Chapter 70

Chapter 67

Jiang Xiaosi woke up and opened his eyes, and he could see the sky full of stars through the trees.

The night wind was very cool, and it made her very cold.She was lying on the grass in ragged clothes. It was very quiet and there was no one around, only the sound of insects was heard.

She stared at the sky in a daze, and vaguely remembered that it was here that she was beaten back to her original shape, showing her ugly appearance.Nailed to the tree trunk by Yu Shuixin, then Shen Mo came, Shen Mo saw her like this, and she sucked Shen Mo's blood...

Licking the corner of her mouth, she will never forget the wonderful taste of RH.

Shen Mo finally knew that she was actually a zombie.

He was angry, he disliked her, so he didn't want her anymore, he left her here alone...

My chest hurts so much, I don't know if it's from the injury or what.Jiang Xiaosi stood up and walked forward unsteadily.There is a boat parked there on the shore.She rowed back, went back to the hotel, and wanted to find Shen Mo.

What are you looking for him for?she does not know.She wants to explain, she wants him not to be angry with her, she wants to beg him not to want herself...

But Shen Mo had already left, taking away his luggage.Only her slippers were lying there alone on the ground, so Jiang Xiaosi hugged his knees and sat against the wall all night.

What else?At least he saved himself and didn't let Yu Shuixin continue to torture her.He is such a person who hates inhumans, after he finds out that he has been deceived, even if he stabs himself a few times to vent his anger, it is justifiable.What else do you want?His attitude is already clear, is he still going to stalk him, waiting for him to take him away?
The next day, I set foot on the return journey alone with my eyes swollen, and the place was empty, and my father hadn't come back yet.The bead is still on her body, but now that her identity has been exposed, it can no longer give her more protection and cover-up.

The wound recovered quickly, during which Jiang Xiaosi did not answer no matter how many calls he made to Shen Mo, and no response to how many text messages he sent.

She kept apologizing in the message box, telling him that she was wrong and should not lie to him, and begged him to forgive herself and not ignore her.She went to school and he hasn't come back to class, she went to his house and no one was there, and she couldn't find him everywhere.So she stayed at his house and waited day and night. She didn't believe that he wouldn't come back.

Finally, late at night a week later, I heard the sound of the door opening.

Shen Mo looked at Jiang Xiaosi who was curled up on the sofa in the living room with no expression on his face. A Wei and A Yin had been following her all the time, so he naturally knew her whereabouts.It is not an option to keep running away, he still has to face her cruelly and reject her.

"Shen Mo..." Jiang Xiaosi saw him jumping off the sofa barefoot and running in front of him, but he stretched out his hand but didn't dare to touch him.The defense and loathing that radiated from him were like a fortress, blocking her from it.

Shen Mo looked at her face, it was only a few days, and she turned pale and haggard like this.Why did I bother to torture her and torture myself like this?

"Jiang Xiaosi, let's break up." Shen Mo said coldly, watching that face where the joy of seeing him at first slowly burst into heartbreak.

"You go, don't come again, I don't want to see you." Shen Mo turned his back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hide it from you... I, I'm afraid you hate me. Give me another chance, okay? I don't want to break up, I don't want to..." Jiang Xiaosi hugged him from behind, wet with tears the back.

Shen Mo pushed her away: "Don't you understand? It's not because you lied to me. You are a zombie and I am a human being. We shouldn't be together and it is impossible for us to be together. You know how much I hate non-human beings. Now immediately Go, I can at least treat you as my student, don't pester me, or I will make you a zombie!"

Like a basin of cold water, it extinguished all Jiang Xiaosi's hopes.She bit her lower lip tightly, wondering how she could fight against such an ending, and Shen Mo turned back to the ruthless person she knew before.She is a zombie and he is a Taoist priest. From the very beginning, their positions were completely opposite.But she longed for his love, and he also gave it to her. At this time, how can she go back and take it back?

Shen Mo opened the door to ask her to go out, her heart seemed to be torn apart, she hugged him desperately and refused to let go.Shen Mo pushed her hard, her nails even scratched his sleeves, love turned out to be like a desperate fight in the end.

"I love you, what does it matter if it's a human or a zombie?" Jiang Xiaosi broke down in tears.

Shen Mo gritted his teeth: "Stop being childish, you are a zombie and will always be a child, how do you want me to face you in the future?"

"I will grow up, I will really grow up, you wait for me, give me a little more time..."

Shen Mo's heart ached, he couldn't stand her tearful begging any longer, don't go, and shouted: "A Yin! Send her back."

Immediately, Jiang Xiaosi was hugged by a woman in white and flew down the mountain, but the cries continued.Shen Mo calmed down his breathing and emotions, and slumped on the sofa.

To love someone is not just to possess, but to consider for the other person, to keep her safe, to make her happy.

He finally understood this point, don't let him fall short with tears.

Shen Mo took out an exquisite box from his pocket, opened it and looked at it in a daze, inside was the ring that the pair had just made but they never had the chance to wear again.

Some people face the love that is about to be lost and let it go with a smile, saying I wish you happiness.Some people harbor resentment, hurt each other, or die together.There are also some people who are dying of love and can only do everything they can to save it.

Jiang Xiaosi is only a child under the age of 16 mentally. If he loses a toy, he can cry and buy a new one.What can she do when she loses her lover?

He was rejected by Shen Mo again and again, and faced with his cruel and merciless words time and time again.The whole world seemed to collapse along with it, and she felt like she was about to suffocate.I really don't understand, is human love always changing like this?How could he accept her, treat her so well, give her so much sweetness, and then turn around and leave her?
Late at night, she stood beside Shen Mo's bed, dressed like an adult.Wearing high heels and a short skirt, with colorful and blurred makeup on his face.She climbed onto his bed, her eyes were stained with tears, and she said: "I will grow up, and I can do what adults can do."

Shen Mo almost wanted to kill himself at that moment, he hated her persistence and unwillingness to give up, and even more hated his selfishness and ruthlessness, did he have to push her to this point?

When she confessed to him and was rejected, she could still forcefully smile and go back with her head held high, not coming to school, and never seeing each other again.But now, what kind of love is so deep that she let go of the dignity she once had, and cried humbly and begged him not to leave?

"Jiang Xiaosi, don't go crazy anymore! Don't make yourself look like this guy! You make me sick! Get out of here right now!"

Shen Mo kicked her out and pasted talisman papers everywhere in the house, Jiang Xiaosi couldn't get in even if he had the key.

She really didn't know what else she could do, she had already given Shen Mo her whole heart, but that person said no, so he didn't want it.If it was before, she could pretend to let go very freely.But now, she felt that she had completely lost her mind.Like any crazy woman, as long as Shen Mo doesn't leave, she can do anything.

However, she still never approached Shen Mo at school or in the office, nor pestered him in front of others.She didn't want to affect his daily life, and she didn't want any rumors that would harm his reputation.Also for myself, retain the last dignity.

In her bones, she is arrogant and willful.For thousands of years, she has lived so proudly and freely, collecting the favor and love of Jiang Liu and everyone around her.But facing Shen Mo, facing his heart that she couldn't get back no matter what, she just dropped into the dust like that.She cried, she made trouble, she begged, but love, the more you want to exchange it with dignity, the more you can't get it back.

At three o'clock in the morning, Jiang Xiaosi sent a text message to Shen Mo in the teaching building.

"I'm on the rooftop on the ninth floor. If you don't come before four o'clock, I'll jump off."

Ye Miao once threatened with his own life to break a man's escape and win love.She used to think she was stupid, so stupid.Your life is your own, how can you be influenced by a man's love?She laughed at her, women always like to play such tricks in their relationship.

But when it was her turn, she realized that the time has come to prove whether a man loves you or not by dying.How sad is it to give up life without love.

She was still vaguely living in the phantom of being passionately in love with him, and she refused to wake up, nor did she want to believe it.She just wanted to prove whether he really hated her to such an extent that he didn't care whether she died or not.

Every second is so difficult, she thought that Shen Mo would not come.But in the end he still came. He stood downstairs looking up at her, but with one sentence, he wiped out her last hope.

"I came here to tell you." Shen Mo's cold voice sounded.

"If you want to die, go die, if you can die."

Then turned around and strode away.

Jiang Xiaosi looked at his back and smiled sadly, yes, she forgot that half of herself is a zombie, she just jumped off a building, how could she die, and who can she threaten?

Shen Mo continued to walk forward. Hearing the dull sound of objects falling from a high altitude, he didn't stop in his steps.Jiang Xiaosi must learn to grow up by herself, if these pains can make her forget herself or hate herself, it will be worth it.

"Master!" A Yin could not bear to call him in his ear.

"Don't worry about it." Shen Mo's voice was so hoarse that he couldn't speak, and his eyes were red and empty, looking ahead.

"Jiang Liu is back, it's okay, it's okay..." He murmured repeatedly, as if trying to convince himself.

How dare that fool really jump off, she is half human, she won't die, but it will hurt!

Shen Mo's body seemed to be torn apart, every step was like walking on the tip of a needle.He promised to protect her, he promised not to let her get hurt again.But he forced her to jump off the stairs so cruelly and mercilessly, haha, why didn't he die?

Jiang Xiaosi lay paralyzed on the bloody ground, looking at Shen Mo's back that was drifting away, he really, really didn't look back.

With such a bang, all the ties between them were broken.With so much blood, I don't know whose heart was broken all over the place.

(End of this chapter)

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