Chapter 1034 Resolve
"Brother Xiao, it's your turn!"

As soon as Xie Bing said this, everyone present except Xie Qinxue was taken aback, they didn't understand who Xie Bing was calling.

Xie Qiankun thought of the friend Xie Bing mentioned before, and immediately swept his eyes towards Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu stood behind with Xie Qinxue, with a calm face, not at all stunned or horrified by the existence of the super god master.

Xie Qinxue also didn't have any worried look on her face, it seemed that this super-god master was not targeting the Xie family.

The Underworld King glanced at Xiao Yu and narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn't feel that Xiao Yu was any different, and his strength was even worse than the lowest level in this battlefield.

At the fifth level of the Primordial Spirit Realm, this kind of strength can be solved by him with just one move.

"it is good!"

Xiao Yu didn't make any pretense either, since he agreed to Xie Bing, he would naturally handle this matter thoroughly.

For others, this may be a big deal, but for him it is just a matter of little effort.

He and Bubu Takong walked to Xie Bing's side, looking at Di Pluto with a slightly playful look.

"Super God Realm?" He grinned, "Do you think you will be invincible after stepping into the Super God Realm?"

Earth Pluto was stunned for a moment, then sneered and said, "Ignorant junior, do you know what the Super God Realm stands for?"

"What does the Super God Realm represent?" Xiao Yu pointed to Earth Pluto, "The Super God Realm doesn't represent anything at all."

As soon as Xiao Yu finished speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared without any sign.

Earth Pluto felt his throat tighten almost at the same time, and was lifted up.

His throat was strangled, his thin body was lifted out of thin air, and there was already a young man in white standing in front of him.

The divine power in his body was completely suppressed, he looked at Xiao Yu in disbelief, he didn't understand, how could this young man who was only at the fifth level of Yuanshen Realm have such terrifying speed and strength?
The scene fell into a dead silence, and even Xie Tianguang, who was severely injured, looked dull.

He relied on the Underworld to deal with the Xie family because the Underworld had the King of the Underworld as its trump card. In the entire sanctuary, except for the Temple of Heaven and Earth, he believed that no other force would be an opponent of the Underworld.

But now the Earth Pluto, who is almost invincible in his heart, is held in the air by a young man with one hand, what is this?
The most important thing is that this young man is still Xie Bing's friend. He has been with Xie Bing for so many years, how come he never knew that Xie Bing had such a terrifying friend?

"Master, is this possible?"

The current master of the Underworld Mansion looked terrified. The situation that he thought was a sure win had changed instantly because of the attack of a mysterious young man, which gave him an extremely absurd feeling.

How could the Xie family have such strong support?Moreover, that young man's strength is obviously at the fifth level of the Primordial Spirit Realm, why does he have such terrible fighting power?
The ones who were astonished were probably the members of Xie's family. When Xie Bing introduced Xiao Yu to them, although they didn't show it, they obviously didn't care too much, and even looked down upon him.Especially those young masters of the Xie family who had a heart of admiration for Xie Qinxue were extremely disdainful of Xiao Yu.

But the current situation made them feel dizzy.

"I've said it before, the Super God Realm doesn't mean anything, I want to kill you, it's easy!"

Xiao Yu looked indifferent. Recently, his opponents were at least at the sixth level of the Super God Realm, and even the Martial God Realm. Not at all interested.

Earth Pluto felt cold all over, and his heart was full of fear and frustration.

He thought that after decades of retreat, he would be able to show his strength in the sanctuary by stepping into the super god realm, but now he was subdued by a young junior with one blow, and he was powerless to fight back.

Xie Qinxue's eyes were fascinated, no matter when Xiao Yu was so domineering, he would never lose his arrogance in the face of any enemy.

"Young Patriarch, what is your friend's background?"

Xie Qiankun couldn't help asking out loud.

"I don't know his background, but he saved my life and Qinxue's."

Xie Bing replied, his heart was full of gratitude to Xiao Yu.

If Xiao Yu hadn't come to Xie's house today, I'm afraid Xie's family would have been in danger.

In the face of a top force in the super god realm, the Xie family really didn't have much resistance.

"Brother Xie, how to deal with it?"

Xiao Yu looked at Xie Bing and asked with a smile.He was referring to Earth Pluto.

"Brother Xiao, you took the man, how can I decide how to deal with it? I just hope that the traitors of the Xie family can let us deal with it ourselves."

Xie Bing also replied with a smile.

Xiao Yu understood Xie Bing's meaning, nodded slightly, and then the divine power surged in his hands, pouring directly into the body of the Pluto.


The internal structure of the Pluto's body was completely destroyed, and Xiao Yu's divine power strangled all its vitality, and even the Yuanshen was completely destroyed.The Pluto's eyes dimmed.

"Come on!"

How could the Lord of the Underworld dare to stay at this moment, he turned around and wanted to escape, but at this moment, a wild roar pierced the eardrums, directly attacking their insides.

"Scream of the Wild!"

When Xiao Yu used one move, the large killing area shocked everyone in the Xie family again. More than 20 Yuanshen Realm masters in the Underworld were instantly killed, and all of them became dead.

The enemy who invaded this time was under Xiao Yu's forceful suppression, and Xie Tianguang was the only one left. If Xie Bing hadn't personally dealt with him, he would have been dead by now.

"Then you will deal with it yourself, Brother Xie!"

Xiao Yu felt the power surge in his body again, and he was quite satisfied.

Although he has not broken through to the sixth level of Yuanshen Realm, the divine power in his body is much more condensed than before.

"Thank you, Brother Xiao, for fulfilling everything, you are the great benefactor of my Xie family!"

After Xie Bing finished speaking, he was about to bow to Xiao Yu to salute, but Xiao Yu had already stopped him, smiled and shook his head.

"Don't talk nonsense between friends. Solving that traitor is the most important thing now."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, she returned to Xie Qinxue's side. Xie Qinxue didn't want to care about any traitors from the Xie family at all. She hugged Xiao Yu's arm and put her chin on Xiao Yu's shoulder with a look of attachment.

Xiao Yu didn't refuse Xie Qinxue's approach. Although he didn't know if he had love for Xie Qinxue, he could be sure that he didn't want to see her fall into someone else's arms.

Xie Tianguang's face was ashen. At this moment, it was really useless for him to even think about resisting.

There are many masters in the Xie family, what can he do with his seriously injured body at this moment?Even if he was unscathed, with Xiao Yu here, he would have no chance of escaping.

A feeling of remorse welled up in his heart, he plotted in every possible way and killed his own elder brother, but in the end he still failed to succeed, and ended up being called a traitor of the Xie family.

The crisis of the Xie family was completely resolved under Xiao Yu's strength, but he didn't know that a storm was breaking out in the Shenwu Continental Alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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