Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 627 Generous

Chapter 627 Generous

Yang Fan looked at the falling figure, and was still thinking in his heart, could this girl be pretending to be dead on purpose, and then wait for me to come forward and kill me?

It is not uncommon for revenge to be reciprocated these days.

But when Yang Fan took a closer look, the girl was indeed seriously injured.

"With this ability, I can still be the suzerain."

Yang Fan couldn't help shaking his head.

"The suzerain of the Autumn Mountain Sword Sect, no wonder, but the Autumn Mountain Sword Sect should also be supported by our Hell Camp."

Yang Fan thought.

I didn't expect to be able to get involved with the Qiushan Sword Sect here. The first mission I joined the hell camp was to help the Qiushan Sword Sect and resist the enemies of the Qiushan Sword Sect.

Who doesn't happen to be the traitor of the Qiushan Jianzong who came here.

What is it called Ten Thousand Beings? This kid is also a little bit strong. If he hadn't run fast at that time, then Yang Fan might really have been brought down by this guy.

However, these ten thousand sentient beings seem to be in a bad situation recently.

After coming down from the Qiushan Sword Sect, I didn't encounter any good things. In most cases, I met Yang Fan, and there were many good things messed up by Yang Fan.

"This Qiushan Sword Sect is also pitiful. Just now, he fell into the Tao of Chenxu Palace, and now he has encountered the rebellion in the nest again!"

Yang Fan couldn't help shaking his head.

As the saying goes, the prosperity of the world is all for profit.

Such a thing is indeed easy to happen, and no one may be able to control it in the face of absolute temptation.

After putting away the sect master's token, Yang Fan also grabbed Shen Jianyi and swept towards the distance.

The battle here will definitely attract some desolate beasts and spirit beasts around.

Coupled with the smell of blood, Yang Fan might not be able to deal with the other party if he encounters something terrifying, and Shen Jianyi's condition doesn't seem to be very good.

From the blood-stained clothes, it seemed that Shen Jianyi's inner armor was directly broken.

Yang Fan took Shen Jianyi to find a new cave. This place has already deviated from the ancient forest, and it is regarded as a marginal area. Even if something happens here, Yang Fan has a way to deal with it.

"The girl is in such a state that she can't even take the Qi and Blood Pill."

Yang Fan felt that Shen Jianyi's aura was getting weaker and weaker.

If it is not treated in time, it may persist for a day at most, in this painful state, and then hang up directly.

Just die in this endless pain.

"Forget it, if you save a suzerain, maybe you can get some benefits in the future."

Yang Fan thought.

He helped Shen Jianyi up, and at the same time stuffed a Qi and Blood Pill into Shen Jianyi's mouth.

The slight opening of the little lips surprised Yang Fan, it turns out that the woman's mouth is so soft.

Sitting behind Shen Jianyi.

Yang Fan used his own spiritual power to help Shen Jianyi refine Qi and Blood Pill.

The only healing pill on Yang Fan's body was this Qi and Blood Pill.

In addition, there is the invincible golden body potion, which is useless for her to eat.It's only used in battle, but Yang Fan hasn't used this invincible golden body potion until now, so he will try it if he has the chance.

Is it really invincible.

Then don't you want to change your name to Hulk?

After helping to refine two Qi and Blood Pills continuously, Shen Jianyi's condition gradually improved.

"Strange, logically speaking, there should be a hidden weapon or something on my body, and then I took off my clothes and then healed the wound. Why didn't it happen?"

Yang Fan suddenly scratched his head, the rhythm was a bit wrong.

How could he stabilize the injury without taking off his clothes?

But Yang Fan didn't think about this question for too long, and fell asleep leaning on the surrounding stone walls.

Because it was the first time to use the Snow Ji Divine Ice.

In fact, the power level of this snowy ice is stronger than spiritual power, and Yang Fan has used this snowy ice many times, which in itself consumes more intensely.

In addition, Yang Fan used several big moves.

Consumption also hollowed out Yang Fan's body invisible.

So leaning against the wall is a deep sleep.

In the middle of the night.

Shen Jianyi woke up from that dream, in fact, Shen Jianyi had been forcing herself to wake up,

It wasn't until just now that some of this strength was recovered.

When Shen Jianyi woke up, he coughed softly.

Looking back, he saw Li Zongjiu, who was leaning on the mountain wall to sleep, subconsciously touching his sword.

The sword is still there.

"He saved me."

Shen Jianyi looked at the man in front of him.

Yang Fan's age doesn't seem very old either.

However, Shen Jianyi did not stay in the cave, waiting for Yang Fan to wake up.

Instead, after leaving a note and a porcelain bottle, he left with heavy steps.

She is a person who is injured and doesn't want to be seen by others. Now that such a distressed appearance appears in front of Yang Fan, this is something that a high-ranking suzerain can't do.

Even if she is not very strong, she must pretend to be very strong.

So Shen Jianyi had to leave.

But before leaving, he also left a small gift for Yang Fan as a thank you.

When the sun shone in, Yang Fan also opened his eyes and couldn't help stretching.

"Hmm... I actually fell asleep, I can't believe it!"

Even Yang Fan couldn't believe that he fell asleep.

"Hey, that girl is gone?"

Seeing this empty cave, Yang Fan also knew that Shen Jianyi had already left.

Looking at the things on the ground, there is a small note, and a porcelain bottle is pressed on top of the note.

"That's good stuff."

After Yang Fan poured out the contents of the porcelain bottle, he rolled it in his hand.

The fragrance of all the elixir is also condensed in this elixir.

This is a characteristic that only high-level pills have.

"Ding—I got the Biluoling Waterfall Pill."

"Effect of taking it: add [-] million experience points!"

Yang Fan was also taken aback by the system's prompt.

Directly increase [-] million experience points.

This may be the most powerful pill that Yang Fan has ever seen since he came into contact with it.

There are three in total.

That's a full [-] million experience points.

And to upgrade this divine sword, it only needs [-] million experience points as consumption.

"This girl is really generous." Yang Fan also accepted the three pills with peace of mind.

Put away this elixir.

This is still considered cheap for her, otherwise, this life would be more than such a small price.

Even the Sovereign Token was returned to her.

"Let's go, it's time to do what I should do."

With such a delay, Yang Fan also wasted a lot of time. ,

In the evening, it is estimated that the commanders will be sent out.

It's time to find someone to challenge.

But just when Yang Fan was about to leave, he suddenly sensed a breath.

"Fuck, baby dragon!?"

"You're still asking me for help!"

(End of this chapter)

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