
Chapter 21 Marriage News

Chapter 21 Marriage News
Cheng Jiayang

The question that bothers Xiaohua now is how to spend this Christmas?What gifts do you give to whom?She made a long list herself.

I'm eating oranges and watching TV.

"Jiayang, what should I give your mother? Do you have any opinions?" She asked me.

"I don't know. I really don't know what she likes." I replied honestly, "Don't buy expensive things, lest she don't like them, and you are wasting money."

"I knew it. Asking you is tantamount to asking in vain."

I went to my room to play on the computer.

As soon as the machine is turned on and restarted repeatedly, it seems to be infected with a virus.

I have to take it to the unit for repair tomorrow.

I heard Xiao Hua go to the bathroom to take a shower, and I said, "Beauty, can I use your computer?"

The sound of the water was so loud that she didn't hear it.I had to give up.

Back in the living room, I saw that Xiaohua's laptop was still open.

I turned on the TV, and it was broadcast to a station, which was performing cross talk.

I turned back again and looked at Xiaohua's computer that hadn't been closed yet.


Shameful alone.

Xiao Deng said: "I'll find someone else to play with, sister, do you live by yourself?"

"How can I live alone? I'm having a party with my friend."

I call one by one.

Xiao Dan said, "I'm sorry, I have an appointment."

Bobo said, "Oh, I have to go back to my hometown."

I yelled at her on the phone: "You don't even have a vacation, go back to your hometown, and you won't be able to lie!" Then I dropped the phone.

I have a very bad premonition that these two villains fell in love before I did so.

I bought snacks in large and small packages at the supermarket, and took a taxi home. On the way, I thought, last year, I spent Christmas in France, and I was still fighting against myself at that time. Next year, I will have a lot of children and grandchildren.

However, last year, Zuzu Ferrandi appeared at the last moment to rescue my loneliness; this year, I am afraid that I will really live by myself in such a shameful way.

I changed my mind and found a balance for myself.

It's nothing more than a nap, isn't it over?

I went upstairs with the bag, the phone in the bag rang, I took it out with trouble, and saw that the number was Cheng Jiaming.


"I asked your secretary, and she said that your majesty will take time out of your busy schedule to meet the widow this evening."

Why do I sound so awkward.

"Do you speak classical Chinese? I don't understand."

Cheng Jiaming laughed: "Let me tell you, Qiao Fei, I saw you go upstairs and go home by yourself. Do you have any other plans for today? Let's go dancing."

I said, "Are you downstairs at my house?"

"Ah. Let's go."

Cheng Jiaming's invitation made people ready to move.

Besides, I really don't want to spend Christmas like this myself.

"Then just wait for me, I'll come after I change my clothes."

"Do not worry."

I changed my skirt, put on powder, my face was white, my lips were bright red, my hair was black and my eyes were bright.

Cheng Jiaming drove by himself and looked at me carefully: "Wow, that's right, a sparrow has turned into a phoenix."

I said, "You are the sparrow."

He laughed and started the car: "It's rare for a woman to put on makeup so quickly."

I also knew that this was an expert on women, so I asked him, "How long have you been waiting?"

"It's not an exaggeration, three hours."

"Wow. You can wait for this too?"

"Later, the event was cancelled, so I went to eat noodles by myself and asked the woman to remove makeup directly."

When I arrived at a famous nightclub in the city, Cheng Jiaming opened the door for me, took my hand, and praised: "Qiao Fei, you are so beautiful."

"Doctor Cheng, why do you compliment me like this?"

He suddenly clasped my hand: "Girl, I'm not afraid to tell you, I just have bad intentions."

At this time, the lobby manager came up to greet him: "Mr. Cheng, the table is ready, this way please."

I took my hand back and followed Cheng Jiaming in.

There are so many people.

The lights are feasting, the singing and dancing are peaceful.

Shuttle back and forth are the faces of celebrities, ladies and celebrities who have only seen it in newspapers, looking drunk and full of interest.

We sat at the table in the front row, which is the best place to watch the show.

The stage is a huge white clam, and the dazzling singer stands inside like a pearl to sing for the guests. The band is outside, the fountain rises and falls with the song, and on the dance floor, there are beautiful foreign girls doing eclectic performances.

This is the gentle land of luxury and obscenity.Cheng Jiaming put the poured champagne in my hand.

"Come on, Jofi, have a drink."

I clinked glasses with him and drank it down.

I drank the wine in a hurry, my face became hot, I looked at Cheng Jiaming: "Merry Christmas."

Cheng Jiayang

Xiaohua came back from socializing with friends, and I was about to smoke a cigarette, but she held it in my mouth.

"Hi!" I said.

"Why have you been smoking so hard recently?"

"give me back."

She looked at me, uncompromising, and pressed my cigarette firmly into the ashtray.

I was about to have a seizure, and an acquaintance came up to say hello: "Jiayang, Xiaohua, why are you here? What a coincidence, I saw Jiaming just now."

"Where is he?" I said.

"Yes, right there, look."

I looked through the crowd, and saw my elder brother Jiaming at the table not far away, beside him was Qiao Fei.She leaned on her head with her hand and talked to Jiaming, her face was bright red.

"Yes." I said, "It's Jiaming, let's go, Xiaohua, let's say hello."

She sat down.

I took her arm.

"Come on, follow me."

Qiao Fei couldn't describe the expression on my face.

I said Merry Christmas.I hugged my brother, kissed her on the cheek, and said to Xiaohua: "Hey, Xiaohua, what a coincidence, Qiao Fei is a colleague of my unit, and she is also my brother's friend."

Xiao Hua shook hands with her: "Really? That's really fate."

What kind of person is Qiao Fei? She quickly recovered and said to Xiaohua quite affectionately: "You are Wen Xiaohua? I watch your program every day. It is really great."

Jia Ming said, "Where are you sitting? Why don't you come and sit together."

Xiaohua said: "No..."

I have asked the waiter to take a seat at Jia Ming's table.

Jiaming also called red wine and poured it for everyone with his own hands.

Before I drank, I pressed his hand and said: "Jiaming, brother, how long did you say we haven't had a drink together? This glass, don't drink it, I'll drink it." I just pressed him like this and drank the wine in one gulp .

Jia Ming smiled: "I know you are huge, and there are many shows, so take it easy."

Xiao Hua said: "Jia Ming, I respect you too..."

I held down her wine glass: "Xiaohua, I'm here, I want to thank you, you have been so kind to me, I didn't even say thank you to you." I did it again.

These two glasses of red wine are really nothing to me, but the way I regard the wine as home has stunned these three unpredictable masters.I laughed in my heart, I have always been the only one who was calculated by you, today I might as well be more straightforward, why do you cover me up like this?
On my side, I raised my glass to toast Jofi.

Jia Ming said: "Oh, this song is good, Xiao Hua, can you dance with me?"

He dragged Xiaohua away without any explanation, and I was still holding the wine glass. I looked at Qiao Fei, and suddenly I didn't know what to say.

Her eyes looked at me misty.

I don't know how long it took before the music stopped abruptly and the audience was completely dark. The master of ceremonies said, "Merry Christmas to all the guests."

In the darkness, the audience was instantly illuminated by countless small candles, and "Auld Lang Syne" sounded melodiously.In front of me, Fei's face, under the ambiguous halo, was too beautiful to be real.

I raised my glass to her: "Merry Christmas, I hope you, Merry."

After this drink, I was completely drunk.

Cheng Jiaming sent me home without saying a word.

I'm still thinking about that scene in the nightclub just now.

Jiayang was about to leave after drinking enough, I didn't say anything, and poured the wine myself.

When Jiaming and Wen Xiaohua came down, the woman suddenly changed her face and asked me coldly, "Where is Jiayang?"



Cheng Jiaming smiled and said, "It's not surprising, Jiayang is different from us, he doesn't like this kind of place."

Wen Xiaohua picked up her handbag and wanted to leave. After walking a few steps, she was so angry that she came back and said to me, "I think you remember what I told you."

Don't blame me for not cooperating, I couldn't help myself, and laughed out loud.

With Cheng Jiaming around, she really couldn't have a fit and left angrily.

I remembered this scene in the car and laughed again.

Cheng Jiaming looked at me: "It's very interesting, why do I look like I'm watching a TV show. Look, you killed my younger brother. He hasn't had much experience in the world. How did he encounter a master like you?"

"Doctor Cheng, I don't agree with what you said. Do you think I seem to be able to do a job with ease?"

"Why, have you met Wen Xiaohua?"

"I have fought several times. I knew her when she first coveted Jiayang; I also met her in Paris; last time Jiayang was hospitalized, I sneaked to see him, and she also bumped into her." The wine was drunk just right , I just felt that what I said was unrestrained, "She told me that Jiayang and I are not from the same world, and asked me to understand my situation and stop pestering him."

"You won't give her a good look."

"Hmph, of course." I said, "I'm not with Cheng Jiayang because I—Qiao Fei—don't want to be with Cheng Jiayang. Do you understand what I mean? That is to say, our problem— It's our problem, it has nothing to do with others. No one should think that they have played a big role here, or that their tricks have succeeded."

"Then you're determined not to be with my brother."

I laughed, there are so many people pretending to be confused.

"Doctor Cheng, you are such a smart person, do you really not remember the first time you met me? Or, are you trying to save my face and not mention it?"


"The first time we met, you go and bring back your younger brother who passed out drunk on the beach, and ask me for directions, and I was the call lady who had been by his side all the time before, and I thought I would have a good time with him, Cheng doctor."


I leaned on the car seat, my mouth was dry, looking for water to drink.

Cheng Jiaming said, "I'll go buy you a Coke."

"No need," I waved my hand, squinting my eyes and remembered, "Jiayang always has mineral water in his car."

The car glides smoothly on the road, and my memory stretches a little bit in my feverish mind.Dr. Cheng beside him is a cheerful and unrestrained person, and he is a comfortable listener.I poured out the truth after drinking.

"I can't be with him. Because I will cause trouble for him, and I am afraid of causing trouble for myself. What you said last time was not wrong. You people put too much pressure on others. You are not wrong... …

"I don't want to see his friends, I don't like the fact that he spends money on me, things that he takes for granted.

"However, I know that he is sincere to me, so I am even more afraid of hurting him.

"Instead of this, it's better to separate."

I fell asleep while talking, and after an unknown period of time, I was slowly woken up by Cheng Jiaming.

I looked up, with a headache, and looked at him.

"Girl, your home is here. If you don't go back, go to my place."

I laughed, wiping the drool from my mouth.

"Why are you so worthless, dreaming about Jiayang?"

"I'm leaving, thank you."

Xiao Deng didn't come back, it was a beautiful day, I don't know where she went to be happy.

After Jiayang left, I drank too much, and now I took the key to open the door, my hands trembling.

Someone behind him said, "Joffe."

Cheng Jiayang

I waited for her for a long time, and Qiao Fei finally came back.

I called her name, she turned around slowly, and I heard her murmuring to myself, "It's not true."

"Is that true?"

I went up and hugged Qiao Fei.

How long have I missed this body?

We stumbled into the room, I held her face, kissed her mouth like biting, and got entangled.

There is a fishy smell in my mouth, I don't know whose blood it is.

I feel like I hate her.

In the dark, Qiao Fei made no sound at all, tearing at me like a little beast.

I heard my panting, the ripping of my clothes.

I pushed her against the wall, my hands burned against her skin.

When I penetrated into her body, her hot and wet skin wrapped me tightly. The body will not lie, and it will not be as duplicity as this woman.

I lifted her legs around my waist and kneaded her breasts with my hands. Are you still silent?There is only one thought in my head, I want her to hurt, I want her to be as crazy as I am.

I hugged her waist and pierced her deeply.

Her hands pressed against my neck, nails digging into my flesh, I just felt a burning pain, but, isn't it better?My blood flowed sideways with the juice of her body, at least the part of our body that spilled out blended together and would not separate.

Her body fell back, her head hit the wall, and it hurt, and it clamped me tightly. I jumped up and hugged her against the wall, and we climaxed together in a violent trembling.

Bodies still together, we fell to the ground.

This time the lovemaking was like a war, exhausted by the angry engagement.

Qiao Fei pushed me away, got up slowly, leaned on the wall to go to the bathroom.

I found my cigarette, lit it, and took a deep breath.

I hear the sound of water.

I stood up, took off my clothes, opened the bathroom door naked, and saw Jofi standing under the shower.

Her body is beautiful and clean, but on her neck, shoulders, chest and arms are the deep and shallow marks from my rough hickey just now.

She didn't hide, just looked at me quietly.

I walked over and stood with her under the stream.

Eye to eye, heart to heart, body to body.

I kiss her small, little by little, without any barriers, my hands lingering on her body.

I know I was rude just now, but the resentment that has been sinking in my heart for a long time has nowhere to vent, and I can't control myself.

I held her waist with one hand and her face with the other. I asked her, "Did it hurt just now?"

She didn't speak, just shook her head with water running down her face.

I kissed her, and my tongue went deep into her mouth. Our lips and tongue were entangled under the rain, and we couldn't breathe. If this is the case, it's not a bad thing to die, I thought in a daze.

Jofi leaned back and we were still apart, panting heavily.

I knelt down slowly, kissing her neck, chest, breasts, belly, all the way to the rosebud.This is where all my passions and happiness lie.

She struggled and I hugged her leg.Let me do it, Fee, let me love you.

I put Fei's body down, and slowly sent myself into it, exploring the woman who once belonged to me. When we jumped to the peak again, we embraced tightly, and I thought, I can never be separated from her again.

I woke up, in Jiayang's arms.

After the strenuous exercise just now, I'm a little tired.But I didn't sleep well. When I opened my eyes, it was still a long winter night in this northern city, and the white moonlight cast on us through the window screen.

It was warm because there was another person beside me.

I looked at him, Jiayang closed his eyes, his lips fell on mine, and kissed me lingeringly.

Cheng Jiayang, whether it is rough or tender, all so deeply aroused the desire buried in my body.

After what seemed like a long time, I left his arms.Withdrew his hand from his.

Naked, I got out of bed and went to the window.

Open the window, and the cold wind blows in with light snow.It's actually snowing, which is really fitting.

"What are you doing? Fei, come here, it's cold in there." Jiayang said from my bed.

The intense love just now made people so happy that they almost despaired.

We are like two beasts dueling in the dark night, trying to tear each other's soul out of the body with our teeth.

But now, I leaned out, trying to calm myself down.

"Fei." Jiayang called me from behind, and then I heard the sound of the quilt, I turned my head, Jiayang reached out to me, and I almost felt his warmth.

At this moment, I heard a voice that was colder than the wind coming out of my mouth: "You are looking for me, do you want to be like me?"

Jiayang left very quickly and quietly.

I sat in a chair and smoked while he put on my torn clothes and shoes.

In the dark night, I couldn't see his face clearly.

There was an old song on my mind for no reason.

After hearing him close the door, he sang it softly.

"If no one can prove love, then there is no need to make a hasty decision. Look at the ordinary you and me, who will be sad first..."

When I found out about Cheng Jiayang's marriage, I was playing chess with my senior sister during my lunch break in the office.

Sister Ma came in and said, "Have you heard? Jiayang is getting married."

The senior sister was stunned for a moment: "So fast? Why haven't I heard of him before?"

"Yeah, I said it quickly. I heard from him, register after the New Year, and invite us to attend the ceremony. Then, while the winter is not busy, the couple will go to South America for vacation."

I said: "Senior sister, hurry up, it's your turn."

"Okay." The senior sister said, she glanced at the chessboard and was happy, "Feifei, why are you using my pieces to eat my pieces?"

Cheng Jiayang

Xiaohua and I were in a hurry to get married, and everyone in the family felt that it was sudden.

But we insisted, and they had to make arrangements.

My mother was amazed that I was suddenly enlightened and asked for marriage in such a cooperative manner.She even asked Xiaohua in private if she was pregnant with my child.

Xiaohua told me that although she told her mother that she was not pregnant, she took the responsibility of rushing to get married on herself.

When she said this to me, in my eyes, this was not her before. I just felt that what Xiaohua said and how she acted was just fiction.

Women's scheming, people can never figure it out.

Xiao Hua is like this, and so is Qiao Fei.

It's just that one wants to drag me over, and the other wants to kick me out.

Qiao Fei has one more knife than Xiao Hua, and she knows how to make me drip with blood. After the indulgence that day, she said to me word by word: "You are looking for me, do you just want to talk to me?" so?"

I seem to have smiled.

I laughed at myself, it turns out that I have been such a person in her heart for so many years.

It's no wonder, our lovemaking is really hearty, so all the ordinary happiness of staying together has been paid in advance.

I left her place, and Wen Xiaohua waited for me at home in a daze.

I know I'm brazen, but my heart is dead, I don't care who I'm with, I just want to get back to life, to a new life.

I said, "Xiaohua, you said we got married, do you still want to?"

Without even thinking about it, she came and hugged me.

Or, she has been thinking about it all night.

After the new year, we will have a notarized marriage. At that time, there will be a small signing ceremony attended by relatives and friends of both parties.

My mother still seized the time and used the embassy's relationship to order three dresses for Xiaohua in Paris.When we were eating together before, my father gave Xiaohua a Vacheron Constantin platinum watch with his own hands, and I also received the same exquisite gift from Wen’s parents.

Countdown to the wedding, I moved back home.

One night, when I was taking a nap in my study, I received a call from Xudong.

"Come out, and have a good time before getting married."


"'Allure' by the beach, okay?"

I froze for a moment.

"The lady here is very beautiful. Be careful not to hurry up at this time, and you will never play again in the future."

I said, "Okay, please wait for me."

When I was about to go out with the keys, I bumped into the worker who came to deliver the wedding photo.

When I signed for the receipt, I looked at myself in the photo, stiff and numb, like a dying tree.

I saw Xudong in "Qingcheng", and he was like a fish in water among the beauties.Seeing me, he waved: "Jiayang, this way, this way."

As soon as I sat down, a girl posted up, asking with a southern accent as sweet and greasy as glutinous rice: "Sir, what wine do you want?"

I looked at her, but the girl's eyes were like Qiao Fei's, cat's eyes.

I just looked at her fixedly: "Whatever you want, anything is fine."

The girl was very happy and swayed to ask the waiter for a drink.

Xudong patted my shoulder and said, "How is it? Are you satisfied? I specially found this to accompany you."

I looked at him, he looked at me, and put his arms around my neck: "Brother, I feel uncomfortable, let's forget it, man, look forward, look forward... Who, I'm not a little unhappy."

The girl with eyes like Qiao Fei told me that her name was Zhou Zhou, and I drank wine and said, Zhou Zhou, I have a friend who looks very similar to you, but she left me, Zhou Zhou, I have a lot of money , how long are you willing to accompany me?
This question soon had an answer.

Someone yelled over arrogantly: "Why is Zhou Zhou going to accompany others today? Didn't I ask her to wait for me? How can you be a mother? Believe it or not, I fired you? I don't care who it is, call her immediately." come out."

I am familiar with the voice, old friend Mr. Liu.

The foreman couldn't stop this arrogant hero. We were all stunned when he came to our table.

I saw Mr. Liu sitting in a wheelchair.

"What's wrong with you, old Liu?" Xudong stood up, "Why are you in a wheelchair?"

He looked at both of us coldly.

The foreman said, "Are you acquainted? Wouldn't it be much easier?"

Xudong said: "Come and drink with us, it's no fun if there are few people."

I looked at Young Master Liu: "Yes, let's play together. I'm getting married in two days."

He looked at the sofa, and he didn't know who to order: "Hurry up and make room for me, don't you think it's uncomfortable to sit on this?" He turned his head and said to the foreman, "Go and get me the wine. Bring it up quickly .”

Seeing that the crisis was resolved, the foreman happily asked Mr. Liu to sit on the sofa, and went to get the wine himself.

"Hey, don't mention it. When I was skiing in Europe, I fell off the cable car. Fortunately, it was not high at the time, otherwise my life would be confessed."

"When will it be better?" Xu Dong asked.

"It will take a few months, but I think it's better to use a wheelchair, which is better than crutches." Mr. Liu asked Xudong, "He's getting married soon, how are you doing?"

"I'll be a dad next month." Xudong clinked glasses with us, "After that, I won't be able to play at all."

"Come on, you, I understand, you were so ruthless before you got married, right?"

We all laughed.

"I heard that you are getting married, with whom?" Mr. Liu asked me.

Xudong happened to go out to answer a phone call.

Miss Zhou Zhou poured wine for Mr. Liu and me.

We all looked at her face.

"Do you think she looks like a person?" Mr. Liu said, he turned his head to stare at me, "Aren't you with her, Feifei?"

"You did it on purpose, right?" I said, "I'm going to marry Wen Xiaohua, not Feifei."

"Wen Xiaohua?" He looked at me and laughed, "Then I should really congratulate her, this girl is not bad, is this wrong?"

I looked at him: "Speak clearly."

"I don't understand." He put down his wine glass, "That girl was killed by your fiancee, I guess you know it, when she was still in school, Wen Xiaohua sent a fax to the university, saying that The matter of Feifei sitting here... Hey Cheng Jiayang, don't pull my collar, let me tell you, when my brother is not injured, you are still not an opponent."

I put him down: "Speak, finish your speech."

"She has taken a fancy to you for a long time. She knows that you and Feifei are lovers. She also knows that I know Feifei, so she asked me what she usually does."

"Did you tell her?"

Mr. Liu drinks: "I, if I knew this girl was so cunning, I wouldn't tell her that Feifei is studying in college. Yes, I'm actually very sorry for Feifei. I like her very much. She is a good girl."

I light a cigarette.Trying to sort out a clue in this chaotic plot.

"That's the thing, but I'm quite surprised, how does Wen Xiaohua know so many things about you? You don't treat her as a reporter, right?"

"How could she know so much about me? You don't know, I know..."

My cell phone rang at this moment, it was Xiaohua.

I picked it up: "Yes, I'm outside, with Xudong, and Mr. Liu..."

Liu looked at me with a half-smile: "I said this, but did you startle me? Cheng Er, why, is this marriage still going on?"

I laughed: "What? Why not..."

Brother Cheng Jiayang's wedding was attended by everyone in the office, including me of course.But I definitely didn't mean to be negligent. On this day, I really fell ill, and I was so light-headed that I couldn't even get out of bed. Xiao Deng helped me measure my temperature, which was 38 degrees Celsius.I said in my heart, it’s just what people wish for. I couldn’t find a better reason. I called my senior sister and begged her to send me a small red envelope of [-] yuan to the newlyweds.

Xiao Deng said: "You are really generous. You gave him five hundred yuan."

I buried my head in the quilt, and I didn't have the strength to refute her, but I knew very clearly in my head, what I gave Jiayang, was nothing compared to what he gave me?
I took the medicine, covered my sweat under the quilt, and fell asleep in a daze.

Had a dream.

The dream is very strange: in the football field, the two teams are tied.I'll take the penalty kick.I stood far away, measured the angle, and planned in my mind to hang the opponent's goalkeeper in the dead corner. I started, accelerated, and I was about to push the shot successfully, but my feet didn't touch the football. When it failed, the ankle bone was also broken, and the pain was excruciating.

I woke up suddenly, my hair was drenched with sweat.

Someone next to me said, "What's wrong? Sick? I thought you were made of iron."

It's Cheng Jiaming.

I looked at my watch, it was already afternoon.

I actually fell asleep all day.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to go to Cheng Jiayang's wedding?"


"Oh." Every time I said a word, my throat seemed to be cut back and forth with a small knife.

"Don't tell me you don't take it seriously. If you can't cry, you can vent it by being sick, right?"

Xiao Deng poured tea for Cheng Jiaming, and he smiled at her: "Thank you."

Xiao Deng blushed instantly, piercing his heart with an arrow.

I close my eyes.

"So tough. I admire you." Cheng Jiaming said.

"You are a doctor, do you know where there is regret medicine?"

(End of this chapter)

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