Chapter 669
Yang Fan took out the feather found on the white-horned rhinoceros island from his arms.

Artest took the feather.

First glanced at it, but the eyes were full of doubts.

"We rarely catch these flying things. We will go to the clan in a while, and I will take you to ask the clan leader."

Artest said.

"Okay, thank you."

Yang Fan said.

Thousands of white-horned rhinos on the White-horned Rhino Island were slaughtered. Such a tragic slaughter made Yang Fan feel the need for revenge. This is pure revenge without any other color, it's as simple as that!
However, when Yang Fan and the others climbed over the mountains and came to a valley, the valley was also filled with a strong fragrance. It seemed to be a place full of singing birds and flowers, and it was indeed a very suitable place to live.

But when the four of them approached, they noticed something was wrong.

In the valley ahead, there seemed to be waves of fierce battle sounds, and at the same time the ground was trembling non-stop.


After listening from a distance, Artest and the others immediately widened their eyes.

"Not good, there are wild beasts sweeping the tribe!"

Artest and the others immediately ran away.

When he rushed to the valley, he happened to see more than a dozen strong men lined up in formation, and the stone grass in his hand was also pointing at a fierce tiger with bright red skin and hair in front of him.

The size of the tiger was even bigger than that of the white-horned rhinoceros. With just one claw, it was comparable to Artest.

There were already several corpses fallen beside them, and these people were all smashed in half by a paw without any accident. Such a heroic scene was also extremely tragic in the eyes of others.

But in the primitive period, facing these ferocious beasts, one could only use one's own body to resist their attacks, so as to protect the family behind one's back.

"It's the tiger of the wilderness, how could the beasts of the wilderness come to our jungle!"

Artest suddenly exclaimed, but when the three of them saw this terrifying wilderness tiger, they charged directly without the slightest hesitation.

More than a dozen men on the other side of the valley saw the three of Artest and rushed out.

Suddenly startled.

"The patriarch, it's Artest and Allie!"

"Let them be careful, we will also surround them from all sides!"

Among the crowd, a man about [-] meters tall was the tallest man with the strongest muscular explosive power. At this moment, after seeing Artest and others come out, he made a decisive decision.

These barren tigers are extremely powerful, but they are not easy to provoke, since you want to go to their tribe to eat people, then let's have a competition of strength!
These bloody ancient survivors did not have the slightest fear in front of these terrifying wilderness tigers.

But bravery is bravery. Yang Fan watched the wilderness tiger turn around and flicked his tail fiercely. He threw Artest and the others into the air, flew more than ten meters away, and landed on the ground. on the ground.

Being brave is a good thing, but in the face of this absolute strength, there is still no way or advantage.

It doesn't even have any effect.

The three of them flew back no matter how they went, and fell heavily to the ground.

According to the calculation of this combat power, the strength of Artest and Allie is not weak, but in front of this wilderness tiger, they have no resistance at all.

Seeing this, the patriarch immediately roared.

"Spear throw!"

After the words fell, when they were less than 50 meters away from each other, they directly threw the spear in their hands with all their strength.




These more than ten spears almost pierced through the space, and swept forward with that terrifying power.

Most of the stone grasses were dodged by the wilderness tiger, and a small part of them were stabbed by the wilderness tiger, which did not cause much substantial damage.

After resisting the attack, he immediately roared and rushed towards the group of people.

These ancient survivors immediately scattered towards the surroundings. Some of them needed to retrieve their weapons, and some of them also drew out a stone knife from their waists, preparing to have a close fight with such a wild tiger. fight.

Only the patriarch stood there without moving, and he had a stone ax in his hand. Faced with the fierce wilderness tiger that flew towards him, the patriarch also roared directly.

"Come on, beast!"

Although the patriarch's courage is commendable, but in front of this wilderness tiger, he could only have his head crushed by a paw.

And the patriarch knew it in his heart, he just hoped to use this moment of his own to hit the opponent's head with an axe, at least to seriously injure him.

Just after the patriarch had made the determination to die in his heart.

Suddenly, he saw a figure standing in front of him, and subconsciously wanted to chop it with the ax in his hand, but he could clearly see that the person in front of him seemed to be a person.

Yang Fan drew out the Mojue Sword behind his back, his eyes were piercing.

The Wilderness Tiger saw Yang Fan in front of him. This man was smaller than the others, and he looked harmless. He dared to stand in front of him. He was so overconfident. Then let you taste Tiger's claws.

Immediately, Yang Fan's Mojue sword was raised above his head, and it directly slashed towards the head of the wild tiger.

The speed of this sword is extremely fast.

The wilderness tiger already felt that something was wrong with the sword coming too fast.

Because the weapon in Yang Fan's hand, the aura released at this moment is too sharp.

Immediately wanted to dodge, but because the rushing speed was too fast, there was no time to dodge.

Then, when Yang Fan's long sword fell, it easily cut the tiger in front of him in an instant.


Blood splattered.

The Wilderness Tiger seemed to have directly bumped into Yang Fan's Mo Jue Sword, and then its body involuntarily split into two halves, falling towards both sides.

Split in half!
The power of this sword made all the ancient survivors' eyes widen.

They couldn't believe that someone could cut the wilderness tiger in half with a single sword.

To know the ferocity of this wilderness tiger, almost no one can resist its sharpness. There was a tribe before that encountered this wilderness tiger. The whole tribe of more than 100 people were all eaten up.

There is no way to meet such natural enemies, everyone is plundering each other.

The ancient survivors plundered the lives of some spirit beasts, and these more powerful creatures were also plundering the lives of others!

(End of this chapter)

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