Chapter 1048

There was a trace of seriousness on Xiao Yu's face. Although the appearance of Elder Tianqing did not seem to be against him, but when he first came to God's Domain, this is an extremely complicated environment, not like he was in Sanctuary and Shenwu Continent. To be able to stand proudly.

Countless masters here have the ability to defeat him. Elder Tianqing pointed out the Eastern Royal for no reason. If it is a friend, it is a trivial matter, but if it is an enemy, he is probably already in an extremely dangerous situation at this moment.

"Child, don't worry, I have no malicious intentions!"

Elder Tianqing saw that Xiao Yu was hostile to him, and immediately explained, a red light of excitement flashed on his old face.

"I just want to know who you are and why do you know the Eastern Royal?"

Xiao Yu still did not let go of his guard, the more excited Elder Tianqing became, the more he felt that this matter was a bit strange.

Lin Qiuya and the man in white were completely bewildered at the moment. They didn't know what Xiao Yu and Elder Tianqing were talking about, they just felt that they were completely ignored at the moment.

They had never heard of the name "Eastern Royal Family", and it seemed that such a family did not exist in God's Domain.

"Son, do you know what the word 'Yaohuang' in Yaohuang Tiandi means?"

Elder Tianqing saw that Xiao Yu still didn't trust him, so he said.

"Demon Emperor?" Xiao Yu's gaze paused, "Could it be that"

Elder Tianqing didn't wait for Xiao Yu's words to come out, and said, "The Demon Emperor represents Donghuang Taiyi."

Xiao Yu's eyes widened suddenly. When he first heard the name Yaohuang Tiandi, he didn't feel that this power was related to Donghuang Taiyi. He only thought it was a first-class power in God's Domain. When the word "Demon Emperor" was mentioned, he felt that this matter must be related.

He guessed right, the demon emperor represented Donghuang Taiyi, at least Elder Tianqing had already mentioned the name directly, this must not be false.

"The Demon Emperor's Heaven and Earth is the force he created?"

Xiao Yu collected himself and asked.

"That's right!" Elder Tianqing nodded and said, "Yaohuang Tiandi has been established for nearly ten thousand years, and the patriarch is Donghuang Taiyi. Before I noticed the blood in your body, I knew that you must have a connection with the patriarch, so I thought I invite you to go to the Demon Emperor's World to confirm, but now it seems that you are indeed the descendant of the Patriarch."

Xiao Yu nodded slightly. Even though his surname was Xiao, he still couldn't deny the fact that he was a descendant of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and the afterimage left by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi in the Eastern Royal Family taught him the fire of immortality. For the grandfather.

Lin Qiuya and the man in white fell into a state of sluggishness when they heard the words "Eastern Emperor Taiyi". As the core disciples and top figures of the Demon Emperor Heaven and Earth, it is impossible for them not to know about the Patriarch, but they never thought about it Xiao Yu turned out to be a descendant of the Patriarch.

You must know that even if you search the vast world of the Demon Emperor, there is no one who has a blood relationship with the Patriarch.

Xiao Yu's heart trembled slightly. Only now did he understand why the people in Yaohuang Tiandi possessed the Immortal Fire, which was similar to the Immortal Fire, because their ancestor was Donghuang Taiyi, the original master of this Immortal Fire.

Xiao Yu didn't have any doubts about Elder Tianqing's words. He nodded and said, "Senior, what you said is true. I am indeed a descendant of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and my mother is a direct descendant of the Eastern Emperor."

At this moment, Xiao Yu was defenseless and told the truth directly. Elder Tianqing had no reason to fabricate these things to deceive him.

"Son, do you know that we, the Demon Emperor Heaven and Earth, have been waiting for thousands of years!"

Elder Tianqing had a look of emotion, and there were tears in his eyes when he looked at Xiao Yu.It was the first time for Lin Qiuya and the man in white to see the tough and unyielding Elder Tianqing showing such a pitiful side.

"Senior, I don't know why I have to wait for thousands of years, and why are you waiting for me?"

Xiao Yu was very curious.

"Son, this is not a place to talk, first follow me back to the Demon Emperor's World, where you will know everything you want to know, and there is one more thing you need to complete."

Elder Tianqing glanced around, as if he was inspecting something, he was relieved when he didn't find anyone.

"it is good!"

Although Xiao Yu had many doubts in his mind, he still decided to go to the Demon Emperor's World first.

In this God's Domain without any support, he needs a strong backing.Although he is not afraid of all dangers, if he does not have some consideration, he is a real fool.

He has full confidence in himself, but this confidence is not blind. He knows very well that if a force wants to deal with him, he will have to die.

Since the Demon Emperor's World was established by Donghuang Taiyi, he will naturally get some resources and information when he enters it, which will be of great help to him in finding Ao Zixuan.

With a sweep of Elder Tianqing's cuffs, he led Xiao Yu and the others into the space tunnel, and then all four of them disappeared.

When he reappeared, Xiao Yu had already arrived in a large hall exuding an ancient atmosphere. Elder Tianqing was with him, but Lin Qiuya and the man in white were nowhere to be seen.

"What about the two of them?"

Xiao Yu asked.

"I have already kicked them out of the space tunnel halfway, and let them go to the demon emperor's forbidden area to be punished."

Elder Tianqing replied, and then his eyes fell on Xiao Yu, the more he looked at it, the happier he felt.

Just now he had a brief fight with Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu's strength was beyond ordinary, but under that seemingly ordinary level of strength, there was hidden super powerful combat power like a beast that could erupt at any time.

This is no weaker than the geniuses who are at the top of God's Realm Talent Ranking. If Xiao Yu joins the Demon Emperor's World, it means that the power of their younger generation has been raised to a higher level.

"Elder Tianqing, where is my grandfather now? I want to see him."

Xiao Yu still remembered that when he got the Immortal Flame, Donghuang Taiyi once said that the two of them would definitely meet, and he felt that this is the best time to meet Donghuang Taiyi.

"Son, you can't see him now!"

Mentioning the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Elder Tianqing suddenly showed a touch of sadness.

"Can't see him?" Xiao Yu was taken aback, "Why?"

Elder Tianqing sighed, and looked at a portrait in front of the main hall.

In the portrait is a middle-aged man with an extraordinary bearing, dressed in a black dragon robe, with a face like a crown jade, and the bells in his eyes are endlessly deep, revealing a faint aura of fearlessness in the world.

"Grandfather, he... sealed himself!"

As soon as Elder Tianqing said these words, Xiao Yu fell into a sluggish state instantly.

"What?" Xiao Yu was shocked, "How could he seal himself?"

(End of this chapter)

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