Chapter 71

Chapter 68

"Xiao Si..."

Jiang Liu's voice was choked with sobs, and he stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears and blood on her face, and picked her up carefully, like picking up broken porcelain.

The bones of Jiang Xiaosi's body were twisted, his brain was bleeding profusely, and his consciousness was already blurred.

She was already numb, but Jiang Liu's salty tears fell on her face, causing her wounds to hurt.

"Dad..." She mouthed, but couldn't make a sound.

It's really embarrassing for her, she made herself so stupid when Dad was away for a while.

Jiang Liu gave her magic power. If it was an ordinary zombie, she would be invulnerable and would not be injured at all, but did she forget that she is still half human?The trauma is not difficult to treat, but it is too horrible to look at.

Picking her up and walking into Tuoguxiang, Jiang Liu was angry, sad, distressed, and more of a self-blame.

He is so stupid, how could he entrust Xiao Si to such a person?Do you think that if he loves her, he will be able to tolerate everything about her?

Xiao Si, it's my dad who made a mistake. From the very beginning, I shouldn't run away or trust others. The only person in the world who can give you happiness is me.

Jiang Xiaosi has been in a coma with a fever, and occasionally wakes up with blank eyes staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Originally, the previous injury was still not healed, but now the brain was hit, and the body was injured. No matter what, he had to lie in bed for a month before he could get off the ground.

Jiang Liu found a lot of RH's blood for her to drink, but she felt like throwing up when she smelled it, maybe it was subconsciously rejecting her identity as a zombie, or maybe she sucked Shen Mo's blood and didn't want to drink other people's blood, Jiang Liu Had to be forced to pour in.

Seeing her despair, Jiang Liu's heart was bleeding.

"Xiao Si, don't look like this, look at Dad!"

"He knows I'm a zombie, he doesn't want me anymore..." Jiang Xiaosi murmured with a blank face, and wanted to cry in Jiang Liu's arms, but she didn't even have the strength to cry, so she could only cry silently.

"Jiang Xiaosi, you are Zhao Bing's daughter! Show me some backbone!" He wanted to scold her loudly, but the next moment he hugged her tightly in his arms with distress.

"You only want him, don't you want Dad? What will Dad do with you like this? Do you want to leave me alone?"

Jiang Xiaosi stared at him blankly, trying to raise his hand to wipe away his tears.Yeah, how could I be so stupid and so selfish.If you give up on yourself and hurt yourself, no one will feel sorry for her except Dad.

"I'm sorry, I won't do this again..." Jiang Xiaosi put his hand on his chest where the key was.She has exhausted all her strength to restore this relationship, she is so tired.She can live and die for love, but she is not alone, she must live well for her father.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaosi finally calmed down and fell asleep, Jiang Liu slowly clenched his fists.He will pay double for all the injuries and pains that Xiao Si suffered!
Shen Mo didn't sleep for two days and two nights, sitting on the sofa in the living room, and didn't even change his posture.The talismans around the house had already been removed, but he knew that Jiang Xiaosi would not come again.

Looking at the river falling straight into the courtyard from the sky, with fluttering long hair and fluttering clothes, he looks more like a fairy than a zombie.He breathed a sigh of relief, Jiang Liu was able to find time to trouble him, which meant that Jiang Xiaosi was fine.

"Let's talk outside." Shen Mo stood up, knowing that there was a fierce battle, and didn't want to break things at home.

The bamboo grove was unusually quiet, Jiang Liu remained expressionless, and there was no anger, only a murderous air of bloodshed.His eyes are not aggressive, but they make people feel cold all over, as if everything in the world is dead in his eyes.

"Shen Mo, because I am also responsible, I won't kill you. But as much blood as Xiao Si bleeds, you have to bleed as much."

Jiang Liu stepped forward slightly, and the silver coin in his hand flew out along with the silver chain.Shen Mo took out his moon-shaped scimitar to block the attack, and the two collided with each other, causing flames to scatter everywhere.

The silver coin flew around the obstacle curve like it was alive, the protective aura around Shen Mo's body was easily torn, and there were several deep gashes all over his body, all the arteries were cut, and blood almost gushed out.

After all, Shen Mo has only lived for a few short decades. Even with the help of the seven-story Changming Pagoda, spells may be able to match, but how can the kung fu of fists, feet and blades compare to Jiang Liu's years of fighting on the battlefield and honing for thousands of years? It's a wound.

"Do you think you can beat me like this? Is it too self-defeating?" Jiang Liu looked at Shen Mo coldly, how long he thought he could last like this.

Shen Mo shook his head, Jiang Liu didn't fight him as a zombie, so naturally he didn't know how to use spells.Moreover, he was wrong in the first place, if these injuries could make him feel less guilty and make Jiang vent his anger.

"Don't think that I will be soft on you." Jiang Liu's figure was too fast, leaving countless phantoms around him.In the blink of an eye, Zhang Feng had come to him, and he pushed so hard that his internal organs were almost shattered.

Shen Mo staggered back a few steps, barely standing with the help of bamboo branches.

Jiang Liu stopped and looked at him coldly, feeling really bored, he thought that Shen Mo might be able to fight him in this world.

"You have your choice. I won't force you. We lied to you before, so I don't blame you. I thought you were different from ordinary people. I can only say that I overestimated you. From now on The company has nothing to do with you, I will take her out of Taoyuan City, and will not give her up to anyone again. Shen Mo, please do it yourself."

Jiang Liu left, leaving Shen Mo with a look of astonishment.Don't think about what he means by saying that he won't give up Jiang Xiaosi to anyone again.Shen Mo frowned deeply, and coughed out the accumulated blood.

Jiang Liu's attack was really ruthless, and his internal injuries were so severe that he couldn't even use spells for a long time.Staggering step by step, he walked towards the house, barely drank some medicine, and fell into a drowsy sleep.Xiao Si must be in more pain and suffering than him now, right?

When Jiang Liu returned to Tuoguxiang, Jiang Xiaosi was still sleeping, with a plaster cast on his neck, and only his small head was exposed, looking very cute.Jiang Liu stroked her face, thinking that he and Shen Koudan had worked so hard to find and make medicine, but it was all in vain.After living for thousands of years, at least he doesn't think there's anything wrong with being a zombie.

Just now when he fought with Shen Mo, he clearly intended to back down, or even get hurt on purpose, is it really just as simple as guilt?Jiang Liu had some doubts, but he was not in the mood to think deeply.From now on, everything about him has nothing to do with them.

Shen Mo lay on the bed for a day and a night, someone vaguely helped him up and gave him water.Opening his eyes in a daze, it was Yu Shuixin's face.

"You're finally here, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Shen Mo violently sprayed water on the opponent's face, and grabbed the opponent's neck with one hand.

The plaster cast on Jiang Xiaosi's body was finally removed, and he didn't want to be seen in a mess again, so he didn't let Jiang Liu tell anyone.She has thought a lot these days, and tried her best to consider from Shen Mo's point of view, if such a thing happened, how would she react.Indeed, he was not wrong, the one who was wrong was himself, and it was his identity that he could not change no matter what.

Shen Koudan has visited her several times, and recently she has been changing her appearance less and less.The original appearance was very delicate, but when he smiled, his eyes narrowed into small crescents.Shen Koudan didn't know what happened, only heard that Shen Mo knew Jiang Xiaosi's identity, and then they broke up.This is something Shen Mo would do, she felt regretful but not surprised.It's just strange that when Shen Mo went to see him, he was actually more haggard than Jiang Xiaosi.So I always believed that he just didn't figure it out for a while, and it would be fine when he figured it out.

That night, Shen Mo set up a net to catch Mei Xin. He thought he would make him immortal, but he didn't. He just abolished his mana and sealed the remaining ray of lonely soul in the seven-layer Changming Pagoda.

"Why didn't you kill me?" Messing asked.

Shen Mo shook his head, looking quite tired.

"I used to dream day and night that I wanted to make you lose your mind, but now I suddenly realize that it's really boring."

Messing sneered: "I still don't learn my lesson, if you don't kill me now, you will regret it one day."

Shen Mo recalled his wild laughter on the phone back then.

——Shen Mo, you killed the person I love, as I said, I will also kill all the people you love...

These years, Yu Tong betrayed him, he killed Yu Tong, Mei Xin killed his whole family, he killed Mei Xin, and Mei Xin turned into a ghost to kill him again...

When is it time to retaliate, he is really tired and doesn't want to fight with him anymore.

"Whether you believe it or not, I made a mistake in Yu Tong back then... You should practice hard in this pagoda, and one day you will get rid of your hostility, and I will send you to reincarnate."

The time in this seven-storied Changming Pagoda is different from that outside. One year in the human world is equivalent to 100 years in the pagoda.It is a treasure handed down by the Shen family, used to detain ghosts, and also used for self-cultivation.Therefore, people who are often tens of years old can practice hundreds of years of Taoism in the pagoda, which is suitable for quick spells.But you can't stay in this tower for a long time, it's easy to forget who you are.Shen Mo would occasionally go into the pagoda to retreat for ten and a half months, which was very good for peace of mind, especially in those years when his family members were first killed.

Mei Xin had fought with Shen Mo all his life, and he had never seen such a calm and serene expression on his face, as if he had seen through everything.What changed him?Is that Jiang Xiaosi?If this is the case, Messing finds it very funny.

"You sacrificed your love just to catch me?"

Shen Mo said nothing, indeed, he gave up Jiang Xiaosi for revenge.

If he and Jiang Xiaosi can break up peacefully, after he catches Mei Xin, he will still have the courage to go to her to win back her heart and get back together again.But he knew that was impossible, and with Jiang Xiaosi's character, he would definitely not let go easily, but he never thought that she would use such a decisive way.After rejecting her so coldly, even if Messing was caught, avenged, and threatened, he would have no face to see her again.

In fact, they said that they had to separate for Jiang Xiaosi's safety and for her not to be harmed. These were self-deceiving nonsense.His fundamental purpose was to use the incident of breaking up with her to set up a net to catch Messing and avenge the killing of his family.

Because of her aversion to inhumans, it is reasonable to break up with Jiang Xiaosi after knowing the truth, Mei Xin will not be suspicious, and naturally she will no longer think of revenge by hurting Jiang Xiaosi.And seeing Jiang Xiaosi sad, Jiang Liu will definitely come to make trouble for him.Deliberately fighting outside, on the one hand, let Mei Xin, who has been monitoring his actions, see how powerful Jiang Liu is, and dare not provoke him anymore, and take revenge on Jiang Xiaosi for trapping Mo Yang.On the one hand, he was seriously injured, which made him think he had an opportunity.There are no other important people around him except Shen Koudan and Yu Shuixin, but those two people are both highly skilled in Taoism, and Mei Xin can't hurt them.

Mei Xin is a cunning person, he doesn't mind playing peek-a-boo with Shen Mo all his life, disturbing his housework.But seeing that Shen Mo was seriously injured, he had never experienced the feeling of killing an enemy, so he thought it would be good to torture him for fun.I couldn't hold back for a while, but I fell into the trick.

It might be a kind of relief for him, but he didn't expect that Shen Mo could restrain the hatred for so many years and not kill himself.That's good, anyway, he has a lot of patience, and he will make a comeback soon and come back for revenge.Because Cai Wen's body is still in his hands, although the tower tomb has been destroyed, it only takes a few more years for him to suck the blood of thousands of people, practice blood magic, and become an invincible blood zombie .Even if he couldn't directly control him in the tower, it would be easy for Shen Mo and the others to make a fuss.This game is not over yet...

(End of this chapter)

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