Chapter 1096 Complete War

"The Heaven Devouring Sect will forever become the dust of history!"

As soon as Xiao Yu's words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.The Heaven Devouring Sect is so powerful that it has stood for thousands of years without falling down. Countless sects of forces that wanted to provoke the Tian Devouring Sect were all destroyed, and each of them became a stepping stone for the Tian Devouring Sect to reach its peak.

But now Xiao Yu is threatening to destroy the Heaven Devouring Sect alone. I don't know if it is a wild statement, or is Xiao Yu really sure?
At the time of the sacred battle arena, they also thought that Xiao Yukong would speak wild words, but the facts later told them that Xiao Yu possessed that strength and qualification.

But this time, what Xiao Yu faced was not the younger generation of God's Domain, but the genuine overlord of God's Domain.

In an instant, countless unkind eyes from the Heaven Devouring Sect all focused on Xiao Yu. Over the past ten thousand years, although there were many forces provoking the Heaven Devouring Sect, they had never encountered a single person who dared to say that they would destroy the Tian Devouring Sect.

Xiao Yu is definitely the first in history, and this is a real young man.

Both Ancestor God and Luo Tianhuang looked extremely ugly, Xiao Yu obviously knew what happened, they designed Ao Zixuan like this, Xiao Yu would never let them go easily.

"Hmph, this kid really doesn't know how to live or die!" Ancestral God sneered in his heart, "Shi Tianfeng is not easy to provoke, threatening the Heaven Devouring Clan in public is simply courting death."

"Boy, you are really arrogant!"

Shi Tianfeng stepped forward slowly, the space around him had already been completely filled with his divine power, this area belonged to him.

The red robe on his body was taken off by him, and a sinister smile appeared on his face.

"Eastern Emperor Taiyi, I have already given you face today, but the chief guest elder in your sect has repeatedly provoked and even threatened me. If I don't save his life today, how can my Devouring Sect gain a foothold in the God Realm?"

Before Shi Tianfeng made his move, he did not forget to provoke Donghuang Taiyi. His voice was full of confidence, and he seemed not at all worried that Donghuang Taiyi and Xiao Yu would join forces at the same time.

"Shi Tianfeng, you really think too highly of yourself. Your provocation is worthless to me. Your opponent will not be me!"

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi had a calm face, he didn't have much interest in Shi Tianfeng, if it wasn't for Xiao Yu, he probably wouldn't be here today.

"East Emperor Taiyi, you don't want to fight with me. I really want to learn from you today. After I solve your so-called chief guest elder in Yaohuang Tiandi, it will be your turn."

Shi Tianfeng's arrogance was not weaker than Xiao Yu's in the slightest. Countless masters in the God's Domain were horrified, but at the same time they were also filled with a different kind of excitement. They all wanted to see what would happen when the new and old overlords fought.

"You don't have the qualifications to fight against my grandfather, trash, come on!"

Xiao Yu grinned, and hooked his fingers at Shi Tianfeng, that Xiao Yu who despised all the top geniuses on the sacred battle platform came back again.

"Boy, court death!"

Shi Tianfeng shouted loudly, the sound shook the sky, he moved, the power of the heaven and the earth seemed to be gathered around his body, and the divine power crossed the clear sky.

He punched out, and the space between heaven and earth completely blocked Xiao Yu, and the power poured out from top to bottom.

Xiao Yu sneered, his palms trembled slightly, then he clenched his fingers tightly and punched out.


There was a loud noise in the world, and countless strong men opened their defenses, so that they could protect the Heaven Devouring Gate from being destroyed by the terrifying shock wave.

But at the next moment, everyone's faces were full of ghost expressions, because above the nine heavens, Shi Tianfeng, who was originally majestic and almost invincible in the eyes of everyone, actually retreated a few steps.

On the other hand, Xiao Yu stood still, standing straight on the spot like a spear, as if he had been deeply rooted in this land.

The elders of the Heaven Devouring Clan looked dull, they never thought that the sect master would be at a disadvantage when fighting against others, even if they were as strong as the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, they did not believe that the sect master would be suppressed by him.In the Heaven Devouring Sect, Shi Tianfeng is their belief and their benchmark.

But now Shi Tianfeng was punched back by a junior who had just showed his talents recently, how is this possible?
The most unbelievable thing among them was Shi Tianfeng. In his eyes, Xiao Yu could only receive three punches from him at most, but this result made him totally unacceptable.

The power coming from in front of him is like a pillar of heaven and earth, unbreakable, unparalleled, and irresistible.

Under this force, he had no choice but to be forced to retreat.

The countless shocked gazes made him feel ashamed. He could be sure that this was the first time in ten thousand years that he had suffered such a big loss. In front of Xiao Yu, he seemed to be just a baby who had no resistance at all.

He hadn't experienced this powerlessness for a long time.

"Who is this guy?"

Shi Tianfeng was terrified in his heart, when he punched the first time, he flinched and dared not throw the second punch.

"Hmph!" Xiao Yu sneered, "Shi Tianfeng, don't you think you are great? How about this punch? It tastes good, right?"

Facing Xiao Yu's ridicule, Shi Tianfeng twitched his brows slightly, and the veins on his forehead bulged, but he still stood on the spot without moving.

Xiao Yu's power made him feel fear. Even though he has been in the God's Domain for nearly ten thousand years, he has been in a high position for a long time and has experienced countless battles. He has never met an opponent who can cause him a huge psychological shadow with a single shot.

Only at this moment did he know what fear is. Xiao Yu, an opponent, was really too scared.

Ancestral God and Luo Tianhuang looked at each other, their faces were extremely ugly. They knew that Donghuang Taiyi and Xiao Yu would come, but they never thought that Xiao Yu would be the one to fight Shi Tianfeng, let alone that Xiao Yu would be the one to fight with Shi Tianfeng. Suppress Shi Tianfeng.

"Shi Tianfeng, this matter is related to you, as well as the Heaven Devouring Gate Martial Arts Hall, I advise you to get out of the way, what I'm looking for is the Ancestral Temple!"

Xiao Yu saw that Shi Tianfeng had shown timidity, he didn't intend to make things difficult for Shi Tianfeng and the Heaven Devouring Sect, his purpose was only to rescue Ao Zixuan, he was really not interested in other people.

Shi Tianfeng's face turned blue and red, the ancestor god is his fiancée, Xiao Yu's aiming at the ancestor god is targeting him, if he chooses to retreat now, even if the Heaven Devouring Sect still exists, it will only be reduced to a laughing stock in the future.

"Xiao Yu, do you think I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Shi Tianfeng shouted loudly, unable to bear it any longer, a huge phantom appeared behind him.

"God Devouring Hammer!"

The phantom squirmed violently, then turned into golden light all over the sky, and finally gathered into a huge war hammer that covered the sky and the sun, with a terrifying momentum.

The air wave swept down from the sky and the earth, Xiao Yu sneered on his face, he stood where he was, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

"Shi Tianfeng, you are really not smart enough!"

Xiao Yu's fingers trembled slightly, his divine power was concentrated on his right arm, and the cyclone surrounded his body, and the whole world was completely tilted at this moment.


As soon as he pointed out, the divine power gathered into a beam of light, which pierced through the space, and the war hammer had not yet fallen, but was already penetrated by the beam.

(End of this chapter)

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