Chapter 82 My Story 2
Su Yuci's heart tugged, and her expression suddenly became desolate. How much she wanted to ask him: "Could it be that an ancient martial arts book and family property can't compare with their life together for so many years?" Since her parents died, she Always in the dark, with blood on her hands, she is actually a cold-hearted person, in front of others, she will always have a cold face, a decisive person, the only warmth in her heart is her Uncle!
Her uncle treats him better than her own daughter, and she has already regarded her as her father. Every time she sees him, she only has a smile on her face, but she really doesn't understand that he is really just for that. Benefits killed her and pushed her to hell without hesitation, she laughed, it's really unpredictable!The family relationship for so many years is just acting!

When the last word fell, all the people present were full of desolation and shock. They looked at Su Yuci with sympathy, but they completely forgot that Su Yuci was only eleven or twelve years old at the moment, and she was not at all like her now. The ages are not the same at all!
Of course, Su Yuci didn't reveal too much in her words, and she didn't mean to blame her uncle at all, because after all, he was the one who brought her hope and light for so many years. She would like to thank him. If it wasn't for her, maybe she would Already died in the hands of the beheaded family!
"Brother Tianya, what you said shouldn't be your business, right? It doesn't match your current age..." Yan Wuhuan was the first to raise doubts, but judging from Su Yuci's expression, she really looks like It is a person who has experienced these things, and suddenly his heart feels a little painful.

Yan Xiaosheng glanced at Yan Wuhuan, he was not so stupid as a young master.

When the others heard Yan Wuhuan's question, they immediately reacted, yes, she is only eleven or twelve years old now, right?What she said was not age-appropriate at all!

Su Yuci put away the sadness on her face, and said with a sweet smile: "Didn't you say you want to hear stories? Don't I tell you? How old am I, how can there be any good stories?" Of course, she What I just said was naturally already expected that these people would not believe it.

It was only at this time that everyone realized, yes, she was only eleven or twelve years old, and they all treated her as if she was their age, but for a while they didn't realize that she was just a child!Can't help laughing.

"We have all forgotten that you are still so young, how can there be any stories, but we are really impressed by you for telling such a tortuous story!" One of the mercenaries laughed.

"Brother Tianya, if the story you told didn't match your age, I'm afraid I really thought that such a tragic thing happened to you, and I was worried for a while just now!" Yan Wuhuan looked at Su Su with some complaints. Yuci, the eyes seem to say that such a tragic thing is not allowed to be mentioned in the future.

Only Xiaobai nestled in Su Yuci's arms, with a trace of sadness for Su Yuci in his eyes, he could feel that such a thing had really happened to her master, she was not telling someone else's story!
"Brother Yan, thank you for your concern." Su Yuci smiled brightly at Yan Wuhuan. For him, she is her friend, she is sincerely committed to him, because she can see that he really cares about her.

"Where is little friend Tianya from? Will you come here alone? You know your current level and it is very dangerous to come here alone!" Yan Xiaosheng asked Su Yuci's identity for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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