Chapter 1016 Form Flip

The pillar of fire split the sky and burned the endless void.

The flame that was enough to burn everything was dazzling and crimson.

Everyone was startled, and then Xiaoyao Yuntian first showed ecstasy.

"Haha, as I said, Brother Xiao will never lose!"

He laughed loudly, the moment the pillar of fire appeared, he already felt Xiao Yu's strong and familiar aura, like a tiger out of its cage, unstoppable.

"how is this possible?"

The one with the ugliest expression in the field was Xiao Yun.

He planned meticulously, using Xiao Xu's identity as a cover, disguised himself, and took risks without hesitating to injure himself severely, in order to get close to Xiao Yu and succeed in a sneak attack.

And he did succeed, the demon lock ravaged Xiao Yu's body, making it impossible to mobilize his divine power, and he could only be humiliated and trampled by him.

And under the condition of losing the protection of divine power, he was sure that Xiao Yu couldn't avoid Shura Yan Mo Dao's slash at all, let alone resist it.

But now Xiao Yu's terrifying aura really appeared, which made him feel that the disappearance of Xiao Yu's aura before was an illusion.

Now that the matter has come to this point, no matter how shocked Xiao Yun is, it will be useless. He can only turn around and look at the huge flame pillar, his eyes are full of coldness.

Everyone in the sanctuary realized that the previous voice belonged to Xiao Yu, and their complexions turned brighter, and they immediately broke away from despair.

"It's Xiao Yu, it's his voice!"

Liao Baihe looked very excited.

Bei Luo and Tian Yanyue had different complexions, but they were all staring at the flame pillar.

This terrifying power made them palpitate.


The flame column exploded from it, and the flames all over the sky fell to the ground, causing the surrounding land to explode.

Deafening loud noises filled the surroundings, and a figure appeared in the flame column, it was Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's eyes were indifferent to the extreme, his ferocious aura continued to spread, and an aura like a peerless beast bloomed quietly between the heaven and the earth.

He didn't have any scars on his body, and when the Asura Yan Mo Saber fell, he didn't suffer the slightest injury.

"This is impossible!"

Xiao Yun shook his head frantically, he really didn't want to believe the facts in front of him, but he couldn't help but not believe it.

"Xiao Yun, you should die!"

Xiao Yu's voice was full of outrageous hatred, as he clenched his fists tightly, the surrounding space twisted violently, and then collapsed one after another.

At the moment when Xiao Yun Xiuluo Yan Mo Dao fell, Xiao Yu didn't know what he could do, but he miraculously entered a state of fantasy.

Everything around him was out of his perception in an instant, and he felt the surroundings were extremely quiet, and he could even hear the sound of his own heartbeat clearly.

He could even clearly see the scene of the Heavenly Demon Lock restraining the divine power in his body.

At this moment, he saw the divine veins of the Holy Lord on his chest.

The Divine Vein of the Holy Venerable can be said to be the supreme being of heaven and earth, and it is also the most miraculous among the four major divine veins. The potential contained in it is endless, and it is also called the Xuanyuan Emperor Vein.

The Heavenly Demon Lock is extremely domineering, making it impossible for him to break through the divine power that has been condensed to the peak after a lot of tempering in his body, and he is firmly bound in it.

However, Tian Mosuo seemed to have an innate fear of the divine veins of the Holy Lord, he did not dare to go half a step beyond the thunder pool, and only kept wreaking havoc in the area under Xiao Yu's chest.

At that moment, Xiao Yu understood that the Divine Vein of the Holy Venerable was the ultimate nemesis of these thousands of evil things.

"Holy Venerable Divine Vein, clear these things out for me, I'm going to kill that bastard!"

Xiao Yu almost roared in his heart, and the Holy Veins sensed Xiao Yu's strong killing intent.

Shenzun's divine veins were originally full of spirituality, and they connected with Xiao Yu's mind. Sensing the master's will, a burst of golden light suddenly burst out.

The light sprayed directly towards Xiao Yu's body, and the first time it came into contact with the pitch-black Sky Demon Lock, the latter melted instantly like ice and snow meeting boiling water, and completely dissipated in an instant.

And at this moment, the Shura Yan Demon Knife had already been chopped down, but Xiao Yu, who had recovered his strength, how could he be afraid of the Shura Yan Demon Knife?

So he is still standing here intact.

"Bastard, why didn't you get rid of him like this!"

A trace of fear rose in Xiao Yun's heart. Xiao Yu was regarded by him as the greatest threat. Because of this, although his strength had reached the high-level super god level, and he was no less than any of the top ten saints, he still did not lose. Dare to fight Xiao Yu head-on.

From his choice of sneak attack on Xiao Yu, it can be seen that he has an instinctive fear of Xiao Yu in his heart, but now he is trying his best, but still can't cause Xiao Yu too much damage, instead it arouses Xiao Yu's raging anger, Xiao Yu in this state was the most terrifying just now.

"Xiao Yun, I have been looking for you for a long time. You bastard, you killed your own uncle, and colluded with outsiders to murder your own clansmen. What is the reason? Is it because of that illusory statement?"

Xiao Yu took a step forward and questioned Xiao Yun with a voice like thunder.

Xiao Yun frowned, the power of the heavenly demon in his body quietly circulated, arousing the latent demon nature in his body.

There was a sly smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said coldly: "Xiao Yu, you were once called the dude of the Xiao family. Rain, clear the way for you."

He paused, and his voice became crazy: "But what about you? After three years away from home, you killed my mother when you came back, took away my title as the first genius of the Huoyun Empire, and even my favorite Zixuan has become your woman, do you think I should hate you? Should I kill you?"

Xiao Yu was not moved at all, in his opinion, he disagreed with everything Xiao Yun said.

If it wasn't because Sima Yu killed his mother, how could he have killed Sima Yu?As for taking away Xiao Yun's reputation, that's even more nonsense. From the beginning to the end, he never thought about having any grand statement. He just wanted to do what he was supposed to do and complete his unfinished mission.

"Xiao Yun, you really have no sense of shame!" Xiaoyao Yuntian at the side said in a deep voice, "You have done things that are inferior to animals, and you are still finding excuses to cover up and find enough reasons for yourself. You are really pitiful."

Regarding Xiao Yu's matter, Xiaoyao Yuntian learned a lot from the chat with Xiao Yu, including the matter of Sima Yu and others. Under such circumstances, he would not hesitate to kill Sima Yu , will not leave any sympathy.

Even if it was the biological mother of his half-brother.

"shut up!"

Xiao Yun became angry from embarrassment, and he slapped Xiaoyao Yuntian and the others with his palm. The huge palm that held up to the sky carried a pitch-black demonic energy, which was extremely frightening.

(End of this chapter)

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