Chapter 1029 Captured
When Xiao Yu returned to the Eastern Royal Family, Eastern Emperor Wuying and the others had already set up a big banquet and were waiting for his return.

Donghuang Xieyi, a boy who has always been proud, is full of longing for Xiao Yu, and from his mouth, there is a steady stream of rumors about Xiao Yu's glorious battle on Despair Island.

The bravery of one against two and the terrifying power of annihilating the Yangshen Domain team by one person were vividly rendered by him.

He seldom convinces others, Xiaoyao Yuntian is the first, and Xiao Yu is the Xiao Yu
"Our number one hero is here!"

Seeing Xiao Yu's return, Donghuang Wuying laughed loudly, and the laughter was enough to spread throughout the entire Eastern Royal Family.

The East Royal family cheered from top to bottom, everyone was welcoming Xiao Yu's return.

From Xiao Yugang being rejected by the Eastern Royal Family to now being admired by others, there has been a huge transformation.

Xiao Yu proved everything with his strength, and made the Xiao family have a great reputation in the Eastern Royal Family.

Xiao Haoyun, the son-in-law of the Eastern Royal Family, has an extremely outstanding son.

"Uncle, you are too serious!"

Xiao Yu smiled wryly, he never wanted to take credit for being arrogant, only when facing the enemy would he show his incomparably arrogant side.

Although this trip to Despair Island relied on him to solve the two huge hidden dangers of Xiao Yun and Bei Luo, if Xiaoyao Yuntian hadn't stopped him before, he might have been beheaded by Xiao Yun before he could persist.

Other people in the sanctuary are also invisible heroes. It can be said that everyone has contributed a lot.

"It's not serious, it's really satisfying for you to vent your anger on Uncle."

Whenever he thought of the tragic battle 20 years ago, Donghuang Wuying felt a tremor in his heart, and he would wake up in a dream. Xiao Yu's deeds finally made him feel at ease, and a knot in his heart was opened.

"Brother Wuying is right, it seems that I am not late!"

Xiaoyaohuang's hearty laughter resounded in the sky, and he and Xiaoyao Yuntian had already appeared at the gate of the East Royal Palace.

"Haha, brother Xiaoyao was joking, of course you came on time, please come in!"

Donghuang Wuying welcomed Xiaoyaohuang and Xiaoyaohuang into the home, Xiao Yu and Xiaoyao Yuntian looked at each other and smiled, the love of life and death was expressed without saying a word.

The two have gone through too many tribulations, in Xiao Yu's heart, Xiaoyao Yuntian is like his own brother, regardless of each other.

Speaking of brothers, Xiao Yu immediately thought of Xiao Yun, and his heart darkened.

Xiao Yun was his half-brother, but in the end he was in the same situation as him, and he never expected such an ending.

"Brother Yun!" Xiao Yu suddenly stopped Xiaoyao Yuntian.

"Brother Xiao, what's the matter?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian turned around, a little surprised.

"Brother Yun, we will always be brothers, right?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian was taken aback by Xiao Yu's words, he took a deep look at Xiao Yu, and immediately understood Xiao Yu's worry.

"Brother Xiao, don't worry, I will not become Xiao Yun. No matter how far you go, I will chase after you and will not be your enemy."

Xiaoyao Yuntian answered firmly, although he is proud, he is not jealous.

The higher the achievement Xiao Yu achieves, he may feel frustrated, but he will never give birth to the idea of ​​competing with Xiao Yu because of this.

"Brother Yun, this sentence is enough!"

It's not that Xiao Yu doesn't believe in Xiaoyao Yuntian, it's just that human nature changes too fast, and two people who are close to each other are likely to turn against each other the next day.

"Brother Xiao, this is my promise!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian stretched out his right palm, and Xiao Yu also stretched out his hand with a smile.


The two of them hit each other's palms, their eyes were extremely sincere.

The banquet was extremely lively, and the ten great saints also descended suddenly. Countless top forces flocked to it, and finally evolved into an exchange of major forces.

Xiao Yu lacked interest, and came alone to the backyard of the East Royal Palace, the Demon Emperor's Cave where he was once trapped for seven days and seven nights.

Thinking of his experience in the sanctuary, Xiao Yu felt as if he had passed away.

Walking out of a small Fanyun Town, after several twists and turns, a former playboy controlled the pattern of the entire continent, and then advanced to the Sanctuary, stirring up the situation again.

Before changing his job, Xiao Yu didn't have such lofty ambitions, and he didn't know that he could go as far as he is now.

Once he was just a child who wanted to avenge his mother.

Now, he is already one of the top experts in this world, but he wants to lose.

"Big brother!"

Thinking of how he blasted Xiao Yun's body to pieces with his punch, he felt very sad.

At that moment, there was no joy in his heart, only endless sadness.

Things in the world can't be forced, Xiao Yun likes Ao Zixuan, but Ao Zixuan only loves him.

He walked in front of his peers, and even surpassed countless predecessors, which attracted the envy of countless people.

Xiao Yun is the one with the strongest jealousy, if not for this, they would not have come to this point in the end.

"Power always invites disputes!"

He sighed lightly, feeling helpless in his heart.

Shenwu Continent, Alliance Headquarters.

Ao Zixuan was staying alone in the room, flipping through the recently delivered alliance documents.

During Xiao Yun's absence, she became Long Xiu's assistant, participating in the management of the alliance's affairs.

Suddenly, she felt that she had lost any connection with the space around her, as if the room she was in had suddenly become a separate entity.

"what happened?"

Ao Zixuan was startled, and wanted to open the door and window, but she felt a strong rebound force as soon as her hand touched it, and she couldn't help but take a few steps back.


Ao Zixuan felt that something was wrong, surged with divine power, and slapped out suddenly.

But its divine power was bounced back the moment it touched the door and window, and then dissipated.

She wanted to use space to move, but she was completely trapped and could not get in touch with the outside world.

"Don't panic, the old man brought you out, just wanted to tell you something."

An old voice resounded in the room, Ao Zixuan was extremely surprised, but she didn't know where it was.

"who are you?"

Ao Zixuan asked.

"My name is the Venerable Yellow River, and I come from the realm of the gods."

The old voice replied.

"Honorable Yellow River, Divine Realm?"

Ao Zixuan's pupils shrank, but she had never heard of the title of Venerable Yellow River, and no one had raised the word "God's Domain".

"I don't know you, why are you arresting me?"

Ao Zixuan calmed herself down, the strength of the opponent must be extremely terrifying, otherwise it would be impossible to remove her and the room without anyone noticing.

"It's a good thing for the old man to find you!"

The old voice continued: "Don't be impatient, take you away from this so-called alliance, and we can have a good talk."

Venerable Yellow River is not afraid of the alliance, but does not want to be disturbed.

"I am the woman who is arrogant and mad, you dare to arrest me?"

Ao Zixuan raised Xiao Yu's name, which was also his last hole card.

"Ao Tian Kuang Shen?" Venerable Huang He's tone seemed very disdainful, "This old man has never heard of this name."


Ao Zixuan was furious, no matter how much anyone looked down on her, she would not be too angry, but looking down on Xiao Yu made her unforgivable.

She was ready to self-destruct.

(End of this chapter)

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