Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 670 Seeing the Abyss Again

Chapter 670 Seeing the Abyss Again
Yang Fan killed the wilderness tiger with one sword, and the body that was split in half is still warm and steaming.

But this sword is also enough to shock these people around.

Everyone's faces also had an unbelievable look, not only because of Yang Fan's figure and dress, but also because of the strange weapon in his hand.

"You... who are you?"

The patriarch looked at Yang Fan in shock.

Yang Fan withdrew the Mojue Sword in his hand, the sword just now was Yang Fan's use of this sword technique, and being able to be so engrossed was also related to Yang Fan's own strength.

In the last battle, after chopping down a mountain with his own sword intent, his own sword intent has also been improved. This is exactly the case, so Yang Fan can be said to be quite advanced in the use of this sword.

Although the spiritual power was temporarily sealed and could not be used, this sword intent was comprehended by Yang Fan himself.

The sword just now naturally used the sword intent, otherwise, there is no way to split the wilderness tiger in half with just such a sword.

Although the Mojue Sword is sharp, but invincible, it requires a corresponding amount of strength from you.

If your strength is insufficient, you will not be able to display the power of this Demon Absolute Sword.

"Patriarch, hehe, this is my brother, we met in the forest before, and he saved Ah Za's life!"

Seeing this, the three of Artest hurried over, they didn't expect the power of Yang Fan's sword to be so domineering, it really stunned them all.

This is simply nothing to say.

so amazing.

Even more than ten times stronger than when facing the saber-toothed pig.

"He's from outside."

After the end, Artest also added a sentence.

The patriarch also immediately understood that they had heard something about the outside world.

It's just that the outside world is not very good, but a long time ago, everyone was in the same line, so they regarded each other as friends.

"It turns out that this is the case. I am the patriarch of the Wushan clan, Tashan!"

Tashan stretched out his hand and shook hands with Yang Fan.

Only the patriarch can have such a title.

Wushan tribe is the name of their tribe.

Yang Fan knew about this before.

"My name is Yang Fan."

Although I was a little surprised when I heard Yang Fan's name, because only those at the patriarchal level can use the two words, but since Yang Fan is powerful and he is also an outsider, it doesn't matter.

But the most exciting thing for them is that their tribe killed a wilderness tiger today.

This is simply the most glorious record.

Being able to have such glory made their tribe extremely excited. Although a few brothers died in battle, they are glorious. Death is not terrible to them, but a kind of destination.

Yang Fan found that the people living here were in an extremely high state of mind.

Yang Fan also asked Na Atai before, why the people in his tribe didn't want to go out.

With their strength, even in the Zifu dynasty, they can break through a world.

Just based on their physical combat strength, they are also strong enough to charge into battle on that battlefield, and their strength is also very fierce. What's more, life outside is more comfortable.

But when he heard Artest's words, Yang Fan also knew that he was wrong.

Artest said that the outside world is too complicated, and it is better to be comfortable in such a place. It is precisely because there are too many disputes and complicated things outside that world, so their ancestors created such a prehistoric place. An island, an island capable of reproducing itself.

As for going out, they never thought about it at all.

Yang Fan can indeed feel that life on this deserted island is extremely comfortable and simple. Although there are also dangers, there is no complicated relationship between people.

Indeed, where there are many people, there will be rivers and lakes.

Although life on this deserted island seems boring, it is actually a state of returning to basics,

Yang Fan was also invited to have dinner among their tribe that day.

It was directly after skinning the fierce wilderness tiger that was killed today, washing it clean, and putting it on the barbecue grill.

This made Yang Fan heave a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not served directly after slicing, but roasted before eating.

In addition, they also served some fruit wine brewed by themselves. There was wine and meat, and they had enough food and clothing.

Tashan introduced Yang Fan to the rest of the clan. When they heard that Yang Fan was able to kill the wilderness tiger with one sword, they all looked at Yang Fan in shock. After all, the wilderness tiger is a very ferocious spirit. beast.

And it is also an extremely terrifying killer. Basically, when you encounter this wilderness tiger, it means that your life is over.

It is an extremely ferocious creature on this wasteland.

Unexpectedly, he was beheaded by this boy with a sword today, which is even more unimaginable.

They all wanted to have a drink with Yang Fan.

No matter where the strong man is, he is also the object of reverence.

"Patriarch, do you know what kind of spirit beast's feather this is?"

Yang Fan also took out the feather in his arms at the right time.

When Tashan was young, he also left the tribe and went to far away places to challenge and take risks. In terms of understanding of these things, it should be more diverse.

Tashan took the red feather, and was surprised when he first saw it.

However, I put it in front of my nose and smelled it, and finally I was sure, and there was also a little panic in my eyes.

"Where did you find this feather!?"

Tashan's complexion was obviously very bad.

It seems that this matter is extremely serious.

"On a small island with many white rhinos."

Yang Fan said.

"If that's the case, all the white-horned rhinos on the island must have died?"

Tower Hill Road.

"Yes." Yang Fan nodded.

"One of the baby rhinos is my friend, and I'm going to find it."

When Yang Fan saw the corpses piled up all over the field, Yang Fan couldn't believe it. The shock in his heart couldn't be described in a few words.

Such a tragic massacre was an extremely strong shock to Yang Fan.

The most unbearable thing was that this guy killed his friend, so Yang Fan wanted to kill the latter at any cost!

"If that's the case, then I advise you not to look for it."

"I've only seen this thing once. Like you, it's also the end of Manchu Jinniu. It's been a long time since such a thing happened."

Tashan said, when he looked into the distance, he seemed to have fallen into the depths of the past.

Yang Fan didn't speak, but looked at Tashan with a firm gaze. In the end, Tashan had no choice but to let go. After all, Yang Fan could be said to have saved the lives of their entire clan today.

As for what Yang Fan is looking for, let him know first.

And the final decision-making power naturally rests with Yang Fan.

"This is an evil spirit beast from the land of the abyss! I was also told about its origin by someone in the past. If you want to name it, then its name is the abyss sparrow!"

"Look at this piece of feather, its inside has gradually turned into a golden color, which is a sign of transformation. At this moment, it should need a lot of spirit beast's blood to help him break through his own realm. For this abyss bird, you only need to follow the volcano to find it, the closer to the flame, the more likely this abyss bird will appear!" Tashan said in a deep voice.

He also told Yang Fan all the information about the Abyss Sparrow.

And Yang Fan heard the word abyss, how could he be so familiar with it.

After thinking about it, didn't he just kill some abyssal demons in the abyss mountain?

He didn't even hesitate to use a move of sky's wrath to kill.

And here is the entrance to the abyss too?

"Where is the abyss that the patriarch mentioned?"

Yang Fan asked.

"The abyss is an extremely mysterious and strange place. According to the records of the ancestors of the clan, this abyss mountain is the gap between the heaven and the earth, but some extremely terrifying monsters often crawl out of this abyss. These things , we call it the Devil of the Abyss."

"The strength of the abyss sparrow is extremely terrifying. When a black wind blows, it will be a bloody storm."

"If the Abyss Sparrow breaks through, it will definitely return to the abyss, right?"

Yang Fan has never seen this real abyss.

But in the Zifu dynasty, there is this abyss mountain, and the land of the abyss mountain here has also been guarded by the Great Wild Sword Pavilion for generations.

Many masters of the Great Wilderness Sword Pavilion are sitting here.

The Dahuang Jiange that Yang Fan had come into contact with before was actually just a cover.

After all, if the true strength of this Great Wild Sword Pavilion is only this, then it is not worthy of being one of the three sects and four pavilions.

Although these things have been known for a long time, Yang Fan only realized that there is actually another side to this world after entering the hell camp.

In the Abyss Mountain, a large number of masters of the Great Wild Sword Pavilion guarded the gap day and night.

Prevent the demons in the abyss from appearing.

And on Honghuang Island, there is actually an entrance to the abyss that cannot be reached, so why this Honghuang Island has not been occupied by the abyss demon until now, this reason is unknown to Yang Fan.

However, regarding the entrance to the abyss, the patriarch of Tashan only took out a map. The map was extremely dilapidated, but the route on it was clearly recorded.

"If you have already decided that my Wushan tribe will not hinder you, you have saved my tribe, you come with me, there is a stone hammer in my tribe, it is said that it was left by the first generation of the patriarch, the ancestor left Following the last instruction, whoever can pick up this stone hammer can take it away and become the God of War recognized by the Wushan tribe from now on!"

"Stone Hammer?"

(End of this chapter)

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