Chapter 143
The middle-aged man looked at the girl with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

"Yu'er, you are becoming more and more like your mother!"

The young girl's delicate body shook again, and she started to sob softly, only to hear her choked up and said: "Thank you for remembering her, why didn't you visit her when she died?"

A look of sadness flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man, and he said helplessly, "You can't do anything about being a father. It's not like you don't understand the family affairs."

Hearing the word "father", the girl's eyes froze and she was stunned.

It took a long time before she came back to her senses, and murmured: "You...are you willing to admit that you are my father?"

"You are my daughter, how can I deny you?"

The middle-aged man said with a loving expression on his face, but there was an extremely hard-to-detect helplessness deep in his eyes.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for this day?"

The girl cried out, trembling and about to fall backwards, the middle-aged man held her shoulders and patted her comfortingly.

"For the sake of my father, I made you suffer!"


The girl couldn't bear it any longer, she fell on the middle-aged man's shoulder and wept loudly, tears gushed out, soaking all the clothes on the middle-aged man's shoulders.

The middle-aged man caressed the girl's back, and his eyes were slightly red. At this moment, he once again felt the preciousness of family affection. Not long ago, he just learned the news that his own father and son had died in the Death Valley. He swore that he would never let anyone hurt him again. This own daughter.

After crying for a long time, the girl's voice became softer. She walked away from the middle-aged man's shoulder and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her sleeve.

"Yu'er, from now on you are a member of my Li family, the daughter of my Li Guodong, everyone will be polite to you, so don't worry!"

The middle-aged man Li Guodong lovingly touched the girl's head and said softly.

The girl nodded abruptly, a smile finally appeared on her face.

"Father!" The girl suddenly straightened her expression and said, "I'm here this time to bring you news!"

Li Guodong showed curiosity: "Oh? What kind of news can make my daughter travel all the way from Tianwu City to the imperial capital to convey it in person?"

The girl smiled cruelly, and a look of pride flashed in her eyes: "Father, this news must be very important to you."

Li Guodong laughed dumbly and said: "Yu'er, don't fool Daddy, hurry up and talk about it!"

The girl nodded and said coldly: "Xiao Yu is not dead, he is still alive and appeared in Tianwu City a day ago."


Li Guodong's face suddenly changed, he grabbed the girl's wrist, and his expression became ferocious.

He is the Patriarch of the Li family. Not long ago it was reported that the beloved Li Qingfeng died in the Death Valley, and he was deeply saddened. When he found out that Li Qingfeng was a young man named Xiao Yu, he vowed to take Xiao Yu. Yu's head came to pay homage to his beloved son, even if Xiao Yu could kill the blood fiend evil emperor with the strength of the third level of the breaking yuan state, he would not take it seriously. The blood evil emperor ended with hatred, and the Li family has many masters, including more than a dozen masters at the breaking yuan state. It is no problem to deal with Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu was later in the stable space of the war emperor's domain. This matter is put on hold.

Later, Ao Zixuan, who stayed with Xiao Yu in the domain of the Emperor of War, returned to the imperial city safely. He once personally visited the door to inquire about Xiao Yu's whereabouts, but Ao Zixuan kept silent. Although he was angry, there was nothing he could do. Although she is strong, she does not dare to break ground on Aojia's head.

Hearing the news of Xiao Yu now, he was naturally extremely excited, wishing he could tear Xiao Yu's body to pieces immediately to vent his hatred.

"Father, you hurt me!"

The girl frowned tightly, trying to break free from Li Guodong's palm but found that there was nothing she could do. How could she resist Li Guodong's strength?
"Huh!" Li Guodong took a deep breath, let go of his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Is this really true?"

The girl rubbed her aching wrist, and said seriously: "Absolutely, I saw it with my own eyes, and then I rushed to report the news without stopping. Xiao Long, the lord of Tianwu City, can also testify about this matter. Look at his appearance He seems to be very familiar with Xiao Yu."

"Xiao Long?"

Li Guodong's heart moved, he was also a member of the five major families, so he naturally knew Xiao Long's name.

"Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, this Xiao Yu is also surnamed Xiao, and he is so familiar with Xiao Long. Could it be that he is also a member of the Xiao family?"

Li Guodong murmured, feeling a little heavy in his heart.He still has a little understanding of Xiao Long. Although this Xiao Long is not the strongest, he has a very high vision and rarely communicates with others, let alone which juniors he is closer to. But according to the girl, Xiao Long seems to be the same as Xiao Yu was very familiar with it, which made him suspicious.

"If this Xiao Yu is really a member of the Xiao family, this matter will be difficult to deal with!"

The more Li Guodong thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt.If Xiao Yu was a member of the Xiao family, then the Xiao family would never allow the Li family to do anything to such a top genius, then his revenge for the loss of his son would be difficult to avenge.

"No, Xiao Yu was never heard of among the younger generation of the Xiao family. Xiao Yun was the most outstanding at that time. This Xiao Yu is definitely not from the Xiao family."

After Li Guodong thought about it, he realized that it made sense, and his emotions eased up a little.But he didn't know that Xiao Yu was indeed a member of the Xiao family. At the beginning, Xiao Yu was still a dandy, and when he was seeking flowers and asking Liu in the imperial capital, committing treachery and crimes, how could these big figures in each family pay attention to it? They only cared about it. It's for the benefit of the family, it's for the cultivation of the younger generation. Naturally, they don't pay attention to such an ignorant and non-threatening dude like Xiao Yu, and they can't even remember his name.

"It's not too late to do it after the investigation is clear!"

Li Guodong made up his mind in his heart, and said to the girl: "Yu'er, you have done a good job in this matter, and I will arrange this matter. From today onwards, you should not go back to the Duanyun Sect. Li family, I will pass on the best exercises and martial arts of the Li family to you, and our Li family will rely on you in the future."


The girl exclaimed, a little unbelievable, she didn't expect happiness to come so quickly, and all the things she had been dreaming of all along came to her at this moment.

"Yes, Yu'er must redouble her efforts to live up to her father's kindness."

The girl knelt down on one knee in front of Li Guodong with a very respectful expression.

Li Guoxiong helped the girl up and stroked her hair with satisfaction.

The corner of the girl's mouth showed a very proud smile, and she said to herself: "I, Li Yingyu, will have a day of prosperity, Xiao Yu, I want to thank you for killing Li Qingfeng, so I can have another chance, but don't blame me, I want to stabilize my position, You must be used as a tool."

This girl is actually Li Yingyu from the Tianwu City branch sect of Duanyun Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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