Chapter 1017 Two Wastes
"shut up!"

Xiao Yun was extremely angry when he heard Xiaoyao Yuntian's ridicule.All of what he did, although there was a great factor of Ao Zixuan, but more because he wanted to be respected by everyone in Shenwu Continent.

He doesn't want to be subservient, he wants to be a master, he wants to be the master of the whole continent.It was precisely because of these that he was determined to plot against his uncle, and he joined forces with the Wind Chaser to deal with the Xiao family.

Now being exposed by Xiao Yun in public, he is naturally furious.

When the giant palm fell, everyone in the sanctuary turned pale. Facing this extremely powerful force, they couldn't stop it at all. The only ending was to be crushed to pieces under the giant palm.

"Hmph! Are you dreaming?"

Xiao Yu's figure appeared in front of Xiaoyao Yuntian and the others at some point, with a point of his finger, a beam of light penetrated out, turned into a light bullet, and exploded suddenly when it touched the black demon's palm.


Black air scattered all over the sky, and the huge demonic palm was directly shattered by Xiao Yu's move, turning into wisps of demonic energy and dissipating.

"With me here, you can't kill anyone!" Xiao Yu said coldly, "Aren't you very arrogant just now? Now let me see how capable you are!"

Xiao Yu grinned coldly.At this moment, Xiao Yun no longer has the slightest weight in his heart, and is completely just an enemy.

He never shows mercy to his enemies.

"Xiao Yu, don't think that I'm afraid of you!"

Xiao Yun's gaze paused, and he stood up, his body full of demon energy, surrounding him.

"Hey!" Xiao Yu tilted his head, looked at Bei Luo on the other side, stretched out his fingers, and pointed directly at Bei Luo.

"And you, the useless dog of Yangshen Domain, I will let you know that it is not easy to take advantage of the fire!"

Xiao Yu's words were insane to the extreme. The overlord Tianjiao Bei Luo, who had always been regarded as the focus by everyone, was actually called a useless dog by him.

"What did you say?"

Bei Luo's eyes were very fierce, he was proud and arrogant, he never looked down on anyone of his generation, now being humiliated by Xiao Yu like this, how could he swallow this breath.

"I said you are a useless dog. If you refuse to accept it, you can continue to fight with your allies!"

Xiao Yu spread out his hands, his appearance was extremely arrogant, but full of unspeakable domineering.

Mu Xiaoke and the others were startled. Hearing Xiao Yu's words, he obviously wanted to face the world's two super gods with one against two.

"Brother Tian, ​​is my cousin too impulsive?"

Donghuang Youruo asked worriedly.

Xiaoyao Yuntian shook his head and said: "Don't worry, brother Xiao has full confidence in himself, no matter who the opponent is or how many opponents there are, he can't win against him."

Tian Yanyue was also a little shocked. In her opinion, although Xiao Yu was powerful, Xiao Yun was not a cheap lamp. Besides, Bei Luo, who was not weaker than him, was a choice that ordinary people would not make. Do.

But Xiao Yu insulted Bei Luo as soon as he came up, which obviously made Bei Luo directly stand on the opposite side.

If she were to take Xiao Yu's position, she would definitely choose to deal with Xiao Yun first, and then deal with Bei Luo's previous assistance to Xiao Yun, instead of putting forward such a stupid suggestion as one against two.

At this moment, Xiao Yu's gaze swept towards her, and the indifference in that gaze gave her a chill.

"You made a team decision and didn't join forces with these two wastes, otherwise you will die today!"

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, his eyes turned back to Bei Luo and Xiao Yun.

Tian Yanyue was startled by Xiao Yu's chilling words, she opened her mouth, but couldn't utter a word.

"You two go up together, Xiao Yun, don't you want me to die? Now is a great opportunity!"

Xiao Yu pointed his finger at Xiao Yunbeiluo and the two of them kissingly, his gaze was full of provocation.

Xiao Yun frowned tightly. Xiao Yu's composure and arrogance at the moment made him feel extremely uncomfortable, but now that the arrow is on the string, he has no choice but to act.

Glancing at Bei Luo, who was surrounded by hostility, Xiao Yun felt a little more at ease. At this moment, there was a strong support here, and he did not believe that the combination of the two could not deal with Xiao Yu.

"Brother Xiao Yun, this guy is really too arrogant, don't worry, I will help you get rid of him!"

Bei Luo's tone was full of hatred, Xiao Yu's contempt for him greatly challenged his self-esteem, he is the overlord of Yangshen Realm, and he would never allow anyone to challenge his dignity.

Even so, he did not strike hastily, Xiao Yu just casually shuttled through the space, and received Xiao Yun's angry palm, which has already demonstrated his extraordinary strength.

He asked himself that he was in Xiao Yu's position just now, and he would definitely not be able to rescue Xiao Yun in time when his palm fell.

Xiao Yu is indeed a formidable enemy, and this enemy is likely to be stronger than him.

One-on-one, he really didn't have much confidence, if possible, he would rather choose not to confront Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu had just insulted him, and he had already forced him into a corner where he had to make a move.

If he gives up now, the statement will be wiped out from now on.

Although it is not honorable to unite with Xiao Yun to kill Xiao Yu, it is the best way at present.

"Two trash, dare not make a move?"

Xiao Yu is usually quiet and introverted, but once he shows his domineering aura, he is truly unstoppable. No one can compare to that kind of despising the world and being the only one who respects himself.

In today's world, is there any younger generation who can say such words when facing Xiao Yun and Bei Luo, two super god-level masters?Only Xiao Yu was alone.

"Hmph, Xiao Yu, don't be mad!"

Xiao Yun let out a loud cry, Shura Yan Mo Dao shot out endless sparks, a ray of light flashed past, and black lightning arcs raged out in the sky.

Half of the sky was soaked in black, and the huge black Thunder Saber Qi descended from the sky.

"Crazy Saber Howling!"

Bei Luo was also in the same place, with a purple-black light shining from the simple long knife in his hand, cutting out horizontally.

The hundreds of thousands of feet of huge sword energy wave space divides the sky and the earth into a straight line.

Two tyrannical attacks roared towards Xiao Yu's direction, but Xiao Yu sneered: "Small tricks!"

I saw the soles of his feet suddenly stamped down, the whole earth trembled violently, and then he rose into the sky, and there was already a huge sword blade condensed with divine power on the palm of his hand.

"Blast Slash!"

With a low brown sound, the broken and reforged sword blade in his hand slashed out horizontally, and then he raised it again.Two huge fan-shaped sword qi rushed out like a flood of beasts.


The sword qi was vertical and horizontal, and the sword qi emitted by Xiao Yun and Bei Luo was directly torn apart, and then the remaining strength slashed at them.


Neither of them thought that Xiao Yu would break their attack so easily, and the sword energy was already approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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