Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 671 Stone Hammer

Chapter 671 Stone Hammer
Stone Hammer?

In fact, Yang Fan is not interested in this stone hammer. In terms of weapons, Yang Fan has the Mojue Sword in his hand, and the Frost King Sword and other sword king-level weapons in his body, and the Mojue Sword itself can also continuously break through At the advanced level, as long as Yang Fan has enough strength, he will be able to master this advanced Mojue Sword.

Just looking at Na Tashan's expectant face, he couldn't bear to refuse in his heart.

"What stone hammer, can't you all pick it up?"

Yang Fan asked.

"Yes, although it looks only that big, it has infinite weight, and the ancestors once said that if you want to leave this deserted island, you don't have to use a stone hammer to open the way, otherwise you won't be able to get out .”

"in this way?"

Yang Fan was surprised.

If there is no stone hammer, but still can't get out, it is possible that the stone hammer is actually a key, if you want to get out, you have to use this key to open the door.

Or it may be because of the limitation of this power.

No matter what the reason is, Yang Fan has to give it a try.

"Then go and see,"

Tashan beckoned immediately, and all the clansmen went with Yang Fan, but they were just going to get a stone hammer, so many people were needed to visit, which made Yang Fan feel flattered.

The place of the stone hammer is not surprising either.

It was at the center of the tribe that it was placed on a stone slab, with the handle of the stone hammer facing the sky.

It looks like a normal specification is a hammer.

But if you want to talk about the size, it is still a bit small compared to these ancient survivors.

The people who first came to this deserted island had a relatively normal body shape. Later, the abundant energy intake of those descendants also made their bones grow accordingly, just similar to that The meat of saber-toothed pigs is also extremely nutritious.

After taking it, it is also of great benefit to the development of this physical body.

There are not many people in the entire Wushan tribe, only fifty or sixty.

No way, living in such a place, there will often be some ferocious beasts coming to attack, so the population has never been increased.

"Hey, no one has been able to pick up this stone hammer for thousands of years.",

"Master Yang Fan looks so thin, he probably can't lift it up."

"Look at Mr. Yang Fan's body, he doesn't have any muscles at all, so he definitely can't lift it up."

The onlookers around are just a very kind guess. Everyone is waiting for Yang Fan to make a move. Everyone in their clan has tried it, but the stone hammer is like a heavy mountain that cannot be lifted. , Even if he tried his best, he hadn't succeeded.

Even once, three people were used to go up together. ,

The stone hammer also remained motionless, and its strength was extremely terrifying.

Now I just want to let Yang Fan have a try.

When Yang Fan approached the stone hammer, he carefully observed the stone hammer in front of him, only to find that although this stone hammer looks extremely rough, there is an indescribable feeling in this stone hammer , This is a feeling like a heavenly city. In this stone hammer, there is a kind of innate harmonious power, and it is this kind of harmonious power.

This made it impossible for everyone in the Wushan tribe to pick up the stone hammer.

Because within this stone hammer is a force of heaven and earth.

Only those who have carried the world before can pick up this stone hammer.

Yang Fan took a deep breath, and held the handle of the stone hammer with both hands.

At that moment, Yang Fan could feel that the world was pressed directly on Yang Fan's shoulders. Under this world, there were many things, such as seven emotions and six desires, three souls and seven souls, wind, snow, thunder and lightning, these forces, All appear in this stone hammer.

Everything under heaven and earth, in this stone hammer, has everything!

Because these Wushan people have never seen the real world.

So later on, they couldn't afford the stone hammer even more.

Because as far as their eyes can see, it is only this piece of sky.

At the same time, a wave of will flooded into Yang Fan's mind, this is undoubtedly a magic weapon.

"Crafted from the stone of the earth, controlled by heaven and man, this is the hammer of the god of war!"

Yang Fan obtained the information about the stone hammer. If the Excalibur system is here, then this is definitely a large dungeon mission.

It was like entering the double dragon mirror of the Su family.

Compared with the Shuanglongjing, this God of War hammer is a real hammer of power.


With a low shout, Yang Fan lifted the stone hammer directly from the spot.

Such a terrifying stone hammer appeared in front of his eyes, how shocking it was.

The stone hammer in Yang Fan's hand rushed to the sky, as if he was going to cut open a piece of heaven and earth.


Above the sky, thousands of thunders gather, as if excited for Yang Fan to get this stone hammer, and as if happy because this stone hammer has reappeared in the world.

A wave of will entered Yang Fan's mind.

At this moment, Yang Fan finally understood why in ancient times, someone would create this deserted island, and why layers of barriers would be laid down, so that people could not find the place of this deserted island.


The two words exploded in Yang Fan's mind like thunder.

The ancestors of these ancient survivors were to avoid the disaster brought by the abyss.

Now that it has been passed down to the present, the people of this Wushan tribe have forgotten the will left behind by the first generation of tribesmen. In fact, the meaning at that time must be that after possessing this stone hammer, they must be able to destroy the abyss and protect Honghuang Island, but until now , the disaster of the abyss did not break out.

People in later generations also gradually forgot about this thing.

So it has been passed on, whoever can pick up the stone hammer can break through the abyss and kill the outside world.

"Is this considered to be a trick?"

The corners of Yang Fan's mouth raised slightly.

If he was swayed, it was definitely not Ta Shan and the others in front of him.

On the contrary, you can see the complete shock on the faces of Tashan and others. This is a kind of shock from the inside out. It seems that they are extremely incredible for Yang Fan's actions. Successfully lifted up the God of War Hammer.


"Lord Yang Fan is our God of War!"

"The power of the God of War, Lord Yang Fan, possesses the power of the God of War!"

The stone hammer is not heavy for Yang Fan, but the responsibility after picking up the stone hammer is very heavy for Yang Fan!
"The abyss itself is a generational enmity with the Jianxuan Continent, and sooner or later it will break out. This battle is inevitable. If this is the case, I will accept it first."

(End of this chapter)

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