Chapter 51 The Bold 3
"Su Yuci, she, she is in the World of Warcraft Forest, I don't know if she has come out now..." the guard replied.

The angry eyes looked at the guard with sparks and said: "Useless trash, what am I raising you for!" After speaking, with a wave of his hand, a wind blade slashed towards the guard's neck, and the guard fell down immediately On the ground, bright red blood flowed from his neck.

The people present couldn't help jumping in their hearts when they saw it, and subconsciously took a few steps back, fearing that they would be the ones Su Han would kill in the next second.

"Father, don't be angry. Killing them won't help. Let me investigate this matter to see what's going on!" At this time, Su Chen stepped forward and said.

Staring coldly at the people present, everyone quickly lowered their heads, and Su Hansheng snorted coldly: "Then I will leave this matter to you, and you must catch that little bitch Su Yuci back." !"

"It's father!"

"What are you still doing here, Su Guanfu, go to the coffin shop and buy the best coffin!" Su Hansheng said to the housekeeper.

The butler quickly responded, and then left. Seeing that Su Hansheng chased them away, the others breathed a sigh of relief, and retreated quickly, leaving only Su Chen Suya and the others behind.

"Uncle, now Su Yuci is a member of the mercenary union, maybe go to the mercenary union to inquire and maybe there will be clues!" Suya said.

Su Hansheng looked at them, as if he had suddenly aged ten years. How could he say that he lost a pair of children in just two or three days, how could he not be in pain?

"Chen'er, Suya, let's go find Su Yuci together. I'm tired, so I'll go back to my room first!" After speaking, Su Hansheng walked away with heavy steps.

After Su Hansheng left, Suya spoke again: "Cousin, Cousin Luo, and Cousin Heluo have become like this, you must help them take revenge!"

Su Chen glanced at Su Ya, a gleam flashed in her eyes and said coldly: "Tell me everything about the past few days without missing a word. If there is a lie, you will know the consequences!"

Hearing what Su Chen said, Su Ya couldn't help feeling uneasy in her heart, but she calmed down immediately, she didn't do this by herself!They all have a share!

"Brother Chen, this matter started four days ago. Not long after you left, a letter came from the headquarters of the Su family in the imperial capital. In the letter, sister Miao Ting said that we should kill Su Yuci, so I , cousin Suluo, Suqing, and cousin Suluo killed Suyuci, but she didn't expect her life to be so hard that she didn't die, and suddenly became very powerful, and when she came back, she killed cousin Luo , Cousin Luo was very angry and wanted to take revenge, but she never thought that her cousin would also be murdered by her..."

Suya recounted what happened these days carefully, and added a few vicious words to Su Yuci when she mentioned Su Yuci. She was afraid that Su Chen would not believe her, so she hurriedly sent the letter from the imperial capital as well. Show it to Su Chen!
She always knew that her big cousin was not as impulsive and idiotic as Pixel Luo and Su Luo.

Su Chen looked at the letter with a gloomy face, the seal inside was indeed the seal of the headquarters, there was nothing wrong with that!After reading the letter, I glanced at Suya and Suqing, and then said: "The beast tide will end tomorrow, Suya, Suqing, you should take some people to the edge of the monster to investigate the situation first, if you have news of Suyuci, don't talk to me." She has a direct conflict, notify me immediately!"

"Yes, cousin!" A trace of coldness flashed in Suya's eyes, and she quickly left with Suqing.

(End of this chapter)

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