Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 116 The disintegration of the demon

Chapter 116 The disintegration of the demon
"Boom! Boom!"

There were two muffled sounds, and the disciples saw two black shadows shooting towards the ground of the martial arts field ahead, while the white figure slowly fell from the air.


The two black shadows touched the ground, and immediately shook the hard ground into a huge pothole. The two men in black robes stood in it, completely shocked, with a trace of blood hanging from the corners of their mouths.

Xiao Yu, who was dressed in white, fell lightly to the ground, feeling extremely freehand, the confrontation just now was a judgment call.

"After sucking the blood of so many people, you two are still trash!"

Xiao Yu sneered.

"Shut up!"

Li Guoxiong and Su Xun shouted loudly, the expressions on their faces were extremely ferocious and distorted to the point of trembling.They made this appearance just in pursuit of power, but Xiao Yu belittled the power they pursued to nothing at this moment.

"For the sake of power, he is willing to be someone else's lackey. Such a person will never be strong, even if he is temporarily strong, he will collapse one day!"

Xiao Yu stretched out one hand, flames rose from his palm, and a fiery breath came from his palm.

"After killing so many people, you feel that your strength is enough, so you provoked me and left a word to lead me here. As long as you kill me, the blood evil emperor's remnants will no longer be concerned, and it will be completely owned by the two of you. Good calculation!" Xiao Yu stretched out his other hand, and brilliant flames also burst out, he continued, "Unfortunately, the two of you miscalculated again, you are still too far away to kill me!"

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, his two palms came together, and an extremely powerful flame suddenly rose.Li Guoxiong and Su Xun trembled, they felt an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

"Take me and try!"

Xiao Yu let out a low cry, turned his hands over, and the flames in his hands disappeared in an instant. In the next instant, a circle of fire suddenly appeared under the feet of Li Guoxiong and Su Xun, and gorgeous and domineering pillars of flame surged out of it, immediately engulfing the two of them. devour.


Li Guoxiong and Su Xun screamed out in pain, and all the disciples were horrified to see Li Guoxiong and Su Xun rolling and roaring in the flames, suffering unspeakably.

"Senior Brother Xiao Yu is so scary, he actually got rid of both of them at the same time?"

"Who the hell is Senior Brother Xiao Yu? Even the masters of the Yuan Shattering Realm from the head sect can't deal with these two black-robed men, yet he managed to deal with them so easily?"

"You're so handsome, Senior Brother Xiao Yu, come and molest me!"

"I've made up my mind. From now on, I will aim at Senior Brother Xiao Yu, and I want to be like him."

All the disciples gathered together and whispered, and the protagonist of the discussion was naturally Xiao Yu.Liu Piaoxu heard the chirping of these boys and girls, a smile flashed across her face.

"Ah, the demon disintegrated!"

At this moment, Li Guoxiong and Su Xun in the pillar of fire suddenly roared, their voices full of pain.

"not good!"

Xiao Yu frowned, his body moved, and he rushed into the pillar of fire with a wrong footstep.


The pillar of fire exploded, and the gorgeous flames scattered in all directions, as beautiful as dazzling eyes.Xiao Yu stood in it, but his face was extremely gloomy.

Li Guoxiong and Su Xun disappeared.

"Have those two black-robed devils been burned to ashes by Senior Brother Xiao Yu?"

Naturally, these disciples didn't know what happened, they thought that Li Guoxiong and Su Xun were burned to ashes.

"Xiao Yu!" Liu Piaoxu walked up to Xiao Yu and said softly, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine!"

Xiao Yu shook his head, and saw something familiar in Liu Piaoxu's eyes, and Ao Zixuan often looked at him in the same way.

"How could she..."

Xiao Yu was taken aback.

"Are those two dead?"

Liu Piaoxu asked.But he found that Xiao Yu didn't respond and was staring at her.

Liu Piaoxu blushed slightly, and called softly: "Xiao Yu! Xiao Yu!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Yu finally came back to his senses, "They ran away!"

"Ah?" Liu Piaoxu was stunned for a moment, "What? They ran away? Didn't they get hit by your fire pillar just now?"

Xiao Yu said in a deep voice: "They could have been killed in one fell swoop, but they used some kind of secret technique and disappeared instantly."

"To be able to escape from your tricks, the secret method they used must not be ordinary."

Liu Piaoxu frowned slightly, and said.

"Nine times out of ten, it's a method passed on to them by the Blood Fiend Evil Emperor!"

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he stopped talking, and looked to the west of Fanyun Town, which was already outside the Huoyun Empire, and Li Guoxiong and Su Xun must have escaped.

"These two escaped. If they come back in the future, they will definitely pose a huge threat to our Huoyun Empire."

Liu Piaoxu looked worried.

"Don't worry, they won't be able to achieve anything!"

The coldness in Xiao Yu's eyes was fleeting. The person he wanted to kill would surely die in his hands one day.

Liu Piaoxu nodded, took a step forward suddenly, and took Xiao Yu's hand. This move did not have any warning, even Xiao Yu was stunned for a moment, he didn't know what Liu Piaoxu was going to do.

"Let's go, go say hello to our juniors and juniors, they adore you very much now!"

Liu Piaoxu smiled sweetly, making Xiao Yu a little unworthy of what to do, he couldn't bear to be cold towards Liu Piaoxu, even he himself didn't know why.

Liu Piaoxu's heart was also jumping, she went to hold Xiao Yu's hand, it was completely out of instinct, she just did it when she thought about it, until she pulled Xiao Yu, she didn't realize that it was extremely wrong, but She has already pulled it on, so she is naturally unwilling to let go, but she is very worried that Xiao Yu will suddenly throw her away, which will really make her lose face in front of her juniors and sisters.

Fortunately, Xiao Yu didn't do that, he glanced at Liu Piaoxu lightly, his eyes were not cold as usual, instead he nodded, and let Liu Piaoxu lead him away.

Liu Piaoxu was overjoyed, she felt her heart was floating, she and Xiao Yu walked to Liu Xing, Liu Xing gave them a strange look, as if she understood something.

With a deep smile on his old face, he introduced to the group of disciples: "This is your senior sister Liu Piaoxu, and this is the senior brother Xiao Yu that you have been talking about just now."


All the disciples have gone crazy.

"Senior brother Xiao Yu is domineering!"

"Senior brother Xiao Yu is mighty!"

"Senior brother Xiao Yu, you are so handsome!"

"Brother Xiao Yu, are you Liu Piaoxu's lover?"


Seeing the excited expressions of these boys and girls, Xiao Yu was not uneasy, he waved his hand, and everyone became quiet.

Xiao Yu's eyes were slightly cold, he glanced at everyone, and asked, "Tell me, why are you trapped here, why are you afraid of those two old guys?"

"Because we can't beat them!"

Several disciples replied without thinking.Several people felt inappropriate after answering, seeing Xiao Yu's expression was obviously a serious person, and Xiao Yu might be extremely dissatisfied with their frivolous answers.

Several people immediately shut their mouths and looked at Xiao Yu in fear.Xiao Yu's gaze also swept towards them at this moment, and the faint cold light shot directly into their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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