Chapter 1033 Earth Pluto

"Thank you Tianguang, you still have the face to come back!"

Xie Bing said in a deep voice, his tone full of killing intent.He used to call this person his second uncle, but now this person is just his big enemy.

"Good nephew, don't you salute when you see your second uncle?"

Xie Tianguang did not have the slightest sense of shame, jokingly said.

"Salute? Today I will take off your head and sacrifice to my father."

Xie Bing's aura was astonishing, and his divine power spread to the surroundings, and those who were weaker felt a huge sense of oppression.

Xie Tianguang is happy and fearless, he is a master of the ninth level of the Yuanshen Realm, infinitely close to the peak of the Yuanshen Realm, although Xie Bing is also at the ninth level of the Yuanshen Realm, he is still a little tender.


Xie Bing stomped his feet, the air wave exploded, and he rushed towards Xie Tianguang, and the fist containing divine power blasted out directly.

Xie Tianguang sneered, his figure leaped out, and he confronted Xie Bing with his fists without fear.


The space shattered, and the two of them retreated simultaneously with a shock. Xie Tianguang took two steps back, and Xie Bing took three steps back.

Although Xie Bing's strength has improved rapidly, it is still inferior to Xie Tianguang's.

"Nephew, I am your second uncle, you are not my opponent!"

Xie Tianguang mocked.

"Really? Then try it!"

Xie Bing is not afraid, although Xie Tianguang is stronger, but if there is a fight, he may not necessarily lose.

Only Xie Tianguang can let him vent his hatred, and he is bound to take Xie Tianguang's life.

"Since the Xie family is so interested, let's play with them too!"

The middle-aged man who was walking with Xie Tianguang sneered, and everyone behind him was already ready to move.

"Wu Xing, the master of the Underworld Palace, the old man is here to learn your skills!"

Elder Xie Jia stepped forward and stood in front of Wu Xing. The clothes on the two of them moved automatically without wind, and the surrounding space was twisted and deformed, and then exploded.

"Come on, let us meet the masters of the Underworld."

The remaining masters of the Xie family also met the other masters of the Underworld, and the sky fell into a melee for a while, with divine power, which made the whole city tremble.

Xiao Yu and Xie Qinxue came late, and while quietly releasing his power to resist the aftermath of the confrontation between these people, so as to prevent the residents of the city from being affected, he silently watched the confrontation between Xie Bing and Xie Tianguang.

The martial arts skills of the two are very similar, and the exercises they practice are also the same. Although Xie Bing is slightly weaker in strength, Xie Tianguang can't take advantage of his desperate posture for a while.

Another eye-catching battlefield in the arena is the Elder of the Xie family and Wu Xing, the master of the Underworld Palace. They are also at the ninth level of the Yuanshen Realm, and their strength is between them. The strength of the rest is around the seventh level of the Yuanshen Realm. These two battlefields can determine the outcome of the battle between the two parties.

Xiao Yu swept across the two battlefields, and then his eyes fell on the high-altitude clouds.

The two sides fought for half an hour, and the two sides won each other, but they were still stalemate.

At this moment, a divine power descended from the sky, and then exploded above everyone's heads.

Everyone on both sides grunted, and one by one involuntarily stepped back, with a trace of panic on their faces.

"What a powerful force, who is it?"

Everyone in the Xie family was horrified, but the people in the underworld did not show the slightest surprise, as if they had known it for a long time.

The clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and a black figure appeared. It was a thin old man, but his body exuded an incomparably terrifying aura.

It was him who made the move just now.

"It's you?"

Xie Bing and the others didn't know the old man, but the First Elder of the Xie family's face was frozen with deep fear.

"Xie Qiankun, it seems that you still remember the old man?"

The thin old man's tone was indifferent, but his power was extremely astonishing.

"Earth Pluto!"

Xie Qiankun, the elder of the Xie family, spit out a name word by word. This name was a nightmare for the Xie family decades ago.

"Earth Pluto?" The rest of Xie's elders were taken aback when they heard the name, and then suddenly came back to their senses.

"The last Palace Master of the Underworld?"

Everyone's faces were filled with horror. The previous head of the Underworld was a strong man who was at the same time as Xie Tian, ​​the old head of the Xie family. His strength was extremely terrifying. Although he was defeated by Xie Tian decades ago, no one would question his strength.

Now that decades have passed, Pluto has reappeared here, and his strength seems to have improved to a higher level.

Just relying on his move to knock everyone away just now, his strength is enough to be described as unfathomable.

"Earth Pluto, you are not dead!"

Xie Qiankun was extremely fearful, this Pluto left him a great shadow at the beginning, and now that he reappeared in the world, he can be sure that no one in the Xie family can stop him.

"How could I die? I have been waiting to wash away the shame that Xie Tian gave me back then with the Xie family!"

Earth Pluto sneered.

"Huh!" Xie Qiankun snorted coldly, "You are just a coward, if the old Patriarch is here, how dare you come to commit crimes?"

"Thank God?" Earth Pluto said disdainfully, "Even if he comes back to life, why should I be afraid?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he stomped the sole of his foot, and the tyrannical shock wave sent everyone in the Xie family back again.

"Super divine realm?"

Except for Xie Bing, everyone had a look of horror on their faces.

As we all know, there are only ten super-god masters in the sanctuary, the ten saints, but Di Pluto, who has not been seen for decades, actually broke through to the super-god level.

This means that the Underworld possesses a master of super gods, and definitely has the capital to be among the top ten top forces.

Although Di Pluto has just entered the super god realm, but it is easy to kill all of them here. Today, the Xie family is really in danger.

"Di Pluto, you said that the Xie family would not be destroyed and would help me win the position of Patriarch. Why do you say nothing?"

Xie Tianguang's complexion changed, he said dissatisfied.

"It's nothing, dare to bargain with the old man!"

Earth Pluto slapped out a palm, but Xie Tianguang had no way to dodge this light palm.


He fell to the ground like a broken kite, and was severely injured in an instant.

There is such a huge gap between the Super God Realm and the Primordial God Realm.

Casually injuring Xie Tianguang, Di Pluto turned his gaze to everyone in the Xie family. They all felt their bodies stiffen suddenly, and a terrifying feeling enveloped their entire bodies.

"After today, the Xie family in Feiyu City will no longer exist. I will send you down one by one to meet Xie Tian and tell him about the matter."

The Pluto feels that everything is under control, and this feeling of full power is really wonderful.

"Young Patriarch, run away, let's block him for a moment!"

Xie Qiankun immediately looked at Xie Bing, hoping that he could escape quickly and keep the fire for Xie's family.

Unexpectedly, Xie Bing shook his head lightly, with a meaningful smile on his face.

"No need, it's not us who should escape!"

Xie Qiankun looked bewildered, not knowing what Xie Bing meant by these words.

"Brother Xiao, it's your turn!"

Xie Bing looked at Xiao Yu who was standing leisurely behind him, and smiled.

All the audience's focus immediately focused on the handsome young man in white.

(End of this chapter)

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