Chapter 1049 Declaring War
"How could he seal himself?"

Xiao Yu was very puzzled by this. The Eastern Emperor Taiyi can be said to be a unique and top-notch power. None of the masters I have seen can compare with Donghuang Taiyi, even King Langya whose strength has reached the Martial God Realm will not be Donghuang Taiyi's opponent.

The oppressive feeling he gave Xiao Yu at that time was definitely the only one in Xiao Yu's life.

For such a powerful master, even if he lived for a hundred years, he would not be surprised at all, but Elder Tianqing said that he sealed himself?

What happened?
"The patriarch made some mistakes during the retreat and almost died. The only solution at that time was to seal himself and then fall into a deep sleep to prevent the fire demon from completely entering the body."

Elder Tianqing sighed faintly, this matter was indeed the biggest loss for their Demon Emperor Heaven and Earth.

"Demon fire entering the body?" Xiao Yu was stunned, and asked with some doubts, "I don't know what kind of flame is so overbearing? Even the grandfather can't resist it?"

Elder Tianqing looked serious, and replied, "It's the Immortal Fire."

"Immortal Fire?" Xiao Yu was surprised, "I also have Immortal Fire, but I never felt that it would do me any harm. What's going on?"

"It's because the Patriarch wanted to use the Immortal Fire to forge a divine weapon, and the divine weapon caused the Immortal Fire to escape from his control. That's why this happened."

Elder Tianqing's eyes were burning when he mentioned the "magic soldier", but then he looked sad.

"If the Patriarch hadn't sealed himself, the status of our Demon Emperor Heaven and Earth would definitely be higher than other first-class forces, what a pity!"

Elder Tianqing said this, and suddenly looked at Xiao Yu.

"But fortunately, with you appearing, the Patriarch is saved!"

Xiao Yu turned his gaze, landed on the portrait of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and asked, "How can I save my grandfather?"

"Use the Immortal Fire!" Elder Tianqing replied, "Only the Immortal Fire can trigger the Immortal Fire, but I don't know how to use it, maybe the sect master will know something."

"The Demon Emperor Heaven and Earth Sect Master?"

Xiao Yu focused his eyes, and the name Yaohuang Tiandi was already extremely domineering. There are not a few masters in the martial arts realm in this Yaohuang Tiandi, and those who can become sect masters must be peerless figures.

The sect master of the Demon Emperor's Heaven and Earth is probably the strongest in the Demon Emperor's Heaven and Earth.

"Since that's the case, let's go ask him for advice. My grandfather is kind to me, and I want to rescue him as soon as possible."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, Elder Tianqing was about to speak again, when a loud bell rang suddenly.

Hearing the ringing of the bell, Elder Tianqing's complexion changed, with anger and bewilderment on his face.

"Who is so bold, dare to challenge my Demon Emperor's world?"

Elder Tianqing's face was cold, and the anger in his tone rose violently, Xiao Yu finally realized that the bell was the warning from the Demon Emperor's World, and someone must be making a scene in the Demon Emperor's World at this moment.

In the sky above the Demon Emperor's Heaven and Earth, a figure was standing proudly. He slapped it with his palm, and the Demon Emperor's Heaven and Earth were immediately shrouded in that giant palm that covered the sky and the sun.


At this moment, a palm of divine power came out of the space and bombarded the giant palm heavily.


The palms faced each other, the sky trembled, the space collapsed, and countless space turbulence twisted the sky into chaos.

The man in black who shot earlier focused his eyes and fell down.

There stood a middle-aged man with a calm face, his eyes slightly narrowed, looking at him.

"Qiu Dongluo?"

The man in black opened his lips slightly, and spit out a name.

"Xu Ziliang, you came to provoke me in the Demon Emperor's World, but do you want to die?"

The tone of the middle-aged man named Qiu Dongluo was calm, as if he was just talking about one thing.

"Don't die?" Xu Ziliang sneered, "With your Yaohuang Tiandi, you still can't save my life. I came today just to remind you Yaohuang Tiandi."

At this moment, eight figures appeared beside Qiu Dongluo, one of them was Xiao Yu, who was brought here by Elder Tianqing.

His gaze was fixed on Xu Ziliang, obviously this person was the one who came to provoke him.After the induction, Xiao Yu's face was slightly dignified. This Xu Ziliang is definitely a real master of the Martial God Realm, and at least a master of the Martial God Realm who has reached the third level or above of the Martial God Realm. The vast power in his body is palpitating.

When his eyes fell on Qiu Dongluo, he froze for a moment.

The aura on Qiu Dongluo's body seemed to be there, it seemed to be everywhere, and it didn't seem to exist at all. The whole world was shrouded in an inexplicable aura.

Xiao Yu doesn't even need to guess, this Qiu Dongluo must be the current sect master of Yaohuang Tiandi.

Qiu Dongluo's expression and tone towards the enemy made Xiao Yu feel familiar, because it was very similar to his attitude towards the enemy.He glanced at the other people around him, all of them were masters who had reached the Martial God Realm, they also looked at Xiao Yu suspiciously, they didn't understand why Elder Tianqing personally took him with him at the fifth level of Primordial Spirit Realm.

"Reminder?" Hearing Xu Ziliang's words, Qiu Dongluo rolled his eyes with a little chill, "You lost to me three years ago, and you still want to remind us of the Demon Emperor's world today? Isn't it a little ridiculous?"

Xu Ziliang's expression flashed unnaturally. Indeed, three years ago, he fought Qiu Dongluo, but failed to escape. This matter was widely rumored in God's Domain, which made Yaohuang Tiandi famous, and his reputation was damaged.

It is precisely because of this matter that he came here today, the purpose is to stir up the flames of war in the Demon Emperor's world again, and he wants to take this opportunity to avenge his shame.

"That's right, you, Qiu Dongluo, are indeed powerful, but let me tell you, the Demon Emperor's world will be reduced to history in three days, and I'm going to challenge you today!"

After Xu Ziliang finished speaking, he moved his palm, and a curled scroll shot at Qiu Dongluo.Qiu Dongluo stretched out one hand to grab it, and then spread it out.

His expression finally changed slightly in the next moment, his eyes swept towards Xu Ziliang, and the coldness in his eyes became more intense.

"You Wuji Sect want to declare war on my Demon Emperor Heaven and Earth? I think you are crazy!"

As soon as Qiu Dongluo said this, all the elders in Yaohuang Tiandi were stunned, and Xiao Yu was also shocked.

From Xu Ziliang's strength, it can be seen that the power behind him is an existence that is not inferior to the Demon Emperor's Heaven and Earth. If these two behemoths officially go to war, it will bring unparalleled destruction. Absolutely big event.

"Crazy?" Xu Ziliang sneered again and again, "Qiu Dongluo, don't think too highly of yourself. I lost to you, but it doesn't mean that there are no masters stronger than you in my school. After three days, you will understand what I said. I'm looking forward to your expression."

(End of this chapter)

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