Chapter 1097

With a soft sound, the divine power hammer was like a leaking ball, and the air wave suddenly swept out in an instant.

Shi Tianfeng trembled all over his body, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and retreated in a burst, his eyes already full of horror.

"how is this possible?"

Shi Tianfeng looked at the completely shattered war hammer above his head in disbelief, his heart agitated.He has been in the domain of the gods for nearly ten thousand years, and today is really late. He was beaten by a junior without any power to fight back, and he was reduced to a disastrous defeat.

After today, his reputation will definitely plummet, and the Heaven Devouring Clan will also lose its prestige, but Xiao Yu will become famous again because of this matter.

He was so sad and indignant that when he went to get a big fuss at the engagement show, he also became a huge laughing stock in the eyes of everyone, which is really unacceptable.

When Shi Tianfeng was defeated, Ancestral God and Luo Tianhuang looked at each other, their expressions extremely serious.

At first they reached a secret agreement with Shi Tianfeng, hoping that Shi Tianfeng could deal with the Demon Emperor Heaven and Earth together.

Shi Tianfeng was indeed true to his word, but he never blocked the Demon Emperor's Heaven and Earth as Zushen and Luo Tianhuang imagined. Instead, he was defeated by Xiao Yu and suffered heavy injuries.

Back then in the sacred battle arena, Luo Tianhuang wanted to challenge Xiao Yu, fight with him, and get Qing Lingsaliva back, but Donghuang Taiyi stopped him.Luo Tianhuang always thought that Donghuang Taiyi was worried that Xiao Yu would not be able to defeat him, so he stopped him, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

Xiao Yu can easily defeat Shi Tianfeng, who has been in the God Realm for nearly ten thousand years and has never been defeated, let alone him?Although he thinks highly of himself, he dare not say that he can be stronger than Shi Tianfeng.

Facing Shi Tianfeng, he was the one who lost nine times out of ten. This further shows how vulnerable he is in front of Xiao Yu. If he had fought against Xiao Yu on the sacred battle platform, he would not have stood here. , has long been discredited.

As for the ancestor god, Xiao Yu's strength really shocked her, but she was more concerned about this plan.

Originally, he was sure to get the Qingling Saliva after the engagement ended, but because of Xiao Yu's meddling, the whole plan was disrupted.

The only thing she didn't count was Xiao Yu's ability to easily defeat Shi Tianfeng.

"Where did this guy come from, his strength is so terrifying, even Donghuang Taiyi, I'm afraid it's nothing more than that?"

Ancestral God was very solemn in his heart, and there was an inexplicable meaning in his eyes looking at Xiao Yu.

The entire audience was silent. Shi Tianfeng's defeat allowed them to see another incomparably bright new star in God's Domain rising. Xiao Yu's path forward seemed unstoppable and unstoppable.

When Dong Huangtai saw Xiao Yu's performance, his eyes changed slightly. When Xiao Yu came back from Daliang Mountain, he felt that Xiao Yu's strength had improved, but he did not expect Xiao Yu to improve so frighteningly.

Shi Tianfeng has reached the mid-sixth level of Martial God Realm, and this kind of strength can be regarded as the top master in God's Domain. He is sure to defeat Shi Tianfeng, but he is not sure that he can win so easily, but Xiao Yu sat down and did it easily.

"This kid is really outstanding!"

Donghuang Taiyi shook his head lightly, suddenly felt a sense of sadness that the hero was twilight and would be replaced by the times.

Xiao Yu's gaze was cold, and he swept towards Shi Tianfeng in the sky whose aura had fallen into a slump.

"Shi Tianfeng, I have already given you a chance, if you still want to come, I will accompany you to the end!"

Xiao Yu's voice already carried a murderous intent, if Shi Tianfeng still made a move, he would bloodbath the entire Heaven Devouring Clan.

The moment it was confirmed that Ao Zixuan's body was snatched by the ancestor god, he had already transformed into an unstoppable killing god.

Both the elders and the disciples of the Devouring Sect looked trembling. The invincible sect master in their hearts had already been easily defeated by Xiao Yu, so they were even more disrespectful. If Xiao Yu wanted to attack them, no one would be able to escape.

"Xiao Yu, don't. It's too much!"

Shi Tianfeng's voice trembled, obviously his internal injuries were serious.But there was extreme anger and resentment in his tone, as if he was not reconciled.

Xiao Yu frowned, he had already dispelled Shi Tianfeng's fighting spirit before, but now Shi Tianfeng was still so stubborn, he felt a little strange.

"Does he have any help?"

Xiao Yu thought to himself.

At this moment, Shi Tianfeng suddenly raised his hands to the sky, and his divine power exuded traces of blood, sweeping towards the sky.

"Use my blood to summon the ancestors to return, the ancestors who eat the sky, show up!"

As soon as Shi Tianfeng's words fell, the whole world was suddenly plunged into a haze. At the same time, everyone felt a powerful and unparalleled force descending from the sky, filling the surroundings, and then condensed around Shi Tianfeng's body, and poured it into his sky spirit cap crazily.

"Patriarch of Devouring Heaven?"

As soon as the name came out, everyone's complexion changed drastically, even Donghuang Taiyi's eyes froze, and the ancestor god was even more stunned.

Xiao Yu was considered the calmest person in the audience. He didn't know who the Heaven Devouring Ancestor was, but he could feel the crazily surging power in Shi Tianfeng's body.

Shi Tianfeng, who was originally at the mid-sixth level of the Martial God Realm, unexpectedly rose to a higher level in an instant, to the mid-seventh level of the Martial God Realm.

In the Martial God Realm, each level has a huge difference, which is why the Jialong Zun of the Ancestral Temple was able to suppress Qiu Dongluo, the head of the Demon Emperor Tiandimen, and others.

Even at the same level, there are three levels of early, middle and late stages, and the gap between each level is huge.

This has raised Shi Tianfeng by a level, and his strength is completely incomparable with the previous one. There is no comparison between the two.

Shi Tianfeng's eyes opened sharply, traces of bloody power overflowed from his pupils and surrounded him.

"Unexpectedly, my junior will take the initiative to summon me and give me the right to use his body. I am really curious, what kind of opponent he has encountered."

The tone of "Shi Tianfeng" was completely different from before, and there was a trace of contempt for all living beings in the vicissitudes of life, as if he had gone through a hundred generations of reincarnation.

"Shi Tianfeng" glanced at everyone, and finally fixed on Xiao Yu.Xiao Yu's murderous aura hadn't dissipated yet, so it naturally caught his attention.

"It was you who attacked my younger generation before?"

"Shi Tianfeng" looked coldly and contemptuously.

"Hey!" Xiao Yu grinned, and he didn't care at all about the solemn, even fearful eyes that everyone in God's Domain looked at "Shi Tianfeng".

(End of this chapter)

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