Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 1030 Ao Zixuan Taken Away

Chapter 1030 Ao Zixuan Taken Away

There was a glimmer of light in Ao Zixuan's palm, and she slowly placed it on her chest.

The violent power grew in her body and spread to every part of her body.

She knew that she couldn't escape, so she could only compress all her strength and explode at that last moment.

She is Xiao Yu's woman, even if she dies, she must not be humiliated.

"Little girl, do you want to blow yourself up?"

The old voice came, and there was a little shock in the tone.

In his opinion, it was just taking Ao Zixuan away from the alliance quietly, but Ao Zixuan was so strong and chose to blew himself up, what's the reason?
Ao Zixuan was also shocked, she didn't expect the old man to be so powerful, able to see her intentions.

"Who the hell is he?"

Ao Zixuan did not know where such a powerful old man suddenly appeared, it was too scary.

Although she didn't know the specific strength of the old man, she was sure that the old man would be able to instantly kill all the experts in the alliance, otherwise it would be impossible to take her away without anyone noticing.

"That's right, I don't care who you are or what conspiracy you have, don't try to get anything from me!"

Ao Zixuan has a determined face, the power in her body is still surging, as long as the situation is not right, she can explode herself in an instant.

"Little girl, what are you talking about, I don't have any conspiracy, I just have something to talk to you!"

The old man's voice was a little helpless, and the next moment, Ao Zixuan felt the surroundings quiet down, as if she had come to an empty place.

"Little girl, don't be afraid, come out!"

The old man's voice was slightly soft, as if it came from outside the house, Ao Zixuan was startled, and opened the door suspiciously.

A fairy-like old man was standing not far away, looking at Ao Zixuan kindly.

"You brought me out?"

Ao Zixuan was slightly taken aback, the old man moved the entire room into the space with great strength, this kind of strength is rare in the world, even Xiao Yu, she was not sure if she could do such a thing.

"Yes, it's the old man!"

The old man smiled and nodded, Ao Zixuan felt that the old man was not too hostile, but still did not dare to relax, strength surged inside her body.

"Little girl, don't think too much, I really have something good to ask you!"

Seeing that Ao Zixuan was still so nervous, the old man took a few steps back deliberately, hoping that the atmosphere would be calmer.

"Find me something good? If you invite me in this way, what good thing can you find me?"

Ao Zixuan obviously doesn't like this, she always feels that the old man has a different purpose.

The old man looked a little embarrassed, and said slowly: "Little girl, this matter is a long story, let me make a long story short, I hope you can follow me to the sect, I can make your strength countless times stronger than now."

The old man thought that Ao Zixuan would readily agree, but Ao Zixuan didn't have much reaction.

"I reject!"

Ao Zixuan's voice was calm, she refused without the slightest hesitation.

"What, refuse, you don't want to? You don't want to gain the power to make this continent tremble?"

The old man obviously did not expect that Ao Zixuan would refuse. The people she wanted to come to this continent were a group of ordinary cultivators. The door probably doesn't deserve it.

But Ao Zixuan didn't have much interest in it, he didn't understand it very much.

"I'm not interested, my man already has the power you mentioned, there's no need for me to do such a thing!"

Ao Zixuan thought of Xiao Yu, if it was said to make this continent feel trembling, Xiao Yu would definitely be able to do it.

"Your man? You mentioned your man several times, aren't you a virgin now?"

The old man asked a question that made women very shy, but Ao Zixuan answered very simply.

"Of course not, I already have a husband!"

Ao Zixuan said seriously.

"What? Are you really broken?"

The old man was shocked, and his complexion changed several times.Because of Ao Zixuan's special constitution, even though she is a married woman, her body is still full of girlish aura, which makes her look noble and holy. ?
"Don't you think it's rude to keep caring about this?"

Ao Zixuan's complexion turned cold, and the old man's repeated questioning about this matter made her extremely annoyed.

The old man was silent for a moment, and his eyes suddenly burst into strange expressions.

"It's okay, even if you are not a virgin, it will only have a slight influence. With the supreme secret method of our sect, you will definitely be able to reach that height."

The old man returned to his previous complexion, looking at Ao Zixuan with very hot eyes.

Ao Zixuan couldn't help taking a step back, the power in her body spread out a little, wrapping it up.

"Don't come here, or I'll blow myself up!"

Hearing this, the old man remained motionless, and said with a headache: "Little girl, I just want you to become the saint of my sect, so that you can get the supreme inheritance of my sect, why are you unwilling? It will not hinder you and your husband, on the contrary, you have gained great power, so you can still help your husband?"

Ao Zixuan was startled, what the old man said really hit her heart.

No matter when, Xiao Yu is always fighting alone, facing countless opponents alone. Although that tough and unyielding figure is domineering, it also makes people feel distressed.

If she is strong enough, she can share some of the burden for Xiao Yu and prevent Xiao Yu from working so hard.

"Xuanxuan, I will protect you at any time, I don't need you to hurt yourself, as long as I'm here, no one can hurt you!"

Xiao Yu's words suddenly resounded in his heart, and Ao Zixuan suddenly came back to his senses.

"No, he won't like me like this!"

Just as she was in a trance, a hand landed on her shoulder.

Her body stiffened suddenly, and the boiling power gradually subsided, and her eyes darkened, and she passed out.

"This little girl is really strong!"

The old man said helplessly: "Don't blame me, for the sake of the sect, I can only do this."

Ao Zixuan's body was lifted up by her with divine power, with a whistling sound, both of them disappeared into space, not knowing where they were going.

Xiao Yu, who was far away in the sanctuary, didn't know about this. Today, the East Royal banquet had just ended, and he greeted all the heavyweights in the sanctuary, and then headed for Feiyu City in the sanctuary.

There is also his promise here, and only after fulfilling this promise can he return to the Shenwu Continent with peace of mind.

Feiyu City is also considered a famous city in the sanctuary, and there is an old and powerful force entrenched here. Although it is not as good as the top ten top forces, the owner is also famous.

That is the Xie family in Feiyu City, the Xie family with Xie Qinxue and Xie Bing there.

Xiao Yu came here just to meet them.

(End of this chapter)

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