Chapter 115 Fierce Battle


Wu Tingting was so scared that she fell backwards, but behind her was the wall of Duanyun Sect's sub-zongtang, which was more than ten feet high, and there was nowhere to go. The rest of the disciples saw Li Guoxiong approaching, and they ran away. Liu Feng No exception, no one here died, and no one dared to face this terrible demon.They all knew that Wu Tingting was his target.


With a wave of Li Guoxiong's claw, a giant claw of blood red vitality grabbed Wu Tingting, trying to pull Wu Tingting to his side.Affected by the blood evil emperor's remnants, he naturally hated Xiao Yu to the bone. Now that the little girl said that Xiao Yu would beat them all over the floor, how could he let her go?

Wu Tingting closed her eyes tightly, the nightmare was in front of her eyes, she knew that death was approaching.


The sharp sound of breaking through the sky, everyone was shocked to see a white figure leaping down from the wall where Wu Tingting was, and they could only see a faint afterimage.


The blood-red giant claw shattered directly under the fist of the man in white, and the air waves scattered in all directions. All the disciples couldn't help but turned aside. A tall and straight figure could be seen standing in front of her.

She felt that the shadow of death had already left her behind, and suddenly her body went limp and she was about to fall to the ground, but a gentle hand helped her.She turned her head and saw a beautiful woman in blue and white clothes standing beside her.

All the disciples looked back, and Li Guoxiong, who was originally invincible, changed his expression drastically. He retreated as if he had encountered a lifelong enemy, until he stood still beside another man in black, Su Xun.The two were full of momentum, looking at the man in white standing in front of a group of disciples not far away, to be precise, it was a young man in white.

When Liu Xing saw the young man in white, his body shook, and his heart felt turbulent. The rest of the disciples were even more stunned. They knew that it was the young man in white who had repelled Li Guoxiong just now.

"Xiao Yu!"

Li Guoxiong and Su Xun stared at Xiao Yu ferociously, and there were vicious shouts from their mouths.

"Aren't you looking for me? Am I here?"

Xiao Yu sneered, took a step forward, and happened to stand between the two of them and the other disciples, preventing these two fierce demons from attacking the disciples behind them.

"Ah, he is Senior Brother Xiao Yu?"

At this time, all the disciples came back to their senses, and some disciples who had seen Xiao Yu during the Spring Walk had already recognized him.

"He's so strong, that black-robed man is so terrifying that he actually repulsed him?"

"Senior Brother Liu Feng, is that Senior Brother Xiao Yu?"

Some curious female disciples surrounded Liu Feng, pointed at Xiao Yu and asked.At this moment, the fear in everyone's heart has been washed away a lot.

"Grandpa, are you okay!"

The beautiful woman who was supporting Wu Tingting walked up to Liu Xing with Wu Tingting, and called to Liu Xing, her voice was full of concern.She is Liu Xing's granddaughter Liu Piaoxu.

"Piaoxu?" Liu Xing was overjoyed, "Why did you come?"

Liu Piaoxu asked Wu Tingting to sit down, then pointed to Xiao Yu and said, "I overheard the elders in the branch sect saying that something happened in Fanyun Town. I was worried about you, so I hurried back to have a look. I met Xiao Yu on the way Yu, we came here together."

Liu Xing glanced at Xiao Yu who was confronting Li Guoxiong and Su Xun, his face flashed solemn: "I don't know how Xiao Yu will handle this matter, those two are too strong."

Liu Piaoxu smiled slightly, she didn't mean to panic at all, she said very calmly: "Grandpa, don't worry, with Xiao Yu here, those two can't make trouble."

Liu Xing's eyes became weird, and the tone of Liu Piaoxu's words clearly showed a kind of blind trust in Xiao Yu.

"When did the two of them get along so well? When did Piaoxu know Xiao Yu so well?"

Liu Xing shook his head and looked towards the field.

Wu Tingting came back to her senses, only then did she realize that there was a man in white standing opposite the man in black who was going to kill her just now, with a calm posture, a tall and straight body, and no fear.

"Master Zong, who is that?"

Wu Tingting asked.

"It's your brother Xiao Yu!"

Liu Xing smiled.


Wu Tingting lightly covered her red lips, her gaze was completely fixed on the figure in white.

"Li Guoxiong!" Xiao Yu glanced at Li Guoxiong with icy eyes, "I called you Uncle Li back then, and it was for nothing. You tricked me into letting me enter the Death Canyon to pay for my life together. Unfortunately, you failed to do so. I have important things to do, I thought I would go to the sect to deal with you after a while, but I didn't expect you to run away so early."

Xiao Yu's tone filled the hearts of all the disciples with admiration. They had just witnessed the strength of this black-robed man. It can be said that they had only seen it in their lives. Even the masters of their main sect at the Yuan-shattering realm died tragically in their hands, but Xiao Yu still What is the concept of saying that he will automatically come to the door to solve him?
"Xiao Yu, I really regret that I tricked you into the Death Valley. If not, how could our plan have failed?"

Li Guoxiong's eyes seemed to burst into flames, he really hated Xiao Yu to the bone.

"Hmph, want to help the blood fiend evil emperor break the seal? It's a pity that I have already slaughtered him. Since your master has already gone, I will send you two down to meet him today!"

As soon as Xiao Yu finished speaking, a circle of air suddenly burst up on his body, swept away, and the momentum went straight to the sky, shaking all the tiles on the Sect Hall into pieces, which was more brilliant than Li Guoxiong's previous move.

"So strong!"

Wu Tingting opened her eyes wide, feeling Xiao Yu's aura, the shock in her heart was undeniable.All the disciples stared blankly at Xiao Yu, looking up. Xiao Yu was not much older than them, but his strength was extremely terrifying.

Liu Piaoxu looked at Xiao Yu with an intoxicating brilliance in his eyes.

"Sure enough, he has become stronger again!"

Liu Piaoxu smiled sweetly, and the male disciples around her were almost drooling.

Li Guoxiong and Su Xun's expressions changed drastically, and they took a step back involuntarily. They felt that it was unbelievable. They could clearly feel Xiao Yu's realm. The first level of the Poyuan realm, but why Xiao Yu's erupting power was stronger than that of Poyuan? What's more, the masters of the fifth level of the realm?

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Li Guoxiong and Su Xun looked at each other, and they shot at the same time, turning into two ghostly black shadows, like two black winds, rushing towards Xiao Yu like lightning.

"Come to die?"

Xiao Yu snorted coldly, his figure turned into a white afterimage, and jumped into the air.The people below saw three shadows in the sky, one white, two black, criss-crossing, winding and rotating, just like a performance, but the terrifying energy fluctuations from the sky from time to time made them clear that there was something going on in the sky with their naked eyes. Rare battle.

(End of this chapter)

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