Chapter 315 Auction 5
Su Yuci originally thought that Dan Jin would rush forward when he saw her, but Dan Jin didn't. He just glanced at her with murderous eyes, and then followed the male waiter who led them into the box.

What's more, Su Yuci's box is next door to them!

The box is naturally better than the hall, there are tables, food and wine!

"Your Excellencies, if you take an item, we will have someone present it to you. You can pay at that time, but if you don't have enough money to pay after you take the picture, you will be guilty. We need Fengxing The leader of the pavilion will deal with it, I hope you will know!" After speaking, he waited for Su Yuci to nod before leaving.

Seeing that there was wine, Yu Jianfeng had already started to drink it.

Xiaobai nestled in Su Xin's arms and stared at the wine angrily, if it wasn't for the wine, it would have been so miserable!

About an hour after Su Yuci and the others sat down, a crisp sound attracted everyone's attention.

Immediately, a woman wearing a red cheongsam walked up the square platform, her arms were exposed like snow, and the preserved snow on her chest trembled slightly, which was very attractive. Her slender legs were exposed on the right side of the cheongsam, and with every step of her slender waist, she walked up to the platform. Every step is so charming and moving, it makes people's blood spurt.

With a wisp of bangs hanging down from the beautiful face and a just right smile, evil fire sprang from the lower abdomen of the hooked men, wishing to pounce on the beauty in front of them.

Such an auction will never be boring!Su Yuci thought with a smile in his eyes.

This is really the reason why Tuobacheng can guard this city. It can be seen that his business mind is not bad at all, and he knows how to use women to trap men's hearts. Spend the money to buy an entry ticket.

At this time, the woman in red smiled and said: "Thank you for coming to the Fengxing Pavilion auction. My name is Anmei. Next, I will introduce the items to be auctioned for you."

The voice was soft, with a hint of bewitchment, most of the men almost wanted to spray their nosebleeds.

At this time, Yu Jianfeng said lightly: "She is not human!"

Su Yuci, who just took a sip of rescue, almost spit out the wine from his mouth, isn't it human?
Seeing Su Yuci excited, Yu Jianfeng smiled and said: "She is a vixen."

"Pfft." Su Yuci finally couldn't help spilling the wine in his mouth on Yu Jianfeng's face this time.

Brother Yu, it’s fine if you don’t like women, and you also said that the big beauty is a vixen, if you are heard by that beauty, you will be squeezed to death by the two big tits on her chest.

Yu Jianfeng angrily wiped away the wine that Su Yuci sprayed on his face: "She is a monster, a soul beast, why are you so excited!"

Hearing Yu Jianfeng's words, Su Yuci calmed down, and then was frightened again, soul beast!There are soul beasts in such a place, no wonder, no wonder the chaos of going back to the city can also gain a foothold here, having a soul beast can simply resist the magic saint, it can't be the contracted beast that expands the journey, right?It shouldn't be, how could it be possible to contract a monster of the soul beast level without the magic saint level!

"Hey, brother Yu, how can you tell that she belongs to a vixen?" The woman in front of her has black hair and black eyes, she doesn't look like a monster at all.

Yu Jianfeng pointed to his nose and said: "My nose is very good and I can smell the same smell on her body as it does!" As he spoke, he pointed his finger at Xiaobai who was lying in Su Xin's arms.

Xiaobai's aunt came recently, and he was very upset and said: "She is a mother, and I am a male, which is different!"

(End of this chapter)

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