the shopkeeper's neck was cut, and bright red blood splashed on her face, just like Shura's cruel and cruel expression, the shopkeeper opened his eyes wide and couldn't stop. Without a word, he died.

Su Yuci shook his hand, the shopkeeper fell to the ground, wiped off the blood on his face, happened to see the ring in the shopkeeper's hand, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then take the Nana ring for your own use, the auction, isn't it asking for money?Then how can you not want the money delivered to your door?When I entered the ring, I didn't expect that there was so much money in it. Of course, there was only one card in it, called Soul Gold Card. It was like a modern bank card. It was convenient and easy to use. It actually contained more than 1000 million yuan. I don't know the shopkeeper. How much stealing, how much swindling and abduction, how many outrageous things have been done to get so much money!

Haha, can she narcissistically think that she is really killing people in name?
Su Yuci burned the corpses of those people, and incinerated the three corpses in Yu Jianfeng's room by the way. After doing all this, he wanted to move Yu Jianfeng back to his room, but Suyu Ci gave up.

"Oh my god, is it that heavy? It's like a heavy stone!" Su Yuci angrily dragged him onto the chair.

One more thing, that rosemary is amazing, Su Xin, Xiaobai also inhaled rosemary, so Yu Jianfeng waited for others to sleep for a day and a night, and finally woke up during today's auction!
And when Yu Jianfeng woke up, he forgot what happened the night before, and was so entangled that he got drunk and broke into Su Yuci's room from time to time?

Su Yuci shook his head, and he asked if he was sleepwalking, Su Yuci shook his head.

Seeing his tangled look, Su Yuci finally couldn't help laughing and told him what happened that night.

Xiao Bai listened to it and said angrily: "Dare to attack my master, this is the preparation to go to hell..."

There was already a sea of ​​people in front of the gate of Fengxing Pavilion, waiting to enter the arena one by one, some were fighting for the Sword of Tears of the Moon, and some just wanted to see what a Horcrux-level sword looked like.

Su Yuci pulled Su Xin to follow behind Yu Jianfeng, who resisted the crowd for the two of them, until the two gate guards checked Su Yuci, and then Su Yuci took out the card that Tuo Bacheng gave her, then The person took a look, and squeezed out a smile from the original expressionless face: "Three Your Excellencies, please!"

Then someone led them in.

The layout inside the Fengxing Pavilion is very simple, but it reveals the grandeur in the simplicity. There is a red square platform in the center of the gate, below is the seat for the guests, and on the second floor is a box, which is prepared for the VIP to sit, surrounded by Around the square platform, it happened to be able to clearly see the things under the square platform.

The male waiter of Fengxing Pavilion took Su Yuci and the three of them up to the second floor, and by chance, they ran into Na Danjin again.

Dan Jin was still dressed in a white robe, not only was Dan Ming beside him, but also accompanied by a group of guards, what a big show.

(End of this chapter)

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