Chapter 1098
Xiao Yu's voice spread all around, facing the sudden change of "Shi Tianfeng", his attitude did not change at all.

"Junior, with your strength at the third level of the Super God Realm, you can actually defeat my junior! It is indeed unbelievable." "Shi Tianfeng" shook his head lightly, "My ancestor who devours the sky has seen countless people, and I have seen all geniuses, but It is indeed interesting that I have never met a person like you who can fight at a higher level."

"Is it really the Patriarch of Devouring Heaven?"

All the masters of God's Domain are all terrified, the reputation of the ancestor of the Heaven Devourer is about to be discussed, and it is longer than Donghuang Taiyi.

The Heaven Devouring Ancestor is definitely one of the earliest peak powerhouses in the God Realm, even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is considered a junior in front of him.

The Heaven Devouring Ancestor was unrivaled in strength back then, beheading countless masters of the same level, he was considered to be the strongest in combat at the same level, and he even leapfrogged and challenged masters of a higher level than him, and ended in a tie, but not long after, This master was defeated by him head-on.

To sum up, the Heaven-eating Patriarch is many times stronger than Shi Tianfeng. The masters that Shi Tianfeng defeated were all weaker or lower than him, but the Sky-eating Patriarch really defeated countless Stronger than him or the peak masters of the same level.

Such an existence, everyone thought it was submerged in the long river of history, but they didn't expect Shi Tianfeng to be able to gather its remnant soul and summon it out again.

And everyone never thought that Shi Tianfeng was actually a descendant of the ancestor of the Heaven Devourer. Now they understand why Shi Tianfeng rises so fast, and it turns out that they have received the inheritance and teachings of the ancestor of the Devourer of Heaven.And this Heaven Devouring Gate was obviously created in the name of the Heaven Devouring Patriarch.

Looking at Xiao Yu's appearance, they seemed to have no idea who the Heaven Devouring Patriarch was.

"Yu'er, this Heaven Devouring Patriarch has a lot of background!" Donghuang Taiyi's divine power transmitted voice, explaining the origin of Tian Devouring Patriarch to Xiao Yu clearly.

Xiao Yu was slightly surprised, he didn't expect the Patriarch of Devouring Heaven to have such a long history and resounding reputation, even older than the first year of the Eastern Emperor Tai.

But today he has made up his mind, he must rescue Ao Zixuan from the clutches of the devil, and get out of the sea of ​​suffering, even if the ancestor of the devourer of heaven is resurrected, he will not back down half a step.

"It seems that now you are not Shi Tianfeng, but the Patriarch of Devouring Heaven!" Xiao Yu sneered, "Old man, you are a dead person, and now you are running out to meddle in my affairs, I don't mind sending you back to the west completely, Let you never have a chance to be resurrected."

Xiao Yu's words were extremely arrogant, and the eyes of the ancestor of Devourer of Heaven were fixed, and the murderous intent surged in his eyes.

No one can make fun of his Heaven Devouring Ancestor, let alone a kid like Xiao Yu who would use his life to make fun of him, how can he tolerate it?

"Junior, I'm really curious, why you can beat my junior."

The eyes of the Heaven Devouring Ancestor flickered, and the bloody divine power was already surging in the sky like a tide, extremely viscous.Both Ancestral God and Luo Tianhuang were happy, and the Heaven-eating Patriarch appeared, and they hoped that the situation could change.

Donghuang Taiyi felt the strength of the Heaven-eating Patriarch that was not inferior to him in the slightest, and he was slightly startled, but he was also an invincible master in the God Realm, even when facing the older generation of Heaven-eating Patriarch, he did not I'm a little apprehensive.

"Ancestor Suwen Cheating Heaven is so powerful and unpredictable, I've wanted to learn it for a long time!"

Donghuang Taiyi suddenly stood up and stood in front of Xiao Yu, looking at the sky-eating patriarch with scorching eyes, a burst of momentum burst out suddenly, shattering the space.

The Heaven Devouring Ancestor looked at Donghuang Taiyi in surprise, he didn't expect that there would be a peak-level master whose strength level was equal to his.All the powerhouses in God's Domain were also very surprised, and Donghuang Taiyi suddenly stood up at this time, which made them very excited.

Xiao Yu wanted Donghuang Taiyi not to intervene, but Donghuang Taiyi had already arrived via voice transmission with divine power.

"Yu'er, before I became famous, the Heaven Devouring Ancestor was already a famous super expert in God's Domain. After I became famous, he died. I thought I would never see him again, but I didn't expect to meet him today. I want to take this opportunity to have a good fight with him."

There was a hint of excitement and anticipation in Donghuang Taiyi's voice. His thinking was similar to that of Shi Tianfeng who wanted to challenge him before. He wanted to challenge the peak master who became famous before himself.

"So that's how it is!" Xiao Yu laughed, "Since grandpa wants to be active, then I must not be able to take advantage of others."

The Eastern Emperor Tai replied: "Yu'er, leave the Heaven Devouring Patriarch to me, you can deal with the Patriarch God first."

Xiao Yu nodded lightly, his eyes moved away from the ancestor of Devouring Heaven, and landed on the ancestor god whose hope was rekindled, his killing intent shot out.

As soon as Zushen's body stiffened, she realized that Xiao Yu had locked her completely.

"Who are you?"

Cheating Heaven Sect didn't know the relationship between the ancestor god and his descendant Shi Tianfeng, so he looked at Donghuang Taiyi and asked.

"The junior Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the ancestor of the Heaven Devourer may not have heard of it!"

Dong Huangtai smiled.

"East Emperor Taiyi?" Patriarch Tianzhu remembered the name of an outstanding junior he had heard ten thousand years ago, and it seemed that he was also called East Emperor Taiyi.

At that time, Donghuang Taiyi had just started to make a name for himself in God's Domain, so he naturally didn't catch his eye, but he didn't expect that after ten thousand years, this junior who had no threat or challenge to him at the beginning had grown to the point where he could challenge him.

Donghuang Taiyi's strength at the moment is not inferior to him at all.

"It turned out to be Donghuang Taiyi who was known as the 'New No.1' back then. I never thought that you have reached this step now!"

There was a tinge of admiration in the eyes of the Heaven Devouring Ancestor, he was a remnant soul, only Shi Tianfeng could hook him, if Shi Tianfeng hadn't been completely suppressed by Xiao Yu today and ended in a disastrous defeat, he probably wouldn't have had the chance to be summoned.

Shi Tianfeng is the younger generation he cultivated by himself, in order to revive the prestige of his Heaven Devouring Ancestor, even the sect he opened is named Tian Devouring Sect, so naturally he will not let the reputation accumulated by Tian Devouring Sect be destroyed.

Even if Donghuang Taiyi and him are both in the middle stage of the seventh level of the Martial God Realm, he will not worry at all. When he became famous, many masters of the same level as him died in his hands. In his opinion, Donghuang Taiyi is very Will soon become one of these people.

"God Ancestor, you will pay for what you have done!"

With a flash of Xiao Yu's figure, he had already rushed to the top of the platform, standing opposite to the ancestor god, the fierce light in his eyes made the ancestor god couldn't help but take a step back.

The Ancestral God did not obtain the Qingling Saliva, and was never able to perfectly integrate Ao Zixuan's body to achieve the full version of Qinglian Jingshen Body, and his strength has not returned to the peak. Xiao Yu, she didn't have much resistance.

The killing intent in Xiao Yu's eyes made her heart drop rapidly, she knew that Xiao Yu had understood everything.

(End of this chapter)

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