Chapter 1038 News
"The envoys who defeated and suppressed my father all came from God's Domain!"

Juetian's tone was full of solemnity. The scene of Batian God of War being besieged by countless martial arts masters was circling in his mind. This was the defeat of Batian God of War and the end of his dynasty.

That battle still makes him tremble with fear. In his eyes, his father, who was invincible in the world, fell in front of him for the first time.

"There are so many Martial God Realm masters in Shenyu, they are indeed powerful!"

Even Xiao Yu had to admit that God's Domain was more difficult than any force or region he had encountered before.With his current strength, just one Martial God Realm master can drive him into a scramble. If he encounters two or more Martial God Realm masters, he may only be defeated.

The power of God's Domain cannot be competed by one person at all. He represents the pinnacle of martial arts. Whether it is the Divine Martial Continent, or the Sanctuary, the Dragon-breaking Domain, and the Yangshen Domain, none of them can compare with the God's Domain. If all the regions are added together, they will definitely not be the opponent of God's Domain.

The dominance of these three domains and the Shenwu Continent is well deserved.

"Holy area!"

Xiao Yu whispered these two words lightly, feeling a little pressure.

Yes, for him, there was only a slight pressure.

At least eight years have passed since he left Fanyun Town.In his eyes, the former Huoyun Empire was a giant, and the five major families of the Huoyun Empire were also insurmountable peaks, but in the end these forces all surrendered under his power.

In the battle of Xuanwu Terrace, all the five major families of the Fire Cloud Empire suffered heavy losses, and countless masters died at his hands. Before this, he never thought that he would be able to achieve this step.

After the Huoyun Empire, he faced the first-class forces in the entire Shenwu Continent, whether it was the Chiyang Sect, the Liufengmen, or the dark prison of the terrorist forces that tried to disrupt the mainland, which one was not unattainable for him at the time The presence?But now the dark prison has disappeared, and the entire Shenwu Continent regards him as a "god".

Speaking of the sanctuary, this is a new step, but now there is no one in the sanctuary that he would be afraid of.

Although God's Domain claims to be powerful, Xiao Yu has absolute confidence that he will never be manipulated arbitrarily in it.

No matter where he goes, he will become a unique existence. The name of Aotian Kuangshen is definitely not for nothing.

"The strength of God's Domain is too terrifying. It is very unwise to go to God's Domain now. Let's take a long-term plan!"

Juetian persuaded again.

"Really?" Xiao Yu touched his nose, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"It's been a long time since I've encountered a region that can make my blood boil. This God's Domain just meets my needs. I really want to see how far the masters in God's Domain have reached?"

Xiao Yu's words were full of monstrous arrogance. If the experts in God's Domain knew about it, some people might not be able to help but want to meet him for a while.

"Xiao Yu, you're too impulsive!" Jue Tian frowned, "The Divine Realm is the supreme power of heaven and earth, and countless masters flock to it. The Divine Realm not only has local masters, but also countless brilliant geniuses in the three major domains. Among them, although you are the first genius I have seen in these years, you still lack time to grow up, and now you are not enough to compete with these masters in God's Domain."

"I understand what you mean!" Xiao Yu nodded solemnly, "But this is also my choice. It is not my style to shrink back when I know difficulties. Over the years, I have never known how to write the word 'escape', no matter how difficult or dangerous it is. place, I'm going to go for a break."

Juetian didn't understand very much, he didn't know why Xiao Yu was so persistent in going to God's Domain.

"Xiao Yu, do you understand? Now your life is very important to me and Uncle Mu, because you carry the hope of my father's redemption. If you die, our plan will be ruined." shattered."

Xiao Yu was silent for a few seconds, and said helplessly: "I understand this, but I am not only carrying the mission of saving your father, but also carrying the life of my wife Ao Zixuan."

He said in a deep voice: "My wife was taken to God's Domain by that old man, do you think I should go?"


Jue Tian was shocked, he did not expect Xiao Yu's wife to be kidnapped by the old man.

"Why, why did he take Ao Zixuan away? Although Ao Zixuan has the inheritance of Panlong Zhanhuang, this thing can't stand on the table in God's Domain, and Ao Zixuan's strength is only at the peak of breaking the gods. It may attract the attention of the masters of God's Domain, which is unreasonable."

Xiao Yu looked gloomy: "I also really want to know why he took Xuanxuan away, and I want to know which master from the God Realm took her away. I swear, no matter who it is? No matter what power they are, they will all pay for it." cost."

Juetian was silent, he knew Xiao Yu's personality well and would never admit defeat.He knew it from the fact that Xiao Yu dared to challenge a master at the peak of the Super God Realm even after his combat strength had only reached the Primordial Spirit Realm.

If it was other things, Xiao Yu might be able to bear it, but if his wife was taken away, he probably wouldn't be able to bear it, let alone Xiao Yu who is arrogant and boundless?
"I don't know how to persuade you, but I still hope that you don't go, that's all. As for your choice, I can't interfere!"

Juetian sighed, if Xiao Yu's trip to God's Domain ended in disastrous situation, if he was killed or disabled by others, then the Batian God of War would never appear again.

"Thank you for your advice!" Xiao Yu clasped his fists at Jue Tian, ​​"But God's Domain is imperative for me, no one can stop me."

He continued: "What I'm worried about now is the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast. If it regains its strength and is now hiding somewhere we don't know, it will be really difficult to deal with. Once I leave the Shenwu Continent, the monster will come out and give birth matter, you and the seniors may not be able to stop it."

There is nothing Juetian can do about this matter, if the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast regains the power of the Martial God Realm, then the combination of him and Mu Baifeng is not enough.

The only way to resist is for Xiao Yu to stimulate the divine veins of the Holy Venerable in his body, but if Xiao Yu leaves the Shenwu Continent, it will be truly incomprehensible.

Although Xiao Yu was impatient for Ao Zixuan, he had to think about Shenwu Continent. There were her relatives, loved ones and friends here. If he retrieved Ao Zixuan, Shenwu Continent would have been reduced to ruins, and everything would be meaningless.

Just when Xiao Yu and Juetian didn't know how to deal with it, the alliance suddenly received a piece of news, a piece of news that made everyone happy. It was this Xiao Yu who made Xiao Yu firm in his determination to go to God's Domain .

(End of this chapter)

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