Chapter 1018 Ruthless Strike
The sword energy was vertical and horizontal, tearing the sky, and the powerful penetrating power of Gale Slash directly broke through the space, and slashed towards Xiao Yun and Bei Luo.

There was a strong killing intent in Xiao Yu's eyes, and he didn't show mercy when he shot.

Xiao Yun and Bei Luo were terrified, they retreated suddenly, and the long saber was drawn in the opposite direction, bringing out a cold light.

Saber Qi once again connected with Xiao Yu's Gale Slash, but it had no effect at all, and it couldn't even hinder it.

But in this instant, they had already covered a distance of hundreds of thousands of feet, out of the attack distance of Gale Slash.

The clear sky was completely shrouded by Gale Slash, and the terrifying sword aura filled the space in all directions. Under such a powerful force, even if a master at the top of the Yuanshen Realm was even a little bit contaminated, his bones would be wiped out, and he would be smashed to pieces by the sword aura.

Xiao Yu held a huge broken sword blade, and runes fluttered all over his body, showing his demeanor of a war god even more.

The fierce fighting spirit surrounded him, and the group of people in the sanctuary were completely convinced.

Xiao Yu, who has recovered his strength, is truly unstoppable. Even in the face of the two overlords who are at the super god level, he is happy and fearless, and he is fearless.

"I told you, you two are just trash!"

The huge sword blade in Xiao Yu's hand gradually dissipated, and the disdain in his eyes drove Xiao Yun and Bei Luo almost crazy.

Bei Luo fought fiercely with Xiaoyao Yuntian, but the pressure Xiaoyao Yuntian put on him was less than one-tenth of Xiao Yu's now.Just standing there and staring at Xiao Yu made him feel as if a big stone was pressed against his heart.

The "Wrath of the Crazy Sword" taught by his grandfather, King Beixuan, can be said to have gone through a lot of tempering and is very powerful.There are few martial arts skills at the same level that can be compared with it, coupled with the peerless magic weapon in his hand, the power is definitely not as simple as one plus one.

Among his peers, he believed that no one could resist his slash, and even if he did take it, he would have to pay a considerable price, but Xiao Yu completely destroyed his stance in the most brutal way.

And it's still under the condition that he joins hands with others.

The word shame is no longer enough to express his state of mind at the moment.

"Xiao Yun, people's desires are unlimited, but because we are humans, not beasts, we have to restrain our desires. Unfortunately, you have magnified your desires to the point where it is difficult to satisfy!" Xiao Yu glanced at Xiao Yun said in a deep voice, "It's unforgivable to kill Uncle, but you should think about it, this act is ultimately your own."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he clenched his fists suddenly, and a powerful divine power rippled around his body.

"Next, I'll change the method. I want to tell you the facts. The Heavenly Demon Three Changes and the Asura Yan Demon Sword that you worked so hard to cultivate are really vulnerable to me."

Xiao Yun's eyes were fixed, and Xiao Yun's shout had already swept over his head, and his fists came down suddenly with a strong cyclone.

"Powerful Punch!"

Xiao Yu gave up the long-range attack and chose to deal with Xiao Yun and the two in the most brutal way.

The fist magnified rapidly in front of Xiao Yun's eyes, Xiao Yun had no way to dodge it, he could only raise his fist hard.

The power of the heavenly demon wrapped around his arm, and there was a little bit of strange scarlet in the pitch black.

This punch is enough to blast a mountain into powder without leaving any residue.


When the two fists collided, Xiao Yun felt a powerful force that he had never seen before coming through his body. There was a sharp pain in his arm, and his body was directly smashed into the earth and rocks by Xiao Yu's punch.


Smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the entire ground was smashed into two by Xiao Yun's body.

"What a powerful force!"

Tian Yanyue was horrified, Xiao Yu hadn't really made a move before, but seeing the fight between Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun at this moment, she really knew the gap between herself and Xiao Yu.

At this moment, she was really very grateful that she did not agree to Bei Luo's cooperation before. If not, Xiao Yu would definitely be on the opposite side of her now.

Facing such a fierce opponent, even she felt a trace of fear.

That is not jealousy, but real fear.

Bei Luo's eyes widened, Xiao Yu punched Xiao Yun into the ground, and then his figure swung to his side.

Bei Luo was startled, Xiao Yu swept his leg horizontally, the wind of his leg split the surrounding space, and the azure blue divine power wrapped it.

"The Raptors swing their tails!"

Bei Luo was startled, the long knife was already lying across his chest, emitting a bloody light.

"Phantom Guardian!"

The long knife immediately transformed into thousands of phantoms, enveloping him in them, Xiao Yu's legs swept by the wind, and those phantoms were all washed away in an instant, and disappeared without a trace.

A muffled groan came from the phantom, and Bei Luo's figure shot out immediately, leaving a shocking trace in the sky.


Xiao Yu snorted coldly, let Bei Luo go temporarily, his body was like a rocket launch, and crashed directly into the ground.


The ground collapsed, Xiao Yu's figure disappeared, everyone held their breath, and the field fell into silence for an instant.

Bei Luo had a gloomy expression on his face. It was the first time in his history that he had no power to fight back against his peers.Xiao Yu's strength was so strong that he couldn't understand it. According to his estimation, even his grandfather, King Beixuan, might not be able to get any benefits here.


At this moment, a force shot straight from the ground to the sky, and then Xiao Yun's figure flew out of it, spraying blood in the air.

There was humiliation and disbelief on his face. He thought that after entering the Super God Realm, he was already an almost invincible existence in the world, but when facing Xiao Yu, he was still so powerless that he could only be beaten passively like a sandbag .

He has only fought against Xiao Yu twice in his life, the first time was when Xiao Yu returned to Xiao's house to make a big fuss, that time he lost very simply, with just one move.

But this time, his level of strength was ahead of Xiao Yu's, but he never thought that there was still a huge gap in combat power.

Only now did he truly understand the meaning of the words "Aotian Kuangshen".

Only by fighting against Xiao Yu can one realize how terrifying he is, and most of the people who fought against him are no longer alive.

Xiao Yu jumped out of the ground, his body was tall and straight, his head held high, and his whole body was full of unspeakable domineering aura.

To be able to force the two super-god masters into such a mess, which younger generation can do it?
Xiao Yun turned over and flew thousands of feet before stabilizing his body, a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth was eye-catching.

He wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his heart already had the idea of ​​retreating.

"Bastard, why am I still unable to deal with him? How did he get out of the demon lock?"

Xiao Yun only felt that the world was plunged into darkness. He tried every means to deal with Xiao Yu, and even used bitter tricks, but in the end it was all in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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