Chapter 626

Shen Jianyi suddenly raised his head and looked at the direction where Yang Fan disappeared before, and felt that the wind blowing here seemed to have become colder. What happened in that direction.

Ge Qing's face was also extremely ugly, because it was in his induction.

His helper has disappeared.

When this happens, either run away or die.

"So what, now you are at the end of your battle, and you are already in my pocket, kill you, and I will go to that kid to settle the score!"

Ge Qing said coldly.

The appearance of Yang Fan also brought a sense of crisis to Ge Qing. After all, such a variable has appeared, so how can he feel at ease?

The matter has reached such a point, it must be a decisive battle, otherwise, once Shen Jianyi leaves, if the matter is exposed, it will not only be the Qiushan Sword Sect.

The whole world can't tolerate him, Ge Qing.

This is undoubtedly very risky, but if it succeeds, the harvest will naturally be quite rich.

It was such a generous reward that Ge Qing was crazy about.

"Oh? Then you can try."

Shen Jianyi said calmly, on the surface he was still extremely calm.

But she was very vigilant in her heart. She was seriously injured now, and she could only make a few shots, and it was very likely that she would lose her chance.

If Ge Qing could not be killed within three moves, then her situation would be quite dangerous.

If there is no other connecting flight.

So now Shen Jianyi's heart is also very nervous.

Suddenly, Shen Jianyi saw a figure rushing out not far away, and the other party obviously also saw Shen Jianyi.

He also made a silent gesture to her.

Suddenly she realized, although she didn't know why Yang Fan wanted to help her, but since he could escape from Ge Qing's eyes, he was willing to do so.

"Ge Qing, don't you want the head token, I can give it to you."

Shen Jianyi just spoke.

Hold the person in front of you.

Yang Fan couldn't help giving Shen Jianyi a thumbs up.

When Ge Qing heard the sect master's token, his eyes lit up immediately, and he lowered his guard a lot. Hearing Shen Jianyi's words, a smile appeared on Ge Qing's face.

At this moment, he also wanted to settle the matter as soon as possible.

After getting the token of the head of the sect, and then beheading Shen Jianyi in front of him, it will be even more difficult.

No matter what, this Shen Jianyi would not be able to get out of this ancient forest today, but if this Shen Jianyi died, it would be quite difficult to find the token of the sect master.

Because these things are usually not carried with him, but stored in one place, he has been investigating for a long time, but he doesn't know where Shen Jianyi put the token.

It may or may not be there.

In order not to take any risks, it is better for Shen Jianyi to hand over his master token on his own initiative.

"But you have to promise to let me live."

"After I go out, I won't expose you, and I just want to survive."

Shen Jianyi said lightly.

There was no change in expression on his face either. When Yang Fan watched Shen Jianyi say his lines, could he show some expression? Who would believe you when you said this.

Yang Fan almost thought that he was about to be unable to hide it, and was ready to kill at any time, but the distance is a bit far now, if he gets closer, he will be discovered by the other party, the only way is to wait for a loophole to appear, and directly shoot Kill!

Staring straight ahead.

"Naturally, I'm only here for the master token. You give it to me, and I'll let you go. It's as simple as that."

Ge Qing said with a smile.

Try to make yourself look nicer.

Shen Jianyi sneered in his heart, and took out a token from his bosom expressionlessly.


Although it was only the moment when it was taken out, Ge Qing already knew that this token was indeed the token of the head of the sect, and it was impossible to fool him with a fake one, for the token of the head of the sect.

Ge Qing can almost be said to have dreamed of it.

Seeing this sect master's token flying towards him now, he was naturally excited.

However, the flying route of the token changed suddenly, heading towards the jungle behind.

Ge Qing knew that Shen Jianyi was playing tricks, but as long as he got the master token, there was nothing to be afraid of.


Ge Qing jumped up and chased after the token of the head of the sect.

However, the moment this figure approached, he found something wrong. At the beginning, his eyes were still on the token of the head of the sect, but the next moment, he was attracted by a figure rushing out of the jungle. . ,


Ge Qing saw Yang Fan jumping out of the jungle, also holding a sword in his hand. ,

"Ice Slash!" Yang Fan poured the power of his Xueji Divine Ice into Mojue Sword.

This Demon Absolute Sword can easily carry the power of Xueji Shenbing.

It turned into a blast of frosty sword energy and slashed towards Ge Qing.

"Not good! It's a hit!"

Ge Qing let out a low growl in his heart, and at this moment, he only had time to draw his sword, and the momentum of the sword gathered in a hurry was defeated in an instant.

Ge Qing was hit by this sword, and his whole body immediately froze in place. The cold air from the opponent's sword seemed to pour into his body without money, directly condensing the spiritual power that Ge Qing had given to his body. average.

The emergence of such a terrifying situation also made Ge Qing's eyes widen.

But it hasn't recovered yet.

That Shen Jianyi's sword has also been swiftly plundered.

"This is the fate of betraying the sect!"

Shen Jianyi's cold voice reached his ears, and Ge Qing realized something was wrong, but his body couldn't move, and his whole body froze. Judging from this situation, it would take at least a second to be able to unravel.

Immediately, Shen Jianyi also let out a low drink, and sent the sword in his hand into Ge Qing's body.

This sword immediately penetrated Ge Qing's body.

Blood flew out instantly.

The next moment, Shen Jianyi also put the sword energy into it without hesitation, and immediately heard the sound of tearing.

That Ge Qing's body had already been cut in half!
Yang Fan's eyes widened when he saw this scene.

This is the first time I have met such a violent girl.

Cut the person in half directly.

Most importantly, this girl stole his head.

In this way, this person was not killed by him, and he lost a lot of experience!

"You, you little girl, why are you so violent, why don't you leave him alive and let me do it!"

Yang Fan said immediately.

However, Shen Jianyi withdrew his sword, turned around and wanted to leave.

But the body just couldn't hold on, and fell to the ground with a plop.

(End of this chapter)

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