Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 608 Frost Sword Palace

Chapter 608 Frost Sword Palace
Snow Eagle King explored in this ice palace.

But he didn't find anything worth his shot.

But the Snow Eagle King heard some movement from Yang Fan, and also walked into the harem.

Seeing the picture hanging on the wall, a ray of light suddenly burst into the eyes of the Snow Eagle King.

"Huh!? The woman in this painting is so strange and refined, she is high above the ground. This is the woman this king is looking for!"

There was a hint of obscenity in the eyes of the Snow Eagle King.

My heart is also eager to move.

This footstep also walked towards the portrait involuntarily.

If this kind of woman can sleep in the palace, it will be a very desirable thing.

From then on, the king didn't go to court early, so that's what he said.

The Snow Eagle King, moved by emotion, reached out to the portrait, wanting to touch the woman in the portrait.


The portrait itself actually released a hidden sword energy.

It directly swept towards the Snow Eagle King's finger.

The sudden burst of power moved the Snow Eagle King's heart.

Immediately, he became alert very quickly, this sword energy had originally cut off Snow Eagle King's arm directly.

However, the long robe worn by the Snow Eagle King was not a simple piece of clothing.

A ray of light was released immediately, easily resisting this sword attack.

"If you want to hurt me, then I will pick you off!"

Snow Eagle King's purple robe blocked this move, and soon this Snow Eagle King also became angry.

This mere person, who has been dead for an unknown amount of time, dares to be arrogant in front of him.

If this king wants it, what kind of woman can't be found in this world.

But anyone who dares to disobey the Snow Eagle King will be severely taught a lesson.

However, before the Snow Eagle King could take down this portrait, he had already seen the portrait spontaneously combust!
But in the process of burning.

Snow Eagle King was also staring at the eyes of the portrait. ,
The person in this portrait seems to be in an extremely distant place, staring at King Snow Eagle through this portrait.

Seeing this, Snow Eagle King's heart was also terrified, what kind of operation is this.

To Snow Eagle King, this was a bit sensational.

"If you are still alive in this world, the king will find you sooner or later!"

Snow Eagle King said proudly.

Obviously, the Snow Eagle King also knew that the person in the portrait was not the Frost Sword King.

Because the information of the Frost Sword King is also stored in the Nine Princes Mansion, the appearance of the Frost Sword King is completely different from the one in this portrait.

Then Snow Eagle King also pushed open some surrounding doors.

Although there are some elixirs, or spiritual objects and the like.

Even some gemstones and jasper on the wall are relatively valuable.

But to Snow Eagle King, these things are nothing.

Not very attractive.

What are really valuable are the three treasures hanging in the hall.

As long as these three treasures are obtained, the strength of the Ninth Prince's Mansion will definitely be doubled.

Yang Fan opened his eyes, the people outside had browsed through several rooms, and the room Yang Fan was in was the last one, if the other party tried to open it and couldn’t open it, they would definitely compete to the end, and then forcefully open the door of this room .

At that time, there must be a big battle.

But fortunately, the other party doesn't have that much patience.

These last few rooms did not check one by one, but turned and left.

In the huge ice palace, there were not many things that he could take a fancy to.

Even, it is not as attractive as the portrait just now!
So just leave directly.

Time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, the three-day deadline has come.

But the four elders of the Jedi did not refine the icicle smoothly.

But at this last moment, he was suppressed by the power of the sword king.

Now the Frost King Sword is entwined with the power of the Sword King, and there is a terrifying and hidden power in the Frost King Sword. It is the existence of this power that makes the four elders of the Jedi feel jealous stand up.

The first two days were fairly peaceful.

Wait until the time comes on the third day.

Suddenly, outside the ruins, there were traces of several forces.

However, the Ying Department of the Ninth Prince's Mansion is here to resist tenaciously.

Let these forces calm down, and dare not attack directly, after all, the Eagles make a move, and no grass will grow.

Mu Xuan, who was in charge of the surrounding area, also felt the pressure.

"Now there are at least six forces in the vicinity. The Chenxu Hall and the Qiankun Tower have all sent people here."

Mu Xuan said to Snow Eagle King.

At this moment, she is reporting the situation here to the Snow Eagle King. The previous few confrontations also caused the Eagle Department to drop a lot of corpses.

But fortunately, during these days, the Nine Princes Mansion's combat strength is also very well replenished, and many masters have gathered here.

formed a powerful deterrent.

However, the other party discovered that the Ninth Palace was here and was resisting tenaciously, so they already knew that there must be treasures here, and they couldn't let this and the Nine Palaces monopolize so many treasures.

Immediately, under such extreme circumstances, these people joined forces with each other to plan an attack.

"It's just a mob. My Ninth Palace is here to stand up. Who dares to intrude. If there are a few intruders, let them in. My Snow Burial Army will naturally throw their heads out. "

Snow Eagle King said lightly.

At this time, in this ice palace, there is also an army belonging to the Snow Eagle King ambushing, called the Snow Burial Army. ,

Although Mu Xuan disagreed with the name, but the fighting power of the Snow Burial Army is definitely the king among killers.

And equipped with the most possible weapons and armor.

Once the fire started, it was almost as if a bunch of heavily armored fortresses were moving.

"In addition to those forces, we also found the shadow of the Frost Palace!"

Frost Palace?
Also called Frost Sword Palace.

When he heard this name, the Snow Eagle King obviously frowned.

Behind the Frost Sword King, it is not that there are no descendants.

On the contrary, at the beginning, the Frost Sword King left behind a legacy and created a sect, but this sect did not exist for a long time. After the Frost Sword King disappeared, it gradually declined.

Thousands of years later.

The Frost Sword Palace still exists.

Moreover, looking at it like this, it seems that the descendants of the Frost Sword King personally found it.

This is not easy to do.

The strength of the Frost Palace is unknown, but in this moral sense, their Ninth Palace is digging up the graves of their ancestors.

But one thing is extremely important, whose tomb and whose remains are here, there is no clear voice outside!

Even if there is, it's just a guess!
(End of this chapter)

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