Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 1039 God's Domain, Here I Come

Chapter 1039 God's Domain, Here I Come
Just after returning to the alliance, Lin Qingbing told him a piece of news.

"What? Found the headless body of the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast?"

Xiao Yu and Juetian looked at each other, and they both saw the horror and doubt in each other's eyes.

The fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast can be said to be a true ancient powerhouse. In ancient times, only Batian Zhanshe could rival it. After ten thousand years, it was unsealed. Even though its strength has not reached its peak, it still has the ability to surpass the peak of the super god realm. Strength, this half-step Martial God Realm once drove Xiao Yu, Juetian, and Mu Baifeng into a panic. If Xiao Yu hadn't activated the power of the Holy Vein to severely injure them, the consequences would have been absolutely unimaginable.

Even though it was severely injured by Xiao Yu, the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast survived and escaped from the hands of the three.The fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast obtained Xiao Yun's dragon blood crystal, so the recovery speed would be several times faster, and Xiao Yu would not find it surprising that its power had returned to its peak state, but now there is news that the fire-avoiding gold Eye beast is dead?
In the entire Shenwu Continent, except for Xiao Yu, who else has the ability to deal with the Fire-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast?Even Mu Baifeng and Juetian couldn't do it.

"The news is true?"

Xiao Yu asked again, Liu Piaoxu and Yang Xiruo both nodded. The alliance's network of relationships spreads all over the continent, and the news is even more well-informed. It is absolutely impossible for its internal personnel to spread some illusory news. Report to headquarters.

"Could it be that old guy from God's Domain who did it?"

Xiao Yu was the first to think of this person, because he had reached the Martial God Realm, he was able to severely injure Jue Tian with one move, and he was the only one who could kill the Fire-avoiding Golden Eyed Beast.

Xiao Yu didn't know, although this matter was not as he had guessed, the truth was not far behind.

The fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast was indeed killed by a master from God's Domain, but it was not the old man who kidnapped Ao Zixuan.

Regardless of the situation, Xiao Yu's worries about the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast were finally let go.Now that the fire-avoiding golden-eyed beast is dead, there is no threat to the Shenwu Continent, and he can go to God's Domain without worry.

This night, Xiao Yu made Lin Qingbing.Yang Xiruo, Liu Piaoxu, and Long Jingxin all stayed in the room, and the night of spring was boundless.

He used his "roar" and sprint to comfort the thoughts in the hearts of the girls. At dawn, when he put on his clothes, the tenderness on his face gradually dissipated.

Because what he is going to face next may be the greatest challenge in his life. He is going to the sacred place of martial arts where countless people flock to and where countless geniuses fall - God's Domain.

This unknown world is full of too many dangers, among which there are countless masters, and there are many masters of the Martial God Realm who have surpassed the Super God Realm.

But no matter how difficult the road ahead is, he must go on, not only because his wife Ao Zixuan is in the domain of the gods, but also because his name is Xiao Yu, and he is the arrogant and mad god who is alone in the world.

"Yu, the place you're going must be very dangerous, right?"

Liu Piaoxu woke up at some point, leaned on Xiao Yu's shoulder, and asked softly, while the other girls were still fast asleep.

"Well, this place is called God's Domain, and it's the most peak area of ​​martial arts, and there are countless people who are stronger than me."

Xiao Yu didn't want to lie to Liu Piaoxu.

"Zixuan should be there, right?"

Liu Piaoxu is very smart, and she already guessed most of it from Xiao Yu's expression and actions. If Ao Zixuan was not in the God's Domain, Xiao Yu would not have such a strong belief in the God's Domain.

"Yes, I must rescue her. My wife, Xiao Yu, must not be wronged in the slightest. If anyone makes any of you wronged, I will definitely kill them all."

Xiao Yu's words were full of arrogance and murderous intent, but Liu Piaoxu didn't feel anything wrong, because this was his man.She is well aware of her man's domineering personality.

"Yu, go, I have always believed in you, nothing can defeat you!"

Liu Piaoxu said quietly.

"Why do you trust me so much?"

Xiao Yu hugged Liu Piaoxu into his arms and asked with a smile.

"I knew it when I was in Fanyun Town?"

Liu Piaoxu smiled lightly.

"What?" Xiao Yu was taken aback, "No, I was a complete waste back then, how could you know?"

Liu Piaoxu smiled sweetly, and patted Xiao Yu's chest lightly.

"Yes, you were really bad at that time, and you still wanted to get my idea."

Liu Piaoxu's pretty face blushed, remembering Xiao Yu's nasty look back then, but now he can no longer see that kind of aura on Xiao Yu's body.

To be honest, she really misses that naughty Xiao Yu a little bit, but she doesn't know that Xiao Yu now is not the same person as Xiao Yu back then.

"Am I not bad now?"

Xiao Yu touched Liu Piaoxu's upturned buttocks, which aroused Liu Piaoxu's coquettish anger.

"Yu, what I'm talking about is not the moment when I saw your potential, but the moment when I was defeated by you."

Liu Piaoxu continued: "To be honest, I had always looked down on you before that. When you proposed a ten-day agreement, I found it even more ridiculous. But you did it and hit me hard."

"After being defeated by you, I woke up and wanted to commit suicide with shame and anger, but I finally held back. Because I found that I had an inexplicable feeling for you. I don't know if I like it or not. But your figure appears in my mind from time to time."

"Your change made me pay attention and shocked me. Since then, I don't think you will be a thing in the pool."

Liu Piaoxu kissed Xiao Yu's shoulder lightly: "Afterwards, the master of the sect was killed, and you disappeared and never appeared again. Everyone thought you were dead, but I believed that you were not dead, and It’s going to be a shock again.”

She smiled: "Facts have proved that I was not wrong. You have created a legend that no one in the entire continent can compare to. Let me ask you, who can stop Xiao Yu like this?"

She stood up and sat on Xiao Yu's waist.

"God's Domain sounds extremely scary, but I believe as long as you can create a domain that belongs to you, let Xiao Yu's name resound throughout God's Domain."

She was originally wearing tulle, but at this moment it suddenly unfolded again.

"My man, let me practice it for you with my body, the sisters will wait for you to come back!"

Xiao Yu melted into Liu Piaoxu's gentleness, when Liu Piaoxu couldn't bear the violent whipping and fell asleep, he left the room gently.

Standing on the top of the mountain, the rising day with almost no temperature set his figure tall and straight, like an eternal god of war.

"Shenyu, I, Xiao Yu, are here, Xuanxuan, wait for me!"

Xiao Yu murmured softly, and the next moment, he stamped the sole of his foot, completely smashing a mountain, and disappeared into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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