Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 609 Xu Taiqing

Chapter 609 Xu Taiqing

At this moment, several groups of troops have already been stationed about ten miles away from the ruins.

So many people have been turned away, obviously one more step forward, you can get a batch of treasures.

Moreover, among the people who came here, there are many powerful ones. If they are united, they will definitely be able to fight their way out.

only. , Dragons without a leader.

Who is willing to be the pioneer and bear the biggest loss.

Who is more suitable for this first shot?

In the face of not seeing this real benefit, everyone is rational. In such an environment, the first and most important thing is to ensure the safety of their own interests.

But waiting for so many days was in vain.

It also made them gradually become impatient.

Until the people from the Frost Palace came.

Frost Palace is headed by a woman in her 40s.

There is a pair of buns on the top of the head, dressed in Tsing Yi, holding a sharp sword, with a frosty face, between the brows, there is a biting coldness, a face is like the flesh hanging on the face, without the slightest expression.

"Master, people from Chenxu Palace are here to see you."

This woman is facing fiercely, but the disciples under her hands are outstanding in appearance. Although they are not as good-looking as heavenly beings, the frosty sword energy cultivated in this body has added a touch of real beauty to them invisibly. Dusty feeling.

"Dianxu Palace? These daring people must have some kind of conspiracy."

The woman opened her eyes, and there was also a look of disdain for this Dust Void Palace in her eyes. Everyone was from a different sect, and they all had their own careers to do.

This Chenxu Temple has been thinking about rebellion all day long.

And the career of their Frost Sword Palace is to make their Frost Sword Palace brighter.

To restore the prestige and glory of the past, these are the most important things for them.

Therefore, both of them are considered to be on different paths.

"The Ninth Prince's Mansion is very powerful now, and we have no clear information. This is the relic of our ancestors. Even if it is a relic, they will tell us an answer that they don't know anything after they have taken all the things."

"No, it is absolutely impossible to go on like this. Since the people of Chenxu Palace want to enter this ruin, they must make good use of it!"

This old woman is the Great Elder of the Frost Sword Palace, named Xu Taiqing.

Although the Frost Sword Palace is not very famous, it is not easy. After all, the ancestors are so powerful, and they hide themselves very well between the Frost Sword Palace and the world.

This kind of enough time and space development is enough for the Frost Sword Palace to come out, and directly possess the ability to dominate one side.

"Xueqin, let them in!"

Xu Taiqing thought for a while, then spoke.

The person who came to report in front of him was also Xu Taiqing's eldest disciple.

Li Xueqin.

Li Xueqin bowed her hands when she heard the words.

"Yes, Master."

Soon, the group of people from Chenxu Palace were also led into the tent by Li Xueqin.

The people who came here from Chenxu Palace were wearing Taoist uniforms and holding dust whisks. They were thin and thin, but their eyes were as sharp as knives.

Followed by several elders in black.

"He is a Dharma protector in the Lower Chenxu Hall and the Rendian Hall. He has been hiding for a long time and has met the elders."

Hall of Dust and Void.

Inside and outside.

It is divided into heaven hall, earth hall and human hall.

The three halls are responsible for different areas and things.

The expansion of the human hall master.

Except for the Hall Master.

There is a legal protection position under it, and it will act outside. This kind of legal protection position will have this supreme right.

Under the guardianship is the elder.

And the so-called seven monarchs.

It is this position that is below the elder.

Under normal circumstances, the elders do not need to come forward at all.

Most of the things, such as coming forward to meet and receive goods, are also matters between the seven monarchs.Actions abroad are basically the names of the seven monarchs.

For example, Xue Jun, who was killed by Yang Fan last time, was one of them.

Now the Dust Void Hall not only sent elders here, but also let a Dharma protector sit in charge of the big situation in front of him.

It also made Xu Taiqing feel vigilant.

After all, these people are not weak.

The name in front of him is Zang Jiudao.

With his own strength, he must have entered the realm of the seventh-rank, or even eighth-rank swordsman.

And the strength of those elders is also in the realm of fifth and sixth ranks.

If the strength of this hidden long way is placed in the hell camp, it is equivalent to a commander.

There are only three commanders in the entire hell camp.

This mere Dust Void Hall Human Hall protector possesses such strength.

If it were the strength of the entire Dust Void Palace, then I don't know how terrifying it would be.

"It turned out to be the guardian of Tibet. Our Frost Sword Palace and Chenxu Palace have no intersection. I don't know if the guardian is looking for us. What's the matter?"

Xu Taiqing said calmly, but never got up to greet her.

Just wave your hand and let them sit down first.

Although he didn't pay much attention to it, he didn't dare to underestimate it. First of all, the ostentation must be enough to be able to restrain the opponent.

"It's a coincidence that I passed by this place a few days ago and heard that there was a heavy treasure here, so I came to check it out, but after this investigation, who knew if there was a heavy treasure, I found that it was actually the treasure of the Frost Sword King. The land of the ruins, and it has already been occupied by the Nine Princes’ Mansion, it’s nothing to us, but there are so many masters in the Nine Kings’ Mansion. If the elders want to get back the things of their ancestors, I’m afraid it will not be so simple ah."

Zang Jiudao said.

With a wave of the fly whisk in his hand, the space in front of him actually fluctuated, and then Zang Jiudao took out a pot of tea from it, and poured it for himself.

"Oh? How do you know that this is the remains of the ancestors."

Xu Taiqing remained calm.

"This is a picture scroll we bought in Bin-Hur City a few days ago, elder, please take a look."

Saying that, Zang Jiudao also waved his hand, and an elder of Chenxu Hall also stepped forward and took out a blueprint in his hand, which described the site of the Frost Sword King's ruins.

Obviously this treasure map is not the only one.

If there is only one copy, then they don't have to be so anxious.

"It seems that the ruins below are indeed the cemetery of the ancestors of my Frost Sword Palace! Since they are the ancestors of my Frost Sword Palace, no matter who comes to set foot here, they are enemies of my Frost Sword Palace!"

Xu Taiqing's eyes suddenly turned cold.

At this moment, she doesn't need to prove that the map brought by Zang Jiudao is real, she just needs an excuse, and then she will enter the business openly. What's more, she also knows very clearly that the place below is indeed them The ruins of the ancestor Frost Sword King.

Seeing Xu Taiqing's gaze.

Zang Jiudao also smiled.

"Our Chenxu Palace has always liked to make friends in the Jianghu. Many friends have multiple paths. The Nine Princes' Mansion dominates one side and has strong strength. We are also willing to help the Great Elder. Great Elder Wanwang, remember our friend in the Chenxu Palace. "

Hearing Zang Jiudao's words, Xu Taiqing's eyes also had a cold light.

It turned out that this weasel had such an idea of ​​gaining both fame and fortune in his heart!

(End of this chapter)

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