
Chapter 20

Chapter 20

When I arrived in Chengdu, I registered with the conference affairs team of the City Garden Hotel. When I was registering, someone came to say hello.

Looking at him, I realized more and more that the world in the story is smaller than a fish tank.

Dr. Cheng Jiaming said with a half-smile: "Are you coming to the meeting too? You didn't answer the phone calls. I thought you disappeared."

"The phone is yours? Haha, the number is weird. I thought someone was cheating, so I pressed it. Hehe..."

I know it's you, uncle, what if you don't answer?

"Hehe, I also said, are you unhappy?"

"No, what's the matter, why are you unhappy?"

Hmph, here I experience the sense of superiority of the children of the aristocratic family, and also know the secrets that I don't want others to know. I will remember you and guard against you for the rest of my life.

"I'm going upstairs. Goodbye."

"Don't, let's go together. We're on the first floor."

In the elevator, Cheng Jiaming asked me if I had ever been to Chengdu.I said that when I was studying, I worked as a part-time tour guide and stayed here for a day.

"Then have you ever eaten three big cannons?"

"Is it a kind of candied haws?"


"Is it tasty?"

"Needless to say. That's really..."

When he said this, my stomach growled. The food on the plane was hard and salty. When Cheng Jiaming mentioned the local food, I couldn't help it.

I will endure.

I don't have time to go out and be happy.

I got to the room, took a shower and started to read the latest materials provided by the conference.

After a while, someone knocked on the door.

I opened it and saw that it was the waiter with a beautiful lunch box in his hand.

"Is something wrong?"

"Miss, someone bought you snacks. Local famous food, three cannons."

"No way."

I can already smell it, it's delicious.

I took it and opened the lunch box layer by layer. There are not only three cannons that are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, but also jelly, sesame balls, and saliva chicken.

Cheng Jiaming, I forgive you.

I looked at the material and ate.

The next day the conference was held, and my partner was an interpreter from the External Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Health. A very young boy stood up and shook my hand and called me Senior Sister.To be honest, although I seem to be called too old by him, I am very grateful for showing respect.The representative of the Belgian Association of Medical Scientists took the stage to speak. I was fully prepared and energetic and successfully completed the task.

There will be a buffet at noon, a meeting in the afternoon, and a speech by the representative of France.I didn't eat much, or I would get sleepy, and I drank less champagne.While getting the wine, I saw Cheng Jiaming talking to the Belgian at the other end of the restaurant.

I walked over, and Dr. Cheng was speaking English fluently, but the national language of this Belgian expert was French and Dutch, and he was not good at English, so the two could barely communicate.

"Need help?" I asked.

Cheng Jiaming smiled: "My good girl, you came just in time. I have another question about the current implementation of the computerized fluid analysis-assisted liver and gallbladder therapy in Europe that he mentioned this morning..."

The two had a very happy conversation afterwards, and they left each other's contact information, and they will work together on research topics in the future.

Cheng Jiaming said, "You're not bad, and the simultaneous interpreting this morning was also pretty good."

"Thank you for the snacks you delivered yesterday afternoon."

Speaking of which, he became interested: "Let me tell you, the ones delivered by takeaway are much worse than those just out of the pot."


"After the meeting tomorrow, let's go out for a stroll, what do you think?"

"I basically agree."

After the meeting that day, I made an appointment with Cheng Jiaming that he would come to see me at six o'clock, and we went out for a walk, but he didn't show up until four or ten minutes later.

I put on my windbreaker and went to find him, what's the matter, if I can't, I'll go out by myself.

Before I knocked, someone opened the door and came out.

A tall woman.

The face was thin, but delicate, with bright make-up.

She looked at me, smiled, sneered.

Then she strode away.

The cleaning aunt pushed the work cart and passed by, with a mysterious expression on her face.

Which one is this?

I think with my knees, and I know that this kind of scene often appears in movies: the current girlfriend bumps into her ex's visit, the woman thinks to herself, sooner or later you will be the next wife, and the man says, sorry, I forgot to make a date with you.At this time, passerby A happened to pass by, and went back to tell his school-age children not to play love games like men and women in the city.

Cheng Jiaming saw me inside: "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'll come."

"No need." I said loudly and grandly, "I'll go out for a stroll, Dr. Cheng, what do you want to eat, I'll buy it for you."

Cheng Jiaming quickly put on his coat and came out.

The left hand gently pushed my back and took me outside: "Oh, I can't help it. Going to the end of the world, this emotional debt is also a handful."

I thought in my heart that this person had the nerve to speak.

Until we got on the elevator, unexpectedly he continued: "The one just now was almost my child's mother."

What is it with me?
But I'm really curious.

"You have a kid?"

"Killed by her."

I felt a "thump" in my heart.

"Is it because you can't get married?"

"That's fine."

We left the hotel and walked along the road in front of the door.

"What do you mean? What do you mean 'you can say so'?"

"You have known Jiayang for a long time, and you know our family's background. That woman, she is not in this circle. Unfortunately, she met me, and my parents found out that she existed, so they cleaned it up."

"Why does it sound like blood to me?"

"Not at all." Cheng Jiaming said, "It's nothing more than a sum of money. The woman agreed to take away the child, leave me, and return to her hometown. Ah, she is from Chengdu, with good skin."

We saw a teahouse, and Cheng Jiaming said, "Is this place good? I know it well, the food is delicious, and the program is good."

"Okay." I followed him in.

The usher took us upstairs, and we ordered some refreshments. My interest was attracted by Cheng Jiaming's story, and I waited for him to continue.

But he said, "Try it, Lollipop Rabbit, it's great."

"Don't interrupt."

But this man was a fool, he wiped his hands after eating something, looked at me, and said to me, "What do you think about money?"

"That goes without saying, good stuff."

"Compared to feelings?"

"No, no, how can this be compared?" I said annoyed.

"Everything has a price."

"... How much money did she, your girlfriend, receive from your parents?"

"Not much. I can give it to her. It's really not much." He drank some goji berry soup, "This is just an excuse, and she herself is going to leave me."

"Is there a problem with the relationship first?"

"Look down there, Jofi."

I took a look downstairs, many people, mostly men and women in pairs, sitting there listening to music, dating, holding hands.

"If it is an ordinary man or woman, his love can be trusted. Even if there is a little half-heartedness, it is definitely not a big problem. Those who love him will question, fight for him, and try their best to defend this relationship. Feelings; really disappointed, the big deal is just to have it once, and if there is a problem, an eye for an eye, that's all.

"This kind of relationship is interesting, at least, it is sincere."

He paused and looked at me with a gentle smile in his eyes.

"However, if this person has a little bit of money and his background is a little bit more complicated than the average person, then it will be a disaster.

"A little emotional investment, she thought, he's got as much as he has.

"Be more enthusiastic, she said to herself, how long will his enthusiasm last?

"If you pay a little more and have scruples, don't hurt her self-esteem.

"Come on if you have a temper, you can't lose your temper easily, isn't this bullying her by bullying others?

"So, she left me, there is nothing wrong; my parents, they are not wrong, but they just acted as a catalyst just right. I, she, we are all right, people like me, including my younger brother, We are not qualified to have a good relationship."

Cheng Jiaming slowly lowered his eyes: "It's my child's fault, he shouldn't be my child."

I feel that my throat is dry. Such a person, such a person who lives such a happy life, has such a past.

"Is it boring to tell you so much? I always feel that Lao Huang also told me, Qiao Fei, you are not an ordinary child."

I said slowly: "So, Dr. Cheng, you are also suffering in your heart, aren't you?"

Without raising his eyes, he put down the teacup, turned to me and said, "There's a little song, listen to this one, it's very good."

The actress in emerald green cheongsam came up with Yueqin in her arms, and sang a little song softly and melodiously. I couldn't understand the lyrics, but the voice was clear and sad, like tears dripping on glass.

When I came back from Chengdu, it rained heavily the day I got off the plane, and the plane hovered for a long time before slowly landing.A luxurious car came to pick up Cheng Jiaming, and he asked me: "How about it, will you come with me? Be careful and wait here for a long time before the bus leaves the airport."

I said yes and got into his car.

The smell in the car reminds me of Jiayang, how long has it been since I saw him?

Back here from the southwestern city with a mild climate, the weather was suddenly cold. I thought of Jiayang, and remembered that night, I hugged him and slept in my bed, but my heart was warm.

Cheng Jiaming picked up the phone and said, "Hello, Jiayang."

I looked back at him and he winked at me.

"Yes, that's right, I went to Chengdu for a meeting.

"How do you know that too?

"Yes, it is the medical conference hosted by the Ministry of Health.

"Hehe, it's okay, I'm not tired, yes, the plane is delayed.

"I, I don't know, I might go back tonight.

"I'll call you back later, okay?
"I'm going to take a friend home first.

"Well, maybe you also know the female interpreter invited from you."

I watched Cheng Jiaming finish talking on the phone, and stared at him intently.

"What's the matter, Jofi, unhappy?" He put the phone away and looked at me, "Did I say something wrong?"

He asked this question, but I couldn't answer it. Did he say something wrong?
However, I don't want Jiayang to know about my acquaintance with his brother.While there's nothing unusual about it, it makes the situation seem more complicated.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Jiaming patted me on the shoulder, "Isn't it? Isn't it over with you and my brother? Do you need to be so nervous?"

"That's right." I said, the car had already passed the International Radio Station, and I said to the driver, "Master, I'm here, you just need to park by the side of the road."

Cheng Jiaming said, "Didn't you say it was in the dormitory of the Academy of Social Sciences on Yuquan Road? It's still raining. Old Wang, drive in."

I said, "No, no."

Cheng Jiaming said, "Go in, go in."

Soon, the car entered the yard, and I saw Jiayang's car downstairs in my house.

I hesitated a little, Cheng Jiaming said: "Why don't you get out of the car? Then let's go to dinner."

"I'll go, I'll go." I really gave in to this uncle, lest I wouldn't be in trouble.

I picked up the suitcase and got out of the car. Cheng Jiaming said to me inside: "Qiaofei, let's go out together in two days. Give me some time."

"You can discuss this with my secretary."

He smiled and told the driver to drive.

I walked towards the entrance of the building, thinking about what to say to Jiayang later.

I saw him get out of his car and quickly walked over to help me carry the box in the rain. I said, "Huh? Why are you here?"

He didn't say anything, just took my suitcase and strode upstairs, I followed behind him.

Xiao Deng opened the door and whispered to me, "He has been waiting for you all afternoon."

I said, "I brought spicy beef jerky, you can try it."

"I don't want to taste it, you can keep it for me, Feifei. I have a dinner with a friend." She put on her coat and took the umbrella to leave, and turned her head to wink at me.

Jiayang put the box away and said to Xiao Deng: "I'll see you off, I'm leaving too."

"No, no, no." She said repeatedly, "No, thank you, I'm not far away."

Soon Cheng Jiayang and I were the only ones left in the house. We all faced the door that Xiao Deng had just closed. I turned to him and said, "Why Jiayang, are you waiting for me? Is there something wrong?"

"It's okay." He said, his face was very bad, and he talked to me expressionlessly, "Is there any water?"

I went to fetch water for him, but found that the water dispenser was empty.

I had to use a kettle to boil water for him to drink: "I'm afraid you have to wait for a while."

"You know my brother?" Jiayang said, "I saw his car just now."

"Yes." I said.

I took a towel to wipe my hair, looked at him, and handed him another towel: "You're wet too, wipe it off."

He took it over and wiped his face, moving slowly.

When Jiayang is thinking about something, even children can see it.

I sat in another chair, slowly brushing my hair, my head racing.In any case, Cheng Jiaming is Jiayang's elder brother, and I know the two brothers, so it happened by such a coincidence, I didn't explain the situation to him, pretending to be mysterious, in fact, it was more boring.

"I have a friend who is your brother's patient. When he came here to see me, he had dinner with me. Don't you think it's a coincidence?"

"Oh." He put down the towel and looked at me.

Believe it or not, this is the case anyway.

I never lie.

At least, I never lie.

The water boiled, I went to the kitchen and turned off the fire, poured the water into a small porcelain bowl, poured the two bowls back and forth, so that it would cool down quickly.

"I'm a little tired. I'll report to you and my senior sister at work tomorrow." I said, "Drink some hot water and go back."

When I lost my voice, Jiayang hugged me from behind.

I was still holding the two small porcelain bowls in my hand, but the sound of the rain outside was getting louder and louder, as if it overshadowed all the sounds in the world.

Jiayang's chin rested lightly on my shoulder, his face was pressed against mine, his breath was warm, and his arms were wrapped around my waist.

At this moment, I completely lost all ability to think.

He hugged me like this for a long time, and finally whispered into my ear slowly: "Phi, where are you driving me to? Where are you sending me to?"

If I am not Qiao Fei, a girl who is right with him, I will firmly grasp this warm hug and happiness; Love him like this, and I will fight for all possible futures without hesitation; if I am not Qiao Fei, without such a hard, selfish heart that dare not allow myself to be dreamed of by any illusions, I would at least Turn around and kiss him.

But I am such a person, my family, my experience, the pain in my heart and the injury on my body, let me remember all the lessons, let me know that to be a human being, you must do your duty, and you must not exceed the rules.

I said, very slowly, but clearly: "Where do I want you to go? Jiayang, I don't understand what you are saying." I straightened up, wanting to leave his craving embrace, "The water is cold, Go after you drink, I'm going to sleep, I'm tired."

I can't look back at him, I'm afraid that just looking at him will destroy all my disguises, but I can feel Jiayang's body stiffening.

I put down the little china bowl, left him, and went to unpack the boxes in my own room.

Jiayang didn't leave right away, I heard him sitting on a chair in the dining room.

I changed clothes and lay on the bed, sideways looking out the window.

Jiayang entered my room.

I close my eyes.

"Are you asleep?"

Of course I can't speak.

Before long he walked away softly.Carefully close the door of my house.

Later, I didn't see Jiayang at work for a long time. I heard from my colleagues that he accompanied the leader on a visit.

During this time, because the foreigner was going to celebrate Christmas, we had a rare leisure time. The unit organized a singing competition, and our department signed me up.

I prepared a few songs for the preliminaries of the bureau, and the director finally helped me delineate two songs: one is "Courage" by Liang Jingru, and the other is "A Thousand Rivers and Thousand Mountains Are Always Love" in Cantonese.He bet on the latter song, thinking that newcomers singing old songs will surely bring more surprises, so he asked me to practice hard, and made a wish, if I get a ranking in the department, he will definitely give me a big reward.

When I got together with Xiaodan and Bobo, I sang these two songs repeatedly in KTV until they couldn't bear it anymore.

In the first round of the game, the opponent was really bad, and I basically won without any suspense.

But this activity brought more effects, unexpectedly, an enthusiastic aunt I didn’t know asked our office lady, Ma, if I, the new little translator, were in a relationship.

"No." I said.

Sister Ma was very happy: "This matter, big sister has taken care of it, and I will definitely help you find someone with good conditions."

I've heard people say that being a matchmaker is the favorite fun and the longest tradition of lesbians over the age of 40 in government agencies. It's really flattering when it's my turn.

I have also heard that if this kind of thing happens to you, you must never shirk it, even if you express your disapproval after a blind date, in short, you must not refuse the kindness of a middle-aged woman, otherwise you will die a miserable death.Middle-aged women in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are also middle-aged women.

I said, "Is that okay? Sister, I'll trouble you then."

Under the coordination and arrangement of all the elder sisters and aunts, I soon met a boy from the Consular Department.

Before I went to the appointment, I just planned to deal with it. When I was sitting on the bus, I saw men and women appearing in pairs. Thinking that I am not young, I planned to take this blind date seriously.

We met in a newly opened teahouse. The boy from the Consular Department was from Zhejiang. He was not tall, but his face was gentle and fair, and he seemed very quiet.

Anyway, it was the first time I met the boy introduced by others, and I was a little nervous, and he might not be able to relax much. For half an hour, we talked about the things in college.

I made an excuse to go to the bathroom, looked at me in the mirror, with a listless face, and thought, hey, it’s not that I didn’t work hard, but instead of socializing with a stranger like this, I’d rather live by myself.

I'll find a way to go.

I said to him, "I just remembered that one of the documents was not proofread. I'm afraid I have to go back."

I saw him also heaving a sigh of relief: "Really? Oh, me too. I have a bit of work to do. I have to go back to work."

"Then let's go."

Great, give each other a step down.

When the elevator door opened, the wheels of a wheelchair coming out of it got stuck in the door.I happened to be on the side, squatted down and reached out to help him move the wheels out.

The person in the wheelchair said thank you, and I got on the elevator, and the voice sounded familiar.

It's a pity that the door was closed quickly, and I didn't see the man.

When I got to work, Sister Ma asked me how I was doing.I said a few perfunctory words, and the elder sister asked me if you didn't like it.I said, big sister, you are too serious, big sister, that young man didn't even like me.

Ms. Ma squinted her eyes at me very experienced and said, "I see, Xiao Qiao. Next time, Ms. Ma will help you see a local."

"That's not what I meant." I quickly explained, and when I grabbed the elder sister's arm, Cheng Jiayang, who hadn't shown up for a long time, appeared.

Sister Ma immediately shifted her attention away from me, and greeted me with a smile on her face: "Jiayang, are you back?"

"Ah, I came back yesterday. Sister, you are fine? What are you talking about, so happy?" He said and looked at me.

"Tell me, find a local boy for Miss Qiao. Jiayang, you know a lot of people, please help me." I hate this old woman a little now.It's not because he is facing Cheng Jiayang at this time, but because this kind of person pays boring attention to other people's private life.

I leaned over the table to read the materials, and heard Cheng Jiayang smile: "Sister, I don't have enough A4 white paper in the office, please bring me another pack."

"No problem, I'll bring you two packs right away."

When Jiayang went out, I heard Sister Ma say, "I can't find anyone with a better life than this one. It requires money, status, status, knowledge and learning, love and love." The eldest sister turned her head Look at me, "Do you know who he is? It's..."

I don't need to answer at all, she can complete the conversation by herself.

"It's Wen Xiaohua, the pretty host. The two families are well matched. I heard that Master Cheng is getting married soon."

My hands couldn't help shaking a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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