Chapter 81 My Story 1
Yan Wuhuan introduced Su Yuci one by one, and these people also greeted her very friendly. I thought Yan Wuhuan was enthusiastic, but I didn't expect that these people were very friendly and enthusiastic towards her. The defense in Yuci's heart was broken.

The night was dark, the firelight shone on this group of people, and their bright smiles were as charming as the moon in the sky. Every mercenary told his own story, some were happy and some were sad.

"Tianya, tell me about you!" Yan Wuhuan asked curiously. In fact, not only did he like her in his heart, but he also had a desire for her to know everything about her, so he borrowed These each have the opportunity to tell their own stories to Su Yuci.

Su Yuci already knew his intentions. He was very cheerful and enthusiastic, but he was not stupid at all. She knew that he wanted to be her friend, but he was too embarrassed to ask directly, for fear that she would be unhappy and unwilling to make her his friend. Annoyed about her own affairs and left, so she wanted to take this opportunity to get to know him. She had to say that he was a delicate person.

Forget it, it's harmless to make more friends like this, Su Yuci cleared her throat and said, "You really want to listen?"

"Of course, we've all talked about our affairs. You always have to tell us about your affairs, otherwise it's too unfair!" Xiao Feng said.

"That's right, that's right..." The others hurriedly interjected, fearing that Su Yuci would not agree, Yan Wuhuan also looked at her with a bright face.

"Okay, since you want to listen to me, I will naturally show you!"

After Su Yuci finished speaking, Yan Wuhuan yelled: "Wait a minute, it's getting late, since I'm going to tell your story, it will be very long, how about we listen while eating!"

"Okay, the young master's idea is good!" Luo Bao said, and then said: "Qingya and I are going to get some food, you wait for me!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Bao and the others hurriedly got up and went to prepare food. The food was already baked, and soon Luo Bao and the others came back, and there was a person behind them, which was Yan Xiaosheng.

Yan Xiaosheng saw that everyone was sitting around a fire with happy faces, so he couldn't help asking: "What's so happy about it, let me hear it too!"

"Brother Tianya wants to tell us her story?" one of them asked.

"Oh, that's just right, I don't have anything to do right now, so I'll come and listen too!" Yan Xiaosheng squeezed a seat next to a person, but he wanted to hear what kind of story she had and where it came from!

Su Yuci didn't mind one more person listening, and said with a faint smile, "Okay!"

Afterwards, seventeen or eighteen people divided the hares and wild birds, and then each poured a bowl of wine and quietly began to listen to Su Yuci's story.

Su Yuci's voice is very distinctive, light and gentle, as if the breeze blowing in summer makes people feel very comfortable, she slowly said: "My home is far away, where it is very developed, I was born in The family of martial arts is the successor of the Su family lineage. When I was young, my parents died in a car accident. From then on, I alone bear the hope of the family..."

Su Yuci's memory slowly opened up, and scenes passed through her eyes, and finally stopped at the words her uncle said to her: "I killed your parents!"

(End of this chapter)

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