Chapter 532 Death Pursuit 2
"I'll run with you on my back!" Su Yuci said, her weak body wanted to carry Yan Meiji, who was a head taller than her, on her back.

Yan Meiji's eyes were slightly moist, and her nose was slightly sore. No one, no one has ever treated her so well, especially this one who only spent one day with her!
"I, I can hold on for a while!" Yan Meiji whispered, her voice was tired and weak.

"I know you can hold on for a while, but you will faint, and I don't want you to die!" Su Yuci refused her words, she could resist the attack for her without hesitation, how could she ignore her ?
Although it was just a friend she had just met, although she was on guard against her, from the moment she resisted the attack for her without hesitation, she had already regarded her as a friend, not everyone can do this , Fend off danger for a new acquaintance!

Qi Gongluo was not moved, he could only recite Su Yu Ci, and he couldn't recite other women, so he didn't say a word.

At this moment, Mu Xingfeng said: "Yuci, let me do it. I'm a man, and it's not too hard to be alone. If I drag you down, the blood butterfly will catch up again!"

"That's good! You come!" Su Yuci said bluntly.

Mu Xingfeng nodded, walked up to Yan Meiji and put her behind him.

"Thank you, Mr. Mu." Yan Meiji was moved.

"Miss Yan, you are welcome, helping each other is a virtue of being a human being!" Mu Xingfeng smiled lightly, but looked at Qi Gongluo intentionally!
Qi Gongluo's face was light, and he said: "Since this is the case, let's go!"


Just when everyone started to flee, the blood butterflies appeared in everyone's eyes again. Although the number was not as large as before, it was still densely packed, and it looked promising!

"You can't go forward anymore, there is danger ahead!" Yan Meiji said decisively with her natural sense of danger.

She can't let these people who are her companions be in danger, even if they don't believe her, she still has to stop them from moving forward.

"What should I do? Is there danger ahead?" Gong Yuting asked.

"There are wolves in the front and tigers in the back, so let's fight to the death!" Su Yuci said.

Yan Meiji didn't expect that they would believe what she said, and they believed her like this without seeing the situation before. It felt so good to be believed for the first time!What she said before was taken as a joke. They only said that she was timid and fearful, which made her think that she was really timid and fearful. Their trust gave her a little confidence.

"Go that way, the monster's aura over there is relatively weak!" Yan Meiji immediately opened her mouth to point the way.

"Okay, let's go there!" Su Yuci said without hesitation.

Everyone ran towards the woods on the right.

The faint moonlight shone on the leaves, but failed to penetrate the leaves, illuminating the road for the five people running ahead. The front was pitch black, and a few monsters appeared from time to time to block the way, and the blood butterflies behind them seemed to be attached to bones. Like a maggot, keep chasing after him!

Suddenly, a small river appeared in front of it. The opposite side of the small river was not a towering giant tree, but many flowers. The flowers were huge, beautiful, and exuded a faint fragrance of flowers. They were quietly bathed in the moonlight. Shuttle among those flowers, it seems that bees are collecting honey, busy collecting honey in the flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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