Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 114 Misfortune Comes Out of Your Mouth

Chapter 114 Misfortune Comes Out of Your Mouth
"Liu Xing, are you wondering, three years ago my strength was only twice higher than yours, why do I have such strength now?"

Li Guoxiong looked at Liu Xing with an extremely proud expression on his face.After he and Su Xun escaped, he kept killing and taking blood, and his strength improved by leaps and bounds, but he suffered from the fact that there was no one to confide in. Now he finally met someone he knew, and he just wanted to confide in it.

"That's right. At that time, you were only stronger than me and Yang Shucheng. Did you do these things just to gain strength?"

Liu Xing frowned.

"Haha, everything is actually a coincidence, let me tell you a story!"

Li Guoxiong raised his head, as if recalling.

"Two years ago, the Duanyun faction and the Tianyun Academy reached a consensus to go to the Death Canyon to find some relics. A total of 20 people entered the Death Canyon, and Su Xun, who was behind me, was among them."

Li Guoxiong pointed to the black-robed man behind him, and that man was Su Xun, the elder of the Tianyun Academy.

"Is there such a thing?"

Liu Xing smiled wryly in his heart. It seemed that his status as the head of the sect hall was really low enough that he couldn't get in touch with important actions in the sect at all.

Li Guoxiong nodded and continued: "That's right! After we went in, we found a palace. Do you know where it is?"

Liu Xing shook his head. At this moment, the disciples have calmed down and listened with gusto.They had already learned from Liu Feng that the man in black robe who spoke was actually an elder of the branch sect.

"That palace was left behind by the Panlong War Emperor thousands of years ago, and it's called the War Emperor Domain."

As soon as Li Guoxiong's words came out, the audience was completely silent, who knew about Panlong Zhanhuang?His prestige has been resounding since thousands of years ago. Everyone knows that Panlong Zhanhuang was recognized as the most powerful man in the world thousands of years ago. This black-robed man actually found the palace he left behind in the Death Canyon?
"Could it be that the two of them became like this because of the inheritance of the Panlong War Emperor?"

Liu Xing thought to himself.

"Liu Xing, maybe you think that we have received the favor of the Panlong Warlord. Hey, let me tell you, what we got is not the inheritance of the Panlong Warlord, but the approval of the Blood Fiend Emperor."

Li Guoxiong grinned grimly.

"Blood Fiend Evil Emperor?"

Everyone was shocked again, this blood evil emperor was a figure who could compete with Panlong Warlord thousands of years ago, it was rumored that he was finally defeated by Panlong Warlord, how could he appear in the Warlord Domain?

"The Blood Fiend Evil Emperor was indeed defeated by the Panlong Warlord the year before last, but he was not killed. He could only be sealed if he forced himself into the Panlong Warlord. Later, for some unknown reason, the Panlong Warlord fell. The seal suppression of the blood evil emperor has completely disappeared, so the blood evil emperor's divine sense has changed the pattern of the God of War domain, turning it into a palace full of killing mechanisms, and attracting countless creatures to enter, and finally die in it. And he can absorb the blood essence from these creatures to restore strength, and one day he will be able to break through the seal."

When Li Guoxiong said this, a ruthless look appeared on his face, and everyone didn't know why.

"Since all the creatures that went in are dead, why are you two okay?"

Liu Xing asked with a frown.

"Jie Jie!" Li Guoxiong said with a strange smile, "The two of us have been approved by the blood evil emperor. He left a trace of remnants on us, let our strength be improved instantly, and instructed us to do the same in two years. It was just a week ago that he lured a bunch of creatures into the Zhanhuang domain. He only needs to absorb all the blood of this team, and then he will be done, break through the seal, and lead the two of us across the world when he comes out, letting the whole world prostrate at our feet. "

Everyone was terrified when they heard it. This blood evil emperor is as famous as the Panlong War Emperor. If he breaks through the seal and returns to his peak state, no one in the world can stop him. .Thinking of this, everyone looked at Li Guoxiong, hoping to get an answer from him. Is the blood evil emperor really resurrected?

"But, just because of one kid, our entire plan was disrupted!"

Li Guoxiong's tone suddenly changed, full of resentment, his face was ferocious, like a demon who chooses and devours people.

"The Blood Fiend Evil Emperor didn't succeed?"

Liu Xing was overjoyed, and everyone felt relieved. Li Guoxiong's appearance must be the result of the evil emperor's efforts falling short.

"Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, get out, I'm going to kill you!"

Li Guoxiong suddenly raised his head to the sky and screamed loudly, causing cracks to appear on the ground around the Dezong Hall.Everyone changed their colors again, unexpectedly Li Guoxiong's power was so terrifying.

"Xiao Yu? But Yang Shucheng's nephew Xiao Yu?"

Liu Xing asked tentatively.

"Besides him, who else would be so hateful? If I had known that he was so powerful, I wouldn't have led him into the Death Canyon. I thought he could increase the purity of blood essence and blood by entering the Death Canyon. The Shaxie Emperor's strength has recovered even more perfectly, who would have thought that he would become our biggest obstacle, I hate it, I hate it!"

Li Guoxiong punched the ground of the martial arts arena, and a huge pothole suddenly appeared.

Liu Xing's eyes froze, the ground of the Martial Arts Field was extremely hard, and it would be difficult for even the broken Yuan Realm to make a mark on it, but his punch brought such a great destructive power, the power was so strong that it was unimaginable. the point.

"How could Xiao Yu become an obstacle to your plan? His strength is no more than the Shattering Origin Realm, how can he pose a threat to the Blood Fiend Evil Emperor?"

Liu Xing was puzzled.

"The blood fiend evil emperor's remnants have passed on the whole incident to us. Xiao Yu is simply an unimaginable evildoer. With the strength at the peak of the broken yuan realm, he actually beat the blood fiend evil emperor who had recovered to the third level of the broken yuan realm to flesh. Mud, it was even more unbelievable when we knew about it than you are now."

When Li Guoxiong said this, a trace of fear suddenly appeared on his face, it was the fear from the heart of Xiao Yu that the blood evil emperor bestowed on Xiao Yu.

"The Xiao Yu he is talking about is Senior Brother Xiao Yu?"

Several female disciples chattered together and asked Liu Feng beside him.

Liu Feng recovered from the shock and nodded, "I think it's probably true."

"Ah! Senior brother Xiao Yu is actually so strong? Can even a master at the third level of the Yuan Breaking Realm be beaten to a pulp?"

The eyes of several female disciples suddenly burst into stunning splendor, and Xiao Yu became a myth in their hearts.

"Hmph, if Senior Brother Xiao Yu comes, he will definitely beat them to the ground!"

One of the most handsome female disciples raised her small fist and said in a low voice.She is the most outstanding disciple this year, named Wu Tingting.


Although Wu Tingting's voice was low, how could she escape Li Guoxiong's eyes and ears? His ferocious eyes swept over, and Wu Tingting's face turned pale with fright.

A cruel smile flashed across the corner of Li Guoxiong's mouth, and he walked towards Wu Tingting.

(End of this chapter)

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